In December 2014, the German government announced a new rule which would require German companies to fill 30% of their board seats with women. The 2013 Catalyst Census found that 20.8% of board seats in corporate Canada are held by women. This is less than the UK (22.8%) and Australia (23.6%). In 2014 the Boards of Directors Modernization Act was introduced to the Canadian Senate. It would require the boards of directors of public companies, state-owned enterprises, and certain financial institutions would have to comprise at least 40% women and 40% men. In 2016 the measure had not been acted on. In Norway 35.5% of boards contain women directors which is the highest percentage in the world.
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should be based on qualifications
If a person is a hard worker and can do their job like or even better than everyone else have them on board, gender shouldn't be the reason you hire someone
Men and Women should have the same rights
Private companies shouldn't exist
whoever is more deserving of the position regardless of its a man or woman
No, I think the most qualified should hold that position whether male, female, non-binary, etc. But I think the government should do more to encourage diversity in gender and race in the workplace.
Companies should not be able to see sex, age, background, only resume. Hire the most qualified
Equality, just in general
Best person for the job, man or woman. It shouldn’t matter.
it depends what company and how
Diversity is important, but board members should be chosen based on qualifications and not based on reaching a “quota” just because they’re told to.
No women should not be allowed to have any rights
yes. But they shouldn't hire people because they are women. they should hire women, because they are good at what they.
Yes but the qualitity and skill of the worker should be just as important
Yes, if they are qualified to hold a position.
Yes but the diversity requirement should be for all ethnicities, gender indenties, and sexual orientations.
I think that diversity of this form is tricky because too many conflate equal outcomes with equal opportunity. They are actually exclusive. In order to force boards to have a specific ethnic or gender makeup you have to hire preferentially to those groups and conversely you wouldn’t hire a equally qualified man specifically because of gender or race. This kind of diversity is racist and sexist for this reason. It’s nonsensical.
No, but the board makeup should be made publicly available and open for discussion/debate
No, but when discrimination really happen in an organization, government should protect victims.
The board should represent the diversity of the target consumer base.
Yes, but we should question whether capitalist businesses should exist.
the person who is most qualified
Gender doesn't matter, if the team is all men, then that's fine, and if its all women, that's fine aswell
a little shocked by the i figured the issue of women's rights were mostly a thing of the past. The most qualified of course...which could be either or equally
I think that it would be better to focus on promoting transparency and standardizing diversity/unconscious bias training to ensure that the hiring process not impacted. This way, candidates of all backgrounds and identities can compete on an equal playing field. The ability of a business getting accurate insight into the their candidate pool and determine who's most qualified for a job is reduced when bias enters the picture.
If they’re are capable of, educated, and proven to be able to do the job. Not just because they are a woman.
It shouldn't be required, but there should be measures to ensure the most qualified candidates are being selected regardless of gender, which in most if not all cases will include women.
Yes, with the exception that if no qualified women are available then it does not apply and vice versa.
No. This is a very extreme thing to push on businesses. Businesses should have the brains to know the right thing is to ensure good representation.
@B2DQSLR 2mos2MO
No, the most qualified people should be the members and everyone should go through the same interview/ hiring process (everyone should be treated the same)
up to what the what the companies want. if they like it then great but I think that women should be treated the same as men.
@B286ZK4New Democratic2mos2MO
Yes, and the government should do more to require and/or encourage diversity in the workplace. However, not at the expense of quality/safety. Sometimes the most qualified is best regardless of gender.
It shouldn't be a requirement, however, the person with the most qualifications should be the one to be hired. Gender religion Creed any of that should not be taken into account ever
Maybe. I think that it is good to push for that diversity, as women can bring different perspectives to the table. However, if the company has no qualified female representatives, they should not be forced to include them.
@9VWNS72New Democratic5mos5MO
Depends on the board in question. You should not be forced to buy you should be made to consider them appropriately and equally to men if they are qualified l.
I dont think gender requirement is the issue at hand It should be The board of directors HAVING THE MOST QUALIFIED IN THE POSITION NOT JUST BY GENDER.
It should not be mandated for women to be elected to any specific position, but there should be a framework put in place when deciding all members of a board that works to counteract any sexist-bias that may otherwise exist in this decision to give an equitable opportunity for both sexes to obtain a position.
@9T6LHXR 6mos6MO
No, but there should be an increased awareness through meaningful conversation about social inequality as part of any corporation's onboarding process
Yes, so long as the person chosen isn’t to fill a “quota” but rather for their talents and abilities.
the government should both support and encourage women on board, and women moving up in work, but to make it a requirement hurts the qualified
Corps should have to show due diligence to find the best people period. If that happens to be a white man fine. But there are way better non male/ non while candidates out there then have been given representation
Try to diversify but maintain a high level of performance and qualifications and who’s best for the job.
I don't think it should be REQUIRED. I believe in diversity. Just choose the board members most skilled/qualified for the job, regardless of gender identity.
No, it creates a scenario where a business could be punished for unsuccessfully securing board members or challenge existing board members based on minimum requirements. The requirement should be placed on transparency for board member selection so fairness of the process can be scrutinized.
You need to be qualified, but not discriminated over your gender. You should not be picked over your gender, so men should not just be picked. Diversity should be included in work force.
Let’s make gender invisible and hire people based on education skill ability and specific performance indicators and when needed a lens that is representative of the service consumers.
I fully support diversity, but "requiring" women to be on the companies' board of directors is unnecessary. Anyone qualified for the job should be granted an interview.
No, board members should be based off of most qualified, regardless of diversity, so long as it is being regulated that the company is not discriminating against diverse peoples.
Yes, but i dont like capitalism or corporatism, if i had it my way, rich folks and all higher classes will be slaughtered off while there is no memory tracing of them, their family around them should be involved, at least deportation can be an option.
i think it would be nice to have some female representation, but i don't think that it should be a required thing.
No, it should be determined based on qualification but they should ensure that all workers are given the same opportunities and not limited from them because of gender
It all depends on the knowledge people have, if the women have better knowledge then the man, then they should be on the board of directors
Women should not be permitted in the workforce at all, with the exception of combat roles or sex work.
No, as hard requirements lack flexibility for many real world situations, however they should be encouraged to have a diverse board
Everyone should have an equal chance of business regardless of age, race, gender etc... I belive thats its not compleatly nessasary but you should give people a chance.
Yes, but that could also be used to address barriers of entry for women as well, such as harassment, racism and sexism.
Yes, and no, If they are the best person for that position than yes absolutely, if they are not good at that position, then no
no, board members should be those most qualified and the government should not require diversity within private companies
Personally, it does not matter to me who is in these board of directors, as long as they are doing there jobs with out bias, even thought that is impossible.. So, if having woman in these position makes it more far as a whole for every one than I see only positives.
No, but if there isn't any, they could investigate to see if there isn't a case of machismo going on
As long as it’s clearly not an issue of discriminatory and or sexism, women are not required to be on a board of directors.
men and women have different experiences and perspectives and businesses can profit and do well with that their products/services will help and grow society as a whole and not a single unit
buisness should choose workers based on talent, not be required to
If they’re qualified, yes. In a political sense, I believe workers should be seen for their skills and abilities, rather then their gender. Their gender doesn’t interfere with how skilled they are as a person.
Businesses should be allowed to only have women, but not be against them.
Should not be required, should just be if they’re the most capable for the job, just like everyone else
@9F976D8 1yr1Y
Leave it to the businesses to decide
It would be more affirming if the company showcased that women are respected and welcomed without needing a requirement to ensure of their inclusion. "Required" sounds like an implication to say women are less qualified.
Corporations should be controlled by their employees
More training should be given to women. Women deserve the training needed to get high level jobs. A company shouldn't be forced to hire women but they also shouldn't be able to not someone for being a woman.
Yes, having more diversity in the workplace is positive but there should be careful consideration in c choosing females who is qualified to be board director
I do believe that if a woman is qualified to have a position in board of directors, and she seemingly has more qualifications then other applicants she should be hired. Though, I do not believe that it is right to hire a woman into any position simply because she is a woman, that would be unethical to other applicants who are better suited for the job.
It always depend on qualifications, skills and effort regardless of gender.
Board members should be the most qualified persons available, regardless of gender - and the government has no place getting involved in the affairs of managing private enterprise.
I feel that each business should hire the people best suited for the position. To place a woman on the board of directors simply because of her gender and not her merit is silly.
No, it should not be a requirement. However, it depends if they're qualified.
only if they're good at it
Yes, but only if they 100% qualify for that position. Just as a male would qualify as well.
No, businesses function best when they’re run by men.
Yes, as along as women put in equal work.
They shouldn't be required but should get additional tax breaks for having a diverse board.
It is irrelevant, it wouldn't fundamentally change anything
They shouldn’t be required but they should have an equal chance to be put on
If she's not crazy and way too self obsessed sure, but she really needs to know how to be calm in heated discussion. Please
That goes regardless of gender.
As long as the people who decide who gets to be on the board of directors are not refusing to let women on just because they are women, I don't really care who is on the board. As long as women are not treated as less capable.
People should be chosen based on their qualifications, not based on their gender. However, businesses could be encouraged to treat men and women equally.
No, but offer equal opportunities for both men and women.
@96LZ6W7New Democratic2yrs2Y
No, it should be based on qualifications, but more should be done to disolve boundries for minorites and impower them in the workplace
Whoever is qualified should have the job
Yes, but they need to be qualified.
If a woman wants to be on a board of director let her. If a woman does not does not bother me.
Yes, but only for businesses where representation would be good, such as health care.
It is inappropriate for government to insert themselves into private business like that, unless that business is applying for government funding.
Yes but the company shouldnt be praised for it
the best person for the job should get the job
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