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These active users have achieved an understanding of common concepts and the history regarding the topic of Healthcare Privatization

241 Replies

 @4Y8XQ85from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @9T5RTV7from Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

I believe that there should more privatized healthcare in order to avoid overcrowding and hopefully allow for faster medical attention, however I also believe that there should be more government funding towards public healthcare in order to ensure that everyone is able to access some form of healthcare if needed, as is a human right.

 @3QWVVTBfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

More, and doctors should not be penalized or stripped of their licences for looking at alternative therapies for patients

 @9HXZTXMfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

There can be both private and public however the public healthcare system needs to change therefore need for more funding

 @8CR5JVDfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4LYKNWXfrom Saskatchewan  answered…4yrs4Y

If there is privatization on healthcare services. The expenses should be a 100% tax write off.


More, but increase government funding so people who can't afford private health can go through the public system

 @B3JVWRCfrom Ontario  answered…6 days6D

There should be no privatization of the healthcare industry, everyone should be able to get the best healthcare possible no matter what. Heathcare should have much more funding that it does now.

 @B3H825Kfrom Ontario  answered…1wk1W

I think healthcare should be free and available to the public. That being said I still wouldn't want hospitals being overcrowded and having super long wait times to be treated.

 @B3GB2Y8from Ontario  answered…1wk1W

There should be better interoperability and collaboration between private and public health services

 @B3G9GWQfrom Ontario  answered…1wk1W

A mix of private for those who want/can have it and keep free Healthcare for those who can't afford private

 @B3G3R7Sfrom Ontario  answered…1wk1W

Natural medicine professionals are considered private and a huge part of health and wellness. Government should recognize the need for these professionals in our current healthcare system.

 @B3FXRJTfrom Ontario  answered…1wk1W

I think there should be an option, that if you can afford it you can choose to use private healthcare providers... but this should not effect the funding going into public healthcare, and rates of pay should be similar for all employees wither they work private or public.

 @B3FQZNNfrom Ontario  answered…1wk1W

People should be able to get services faster if they are willing to pay for it. But not at the expense of free health care services.

 @B3BXTM8from Ontario  answered…2wks2W

Less I think everyone should be allowed free healthcare and more funding should be put into the industry to allow less wait times for urgent injuries and quicker easier healthcare for everyone.

 @B3BPVDWfrom Ontario  answered…2wks2W

We should have access to both and be able to have the choice if we want to/ are able to spend money for private healthcare

 @B3BP22Rfrom Saskatchewan  answered…2wks2W

Public health care is critical but privatization should be included as long as part of the payment goes to the public system

 @B3BHMYQfrom Ontario  answered…2wks2W

Combination of private and non-private hospitals and health care. Doctors, nurses and other health care professionals have to do a certain number of hours/days in government funded hospitals/healthcare facilities

 @B2TTY5Sfrom Ontario  answered…1mo1MO

More, government should fund the bare minimum. People should be able to purchase better services and care.

 @B2TS86Rfrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

we should have a combination have some private for those who want it and some for those who want public but obviously offer public cause people might find it hard to afford

 @B2TRDTSfrom Ontario  answered…1mo1MO

More, If systemic issues and barriers were addressed, I believe that there would be a more natural balance between privatized and public health care that would allow for everyone to receive better care.

 @B2TRDTSfrom Ontario  answered…1mo1MO

If systemic issues and barriers were addressed, I believe that there would be a more natural balance between privatized and public health care that would allow for everyone to receive better care.

 @B2TQD2KConservativefrom Ontario  answered…1mo1MO

I would say move towards more because of the losers that abuse the system and are constantly at the hosptial for drugs issues or even use them for a ride.

 @B2SX7XJfrom Quebec  answered…1mo1MO

There should be no privatization of health care in Canada. Funding for health care should be expanded and evidence based training for doctors should be expanded. This should include Eye exams, mental health access and Dental health.

 @B2SRHC3from Quebec  answered…1mo1MO

New Zealand has a fantastic way of triaging services so that ERs are not open to public walk in, patients are triaged by phone to appropriate services to reduce wait times and ambulances or other driver services bring patients to the appropriate Public Health Service and not always to the hospital! This reduces public spending in healthcare and reduces wait times. Also nurse practitioners should be able to have their own practices free from physicians.

 @B2LYYGRfrom Nova Scotia  answered…1mo1MO

More, and let each province decide by how much it is willing to subsidize it, as healthcare is under provincial jurisdiction, not federal.

 @B2LW7QGfrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

More should be available for choice of private for those who can afford it, while not wasting our already high taxes elsewhere & to other countries & instead put our taxes back to us towards improving our current public healthcare system.

 @B2KRJ74from Saskatchewan  answered…1mo1MO

Hybrid system, to offer options to those who can afford it, while freeing up space in hospitals that are not privatized who cannot afford privatized


Increase socialized medicine and and make a duel healthcare system where people can also have access to a separate private healthcare

 @B2KLS5Mfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…1mo1MO

Having more or less can be both options which could offer flexibility. Public services could ensure everyone has access to basic healthcare, while private options can offer efficiency and innovation.

 @B2K8W4Dfrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

More, but ensure compliance with consumer protections standards (put a cap), and incentivize upstream prevention program development

 @B2JM8JBfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

Give people the opportunity for both if they can afford it without decreasing funding for public health for those who need it

 @B2JKHRWfrom Pennsylvania  answered…2mos2MO

Ensuring the choice of healthcare is driven by patients. Privatization possible only under oversight of government and with involvement of patient advocacies

 @B2JHGGFfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

Add more government funding for those less fortunate and give those with money the opportunity to be seen faster if they want

 @B286YWZfrom Alberta  answered…2mos2MO

The same but canada need to take a stronger look at health care spending and make efficeincy changes

 @9ZZC333Liberalfrom Ontario  answered…3mos3MO

The way it is right now is good, but we need more people working in health care, and if people wanna go to private health care they can

 @9ZL3SHKfrom Quebec  answered…4mos4MO

people with privatized insurance should be covered completely by their insurer, as opposed to the half assery happening to my partner and i right now because its expected that we can get a doctor via public healthcare but we can not because the system is SO overloaded right now that finding adequate healthcare is difficult.

 @9ZBMLRLfrom Alberta  answered…4mos4MO

Keep the current public healthcare system and add a separate private healthcare system like several European countries have

 @9YXKBJFfrom Ontario  answered…4mos4MO

We want free health care. But i’m tired of doctors pushing me out the door to get the next patient. Also tired of every doctor thinking everyone wants drugs. We want to not be broken and need to be told how to fix our selves

 @9YMQZBKfrom Saskatchewan  answered…4mos4MO

Whatever means better care for the patients and better conditions for nurses and doctors and pharmacists, etc.

 @9YGLGV2Greenfrom Quebec  answered…4mos4MO

Less, there shouldn’t be privatization of healthcare. However, public health care workers should be paid more and given better working conditions.

 @9YDSY4Hfrom Ontario  answered…4mos4MO

Provide more government funding and introduce incentive's to Canadians to encourage more to become health care professionals. More specifically, we need more doctors.

 @9XCL7LDfrom Ontario  answered…4mos4MO

Even though a free healthcare system is great, it is far to overcrowded now and doesn't work. It's like the government is just wasting all of the money somehow. There should be less privatization of these services, however more money should be spent on new hospitals that accept cash in exchange for faster service.

 @9XCDCNZfrom Alberta  answered…4mos4MO

I think that there should be a balance between the both(private and public) and let our citizens choose for which one they need for specific things

 @9WSRJHDfrom New Brunswick  answered…5mos5MO

More , but with government at both provincial and federal levels providing assistance to allow residents to access private systems with public money in certain medical cases

 @9WR8G39from British Columbia  answered…5mos5MO

Children should not be making choices for themselves when it comes to health, other than vacanations in highschool. Which they should tell you the side effects, and what it does to your body, no lies.

 @9WPFJ7Wfrom Ontario  answered…5mos5MO

No Private Healthcare. We need well funded healthcare, and incentives to train Canadian healthcare professionals, such as 10-year Contract Refunded tuition for Dr. of Med. if the Healthcare worker practises in Canada for 10 years after licensing. No privatization.

 @9WB4QYYfrom British Columbia  answered…5mos5MO

There should be more and better available heath resources in terms of our benefits coverage and government should be able to assist those who really need it.

 @9W6VQ89Liberalfrom British Columbia  answered…5mos5MO

If the privatization will help then increase it but after spending time in the states its also not the answer

 @9W4D444from Alberta  answered…5mos5MO

I believe that there should be more privatized healthcare in order to avoid overcrowding and hopefully allow for faster medical attention, however I also believe that there should be more government funding towards public healthcare in order to ensure that everyone is able to access some form of healthcare if needed, as is a human right.

 @9W3Z3SWLiberalfrom Kentucky  answered…5mos5MO

more private services created less equality, worsened universal health care and showed no long term improvement in health outcome

 @9VZNQNBfrom Hawaii  answered…5mos5MO

Yes but ones built of systems that work better for the public. Like australias where the public overflow gets assistance private.

 @9VWD32Sfrom Ontario  answered…5mos5MO

Like in some successful European countries, we need to enhance the quality of care in the public system, while allowing additional private health care options

 @9VVJGFWConservativefrom British Columbia  answered…5mos5MO

Hard question. Profiting off of health care seems wrong, which would be the goal of private practice. However, this may increase competition and overall reduce end user cost.

 @9VFRFDNLiberalfrom Nova Scotia  answered…5mos5MO

Both should be available but there should be more competition with private healthcare so prices go down.

 @9VBQG68from Alberta  answered…5mos5MO

The government system which intergrets "free healthcare" is honestly a unjust and personally the government is a awful system

 @9V9R5P2Conservativefrom Quebec  answered…5mos5MO

I think we should n privatize more healthcare system because lots of Doctors are leaving Canada due less pay by the government

 @9V9C6KBfrom British Columbia  answered…5mos5MO

There should be more but with a caveat that there will be still enough funding and good quality care for those who rely on the current system.

 @9V9BQ4Cfrom Alberta  answered…5mos5MO

I don't like either option. If privatized than he company has to much say or control. If the government runs health care than once again the people are at the mercy of what the government says so either way the people who need the help or care are stuck in the middle.

 @9V79684from British Columbia  answered…5mos5MO

Less, and provide more funding towards mental health and other dire medical needs that aren't covered under MSP

 @9V4JT2Cfrom Alberta  answered…5mos5MO

More but should change lots of other things. Should be more similar to NZ and Australia systems. Should also have healthcare licenses for the country not by province and the provinces should be more similar it should have more federal oversight

 @9TYMS9Bfrom Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

I am satisfied with current spending, but having a way for citizens to pay for a faster and sooner appointment

 @9TXRJM5Liberalfrom Ontario  answered…6mos6MO

I don't really care about the privacy state of the healthcare system, as long as everyone gets treatment and there us no gatekeeping or anything preventing certain medicines from being accessed.

 @9TWK4RLConservativefrom Ontario  answered…6mos6MO

I feel that there should be government funding, but the option to have privatized healthcare as well.

 @9TQYCK4from Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

Add a separate privatized healthcare system to remove some of the pressure on the public healthcare system


privatization is dangerous in a sense of manpower in Canada already there is sever shortage of medical and paramedical staff and they are currently working in public Hospital if there will be prietaization there will be large No of the will go to the private or they will work in both either senario the public health organization service will deteriorate ,plus the private Health sector will be expensive so it will not be affordable for every one

 @9TLVCVNRhinocerosfrom Nova Scotia  answered…6mos6MO

The problem isn't the amount of private medical services, it's the lack of healthcare workers and a lot of those who immigrate to Canada are educated to do so, but did not get their degrees in Canada, therefore they can't get work in their field. The gov't promises them a better life and future in Canada, only to make their lives miserable. We need to just do better.

 @9TGC77Mfrom Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

right now there are more benefits to having privatized health care ( ex. Dino care, helps their employment more and has a stable system set, which is more beneficial for both the puplic and the members of emplyment, vs Alberta Health care, cares less about the pateints).

 @9TGBW8CConservativefrom Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

There should be a balance between private and public healthcare. The health care system should give more autonomy to its doctors.

 @9T9T4BJfrom Ontario  answered…6mos6MO

More, but with an expectation for private healthcare workers to give some time back to the public system

 @9T7XY37from Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

Less but not too too much, enough that it gives the Canadian popullace a wider and broader range of options.

 @9SLJBJVfrom British Columbia  answered…7mos7MO

Less privatization…and implement standardization across every health authority and fix the division of labour (staffing and hours).

 @9SL8SK7from British Columbia  answered…7mos7MO

More privatized options, but also increase funding for the medical system by budget cutting pharmaceuticals and paying professionals fairly

 @9S4TP94Greenfrom Nova Scotia  answered…7mos7MO

I’m wholly dissatisfied with the healthcare system, the government should incentivize more doctors and care providers adequate for the amount of people.

 @9RZPX67from Alberta  answered…7mos7MO

more, let people pay for their emergencies and deal with gross government backlog on healthcare to citizens

 @9RXB7NGfrom Ontario  answered…7mos7MO

Two-tier system, with free public and optional private insurance for citizens and permanent residents. Recent immigrants must have mandatory health insurance unless they cannot afford it or require it to be subsidized

 @9RVGGSKConservativefrom Saskatchewan  answered…7mos7MO

The government should make sure that Canadians use what ever form of healthcare they feel comfortable using. Make sure that we have a strong public healthcare system and also make sure that private options are available to those who want to use them.

 @9RMDWZQfrom Nova Scotia  answered…8mos8MO

This is tricky. Seems like a slippery slope. Pulls away much needed people from government facilities and we are already short handed. What needs to be consider is better retention in public sectors

 @9RFL9JKfrom Quebec  answered…8mos8MO

Give people private option that is their right and liberty is morenimoortwnt that anything else. However imorve public system by asking more merit crating reward doctors who save lives infrease their salaries Gove them tax cuts punsoh bad doctors and nurses. Import best Healthcare workers from the world by improving working conditions .

 @9QV4KY2from Quebec  answered…8mos8MO

More but private having to accept the social insurance card while receiving what it costs in the public service for the same act/service

 @9QS5ZBQfrom Ontario  answered…8mos8MO

I think this a tricky question because if we give healthcare workers a private funded job that pays them more, all health care workers will want to go private. This can cause issues of the less educated or worse workers providing for the general public who can't pay for private healthcare.

 @9QQFWWGfrom Ontario  answered…8mos8MO

I believe that there should be a good mix of both public and private methods in the healthcare industry.

 @9Q6NXYQfrom Alberta  answered…8mos8MO

More privatization for those who can afford it but do not remove public healthcare and the government should provide more funding to public healthcare

 @9PS5L9Yfrom British Columbia  answered…9mos9MO

there are opportunities to fund private institutions, specifically when it comes to Imaging. there is no reason why a private firm can't set up and MRI clinic and then bill the government a certain amount. people should be allowed to pay more for these type of services if they want

 @9P6ZSRSfrom Ontario  answered…9mos9MO

Ideally less, but that can only happen if the government does a MUCH better job running hospitals efficiently. ie less bureaucracy

 @9MV3T7BNew Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…10mos10MO

There are pros and cons to privatization of hospital and healthcare services. While it allows for efficiency and innovation through privatization and improves quality of care, it is difficult to implement cost control and public accountability. I believe there should be a balance by having regulated private participation or public-private partnerships.

 @9F5WNZFLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

More privatization, but not at the expense of the public healthcare system, which should receive greater funding.

 @9F5KMPVfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Increase government funding. Offer free medical school to studious and passionate students to get more doctors. Make health care a spending priority. Every Canadian deserves world class healthcare regardless of their income.

 @9F5FC8S from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

A combination of private and subsidized needs to exist in order to support both positive outcomes and true accessibility.

 @9DSL8GKfrom Saskatchewan  answered…2yrs2Y

If the system was properly funded from the mass amount of taxes we already pay and less bureaucrats and dysfunctional management sopping up all the funding id say we wouldn't have such a problem. The people doing the hard work aren't being paid properly and the fat cats with a useless management degree and zero field experience need to go.

 @9DHRMNZfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

I think that people who are dying/in a rush to access medical/healthcare should have the option to receive privatized healthcare services, but not for privatization should be the norm.

 @9DFLF8Hfrom Alberta  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9D533P7from Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

More, but the government should continue to invest in public healthcare, so that privatization can reduce the current load on the system

 @8VTQKZMfrom Quebec  answered…3yrs3Y

Less privatization and run our free national healthcare like a business. If people abuse the system by using it for every little thing then that's a problem. Stop kiboshing the fact that we have free healthcare. We pay much in the way of taxes to have this system but it should be run more like a private company where we reduce expenses and increase efficiency and effectiveness. If people with big money want to pay to have private that is their prerogative.

 @8VSSTYWfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

Keep both public and private for those who can afford it. More gov funding toward current healthcare. Nurse here- it’s A W F U L and it can’t afford to get worse

 @8SYDDSXfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

There should be a two tier system, this would allow those who wish to pay more the opportunity for private treatment while maintaining public health for those who can't afford private. This would also significantly reduce the wait times in hospitals across the country.


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