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 @9LX8MD9from Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

No, but discriminatory behaviour should be grounds for repercussions. Publically funded schools should have published gu…

 @9LX8MD9from Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

No, it creates a scenario where a business could be punished for unsuccessfully securing board members or challenge exis…

 @9LX8MD9from Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

Yes, but sex based divisions are an over simplification of what differentiates athletic potentials and this system for d…

 @9LX8MD9from Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

Yes, with the inclusion that French should also be accepted to reflect our status as a bilingual country.

 @9LX9Z8Jfrom Ontario  disagreed…9hrs9H

Similar to alcohol contraband legalization, the country may as well get a cut of the profit for something anyone can obt…

 @9LX93FPfrom Ontario  answered…10hrs10H

Everyone should be entitled to a basic income based on their location. Govt should make up shortfall if someone cannot m…

 @9LX8VJYfrom Ontario  disagreed…10hrs10H

Privatization of healthcare only solves our current problems for the wealthy, and effectively pushes us towards a strati…

 @9LX8Q6Dfrom Alberta  disagreed…10hrs10H

Self carry for anyone without any criminal record should be allowed safety to all our citizens and children

 @9LX8PJJfrom Ontario  disagreed…11hrs11H

Making individuals pay and potentially go bankrupt for healthcare is morally indefensible and a harm to workers and prod…

 @9LX8JZWfrom Ontario  disagreed…11hrs11H

Do you not have to consider abortion to be the murder of an innocent, to be Pro-Life? Does the fetus resulting from rape…

 @9LX8JZWfrom Ontario  agreed…11hrs11H

"In Canada, there are more than 30,000 children waiting to be adopted Only ~2,000 children are adopted each year (https…

 @9LX8JZWfrom Ontario  disagreed…11hrs11H

LGBT Rights ARE Human Rights. Do orphaned children not deserve loving parents, regardless of gender?

 @9LX8JZWfrom Ontario  disagreed…11hrs11H

Pregnancy and Birth (more-often than maybe you'd like to admit) can kill the mother; how is strict condemnation of her c…

 @9LX7GZWfrom Quebec  answered…11hrs11H

No, but corporations should be required to pay their employees livable wages, respective to the cost of living in the em…