Medical marijuana has been legal in Canada since 2001 to people who suffer from AIDS, epilepsy, cancer and other terminal illnesses. In 2014 doctors were given the ability to prescribe marijuana to any patient who they deemed required it. In 2016 the Liberal party announced they would be proposing legislation in 2017 to legalize the use of recreational marijuana for adults over the age of 18.
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I’m fine with marijuana being legal. It’s less destructive than alcohol, but I’m not ok with decriminalizing harder drugs. They’re personally and socially destructive and the gov focus should be rehab, not enabling with safe injection sights and safe supply. Safe supply is destroying our society and not solving anything. The crisis has only gotten worse.
Yes, but for medical and recreational use only. Additionally, it should not be allowed in communal areas and residential areas such as an apartment building.
ONLY for medical use when a prescription is given by a physician. And only to be filled at a pharmacy
I believe we should treat Marijuana as a medicine as supposed to a recreational drug, and start selling it as pills for medical use.
I feel it isn't a bad thing but any over uses or illegal or excessive dealing should be punished accordingly.
I would legalize it only for medical purposes since doctors sometimes give these out to people who have
Yes, I hate the stuff as recreational but I think that edibles and oils are extremely beneficial from a medicinal perspective. Make growers scrub their exhaust air. I hate the smell.
No, decriminalize it instead. Legalization is the government putting its hand into something that’s none of its business.
Yes, with independently runned vs government owned. It’s membertou that wins in the end due to this.
I don’t think marijuana should be illegal but I don’t support the legalization either I think it should be decriminalized, so the government has nothing to do with it
yes and no, becuase although it increases the happienes of someone who is depressed it can also cause increased depression from exsessive use.
Marijuana should only be available to those above the age of 21 and sellers of this product would need to see an id of some sort.
yes but i think more and more underage children are using it and getting addicted so i think it should be harderto get
Yes, for medical use and also so that people will have a safe drug to use without any other diseases or corruptions inside them.
If it has a good result keep it but if it doesn't change anything like debilitation gangs ban it, please.
Yes, but reduce taxes and change certain laws around it, to maintain safety while also out-competing the black market.
Yes for the use of medical purposes but I do not support the government’s use of genetic modification to the marijuana
Yes, as long as it’s reasonable or they have a reason like it helps them sleep, their mental well-being, or physical well-being.
i dont really know, depends on the situation
It's none of my business what plant others smoke. If they wanna grow it and sell it they can. It's not harming anyone.
Yes, and legalize it , tax and regulate while also releasing anyone with personal possession charges.
Yes, but discourage its use
I support decriminalization of Marijuana, it is not the same as legalization. Holding, using, and selling Marijuana should have never been a crime at the first place.
I support decriminalization of marijuana, this is not the same as legalization.
Yes, but better regulations need to be put in place as not all strains and cannabis products are equal in social impact or side effects.
If people want to use marijuana, they should only be allowed to do so in their home, not in public or anywhere outside. There also needs to be tougher enforcement on driving while under the influence
I don't really care that much about it, I feel it doesn't concern me whether it's legal or not or if people do it.
I dont really care if it is legal or not as its good for medical use and also helps people cope and calm down.
Yes but the government should have a mandatory rehab for people who are starting to get addicted to it.
Yes but for at home use only. Not when responsible for children. No to sale of edibles. Taxes raised should be used to fund drug rehab programs. Sales on reservations should be regulated and taxed too. 'Medical'use should have to be proven and registered.
Dum question. Legalization should have been less geared toward corporate involvement. The government CYA reflex turned this process into a nightmare
Yes to an extent, I support the legalization of marijuana especially for medical purposes. However, I still believe there should be stricter regulations to address its potential risks, like it being a gateway drug. I think it's important to balance accessibility with responsible use to make sure it benefits those who need it. I'm not saying you can't use it for other reasons that aren't medical, but I think if you are it's important to be cautious because marijuana is still a drug and you can still become addicted to it which can lead to potential medical complications.
Yes, but only for medical purposes. Otherwise increase the penalties for non-violent drug offenders.
Medical use only if proven it works for patient. Did not work for me at all. Regulate instead of criminalized.
I don't really care but I think the people that want to smoke will go and find it even if its not legal. If they are buying it illegally they can be put in dangerous situations from drug dealers, their marijuana being laced, or getting robbed.
Least harmful drug, pushes people to do that instead of "illegal" drugs. Legalized marijuana has proven to help in multiple ways.
I understand it , it has its advantages and disadvantages and we will see how it goes along the line and make the necessary changes.
I neither support nor disagree with the legalization of marijuana, people are entitled to do whatever they want.
NO. It should be banned. People in non-violent situations should receive reform and ways to get out of it. Violent and repeat offenders should be punished severely.
@9BN23J3New Democratic2yrs2Y
Decriminalize the use of cannabis.
I'm indifferent to the legalization
I do not have an opinion on it.
Yes but increase the age
yes, but b e more cautious on the age range using it.
no becayse i hate the smell
It really dosent effect me
all drugs are allowed :)
No, but it's acceptable for medical use.
Depends, ask them what they want to do with it and confirm they aren't lying
Yes I support ending the war on drugs as well
Yes, and legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana and immediately release anyone serving time solely for offenses related to marijuana
No specific stance on the subject
Only with the same restrictions as alcohol
yes, less criminal activity to buy it
Legalize but more public safety
I don't agree with people doing it for fun or just to be "cool." However, I do agree with people using it for medical reasons only. It has been proven that Marijuana can relief pain and stress therefore it should be fine to do to an extent.
it should be legalised so that people do not get it illegally
Marijuana should be legal but I suggest making the legal age 25 due to the brains development.
Legalize it, but the government shouldn't get taxes from it.
Yes, but it there should be clear, enforced laws on where and when it is used, and it should be not be legal until 21 years of age.
Yes. However, all drugs should be adequately prescribed and regulated by a qualified and responsible healthcare provider.
if they made it a good age like 25 then yes its fine. but giving it to 18 year olds is not fine and can still damage the brain
Yes, but the minimum age should be raised to 23 since it affects young brains
No because its not being used medically. Its just adding to the drug problem.
Allow medical use, increase punishment for non-medicinal use.
Yes, but would have preferred decriminalization over legalization
Yes and allow anyone to grow and sell as much as they want.
Yes, but people need to have more education on the harmful effects.
Yes, but only pharmaceutical CBD
Not in public areas like parks, neighbourhoods and in town. But in your own home is fine
Yes but allow private citizens to grow and dispense without government regulations. Abolish government run grow old and dispensaries.
Only for medical use and not allow smoking of it in public or multi family residences
No but if someone gets caught with it they shouldn’t go to jail. I guess decriminalization of it is better than legalization.
Only if used for medical reasoning
no because some people might fake needing it so they can get high
@8VH9R5VNew Democratic3yrs3Y
I don't really care, if people smoke it or not.
I think its a good thing because it may prevent less people form buy from drug dealers and you wont get laced or die... possibly but im not 100%
It depends on how you use it
@8VGXY5JNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Yes and by the way the proper term is cannabis
I support decriminalization, not legalization. The government should not be profiting off of something they jailed many people over.
Yes, and allow more freedom for entrepreneurs to capitalize on the cannabis industry
It smells ransed no marujuana
Legalization of Marijuana is fine only in certified stores, and as long as they follow all the rules (must ask for an ID, must have a certain amount of a MAX amount can be sold)
Not legalize or regulate, but just decriminalize
Yes, and expunge the record of everyone ever convicted of simple possession as there was never any evidence to support the prohibition of cannabis in the first place
poopoo stinky dinky i am 12 years old
Yes, but only when used for medical reasons.
Use it for medical purposes
No, because it causes addiction for younger individuals who now have easier access
If people want to smoke, let them you can't stop them, just smoke away from kids and should only be able to smoke if you have reached adult hood
Yes for medical use, regulate, and for those serving time but not for severe crimes they be on a case by case basis released and as needed on probation for use of marijuana (eg grow ops illegal and punishable), but medical or recreational use and no distribution or misuse be re-tried or released)
It doesn't affect me as I do not do drugs.
Yes, but only for medical use and criminalize tobacco
@8VCSST2New Democratic4yrs4Y
its not hurting anyone under the age of 21 we should higher the legal age of smoking it since it stops are brain development and its good for medical use
Additional legislation must be put in place to prevent grow operations take place in communities under the guise of medical marijuana.
Yes, but could we do something about where it’s allowed to be consumed? It stinks!
All or no drugs should be legal
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