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  @Daboss2o1Conservative from Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

sure i can see banning it if the person has a history of criminal incidents, but if it's a normal person who has gone through training we should allow more weapons.

 @9G2J666from Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

I think a train indivual should have gun control but somone history with violence with weapons really shouldnt

 @9FY5RRDfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

Agree. Gun restrictions should be focused on background checks and making sure you give a permit to a qualified candidate

 @9FXW6H7Greenfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

A large amount of weapons on the street are stolen or sold on the black market. No amount of training will prevent this from occurring

 @9FXCM7BLiberalfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

sure i can see banning it if the person has a history of criminal incidents, but if it's a normal person who has gone through training we should allow more weapons

 @9FH8KMZ from Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

we can clearly compare gun crimes in USA with gun crimes in Canada. Gun buying rules in USA is very less and it is easy to buy gun.

 @9FHJBT6 from Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

Stricter gun control laws in Canada contribute to our country being safer and the government could do even more to prevent violent crime in Canada by also funding social programs in at-risk communities.

 @9FGQ95GConservativefrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

So many school shootings, and any shootings. Lives are being lost and threatened almost everyday because of gun violence.

 @9FV6PWXfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

gun control only punsihes legal owners and not the illegal gun users who consist of the vast majority of crimes

 @9FTWLZJfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

My family loves to hunt for recreational purposes, and in very remote areas of Canada, a gun can be necessary for self defence.

 @9LTJ4D2from British Columbia  disagreed…9mos9MO

Canadaian life includes a lot of hunting. And hiking. Sometimes we need a gun. We also should be able to protect ourselves when the police are miles away and short staffed.

 @9LTPJYJfrom Washington  agreed…9mos9MO

 @9H4MYZZfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

There is a significant juxtaposition in gun violence statistics between countries with stricter restrictions and those with looser ones.

 @9H37S5Ffrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

Gun crime death rates. In 2019, Canada saw 170 and the U.S. saw 13,001. That should tell you enough.

 @9GPTQJDNew Democraticfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

Guns have created issues regardless of which province one lives in. Being tighter on control and who has accesss to these can only create more saftey.

 @9FRK5MRfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

You can compare the gun rules of Canada to the USA. It's much easier to purchase a gun in the US which is why they have more

 @9FSX2DDfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Criminals and bad people will always have access to restricted firearms, so banning hunting rifles and shotguns will only take the firearms out of the hands of the responsible owners.

 @9FFM5Y5from Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

Mass shootings happen in numerous countries, however, they usually tend to happen in countries with less gun control laws, causing higher levels of gun owners due to the fact the gun control laws are so out of control. The Gun Violence Archive recorded over 600 mass shootings in the United States in 2020. Also, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reports that the global average intentional homicide rate in 2019 was about 6.1 per 100,000 population. With more gun control laws, these numbers would most likely drop drastically.

 @9FDKCN3from British Columbia  agreed…1yr1Y

The reason they should because if you think about the shootings that happen it not all of them are mentally ill or criminals. For example school shooting or shooting in general it mostly because of arguments or something like that.

 @9H2FBNNfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

because theyre pose the same threat as a physco with a kitchen knife, except hunting is a real hobby where guns r required

 @9H24DFZfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

People kill people not guns, For example. When politicians attack guns they don’t have any acknowledgement about like the AR-15. It’s endangering people like my father who has it for self defence purposes and hunting, And before someone says you don’t need that 30 round mag to defend yourself. You do, and even if we could you can’t since there are strict magazine restrictions. Instead of attempting to ban more and more firearms, Ban mentally ill people from accessing these guns, Because at the end of the day. Banning a gun will just stop people from using and defending themselves with those guns, But a criminal wont suddenly think ‘ this gun is illegal I can’t use it ‘ before shooting up a school. They do not care, criminals Will always commit a crime because they do not care.

 @9FS8WGSfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

People who need to hunt and survive on the wild game that they shoot and eat need guns. Guns are not made to shoot people and should not ever be used that way.

 @9FH39G5from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

If legal gun owners cannot have their guns anymore than when they are in a dangerous situation (eg. shooter, assault etc) they are defenceless and more people will get hurt because bad people will still buy or steal guns illegally.

 @9FVFZJTConservativefrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

more crimanals get there guns from smuggled guns from the states than gun stores and we should have the right to bear arms.

 @9FVVVR5from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

people should be able to own guns in order to hunt for food and to protect themselves or ward off any intruders or animals. Guns should not be used against people, and they should never be used in that way.

 @9GJ23R2from Manitoba  disagreed…1yr1Y

people up north and in the bush use guns to get there food, so if they put as heavy restriction on them, those people may not be able to build guns for their food, i think people that don't know how to handle a gun shouldnt be allowed to use one. i think they should do a safety course before they sell a gun to see if the person should be allowed to handle a gun

 @9F7M3WJfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

There are a lot of resources providing data about gun shots per year. If you feel interesting, you always can go to check.

 @B2JKHRWfrom Pennsylvania  disagreed…1wk1W

Democracies need to trust their law-abiding citizens in adequately pritecting themselves. Guns have served humanity as a powerful tool to protect their families for hundreds of years. It is complete nonsense to ban their use by law-abiding citizens. Instead govt need to increase funds to control criminals, which tend to have guns illegally

 @B2FYGHSfrom Ontario  agreed…2wks2W

gun violence has a significant economic cost, including healthcare expenses, law enforcement, and lost productivity. Reducing gun violence through effective gun control can alleviate these financial burdens on society

 @B2F9F3NConservativefrom Quebec  disagreed…2wks2W

No to gun control, we already have a very strict system in place. Almost all crimes committed with a gun are from illegal guns. Focus on the illegal guns.

 @B265Y7Mfrom Ontario  disagreed…1mo1MO

Punishing legal registered gun owners does not stop illegal gun trafficking, street violence etc. criminals do not care about gun bans. They are not affected by them. It is only punishing the innocent people who, by the very fact of having a PAL, are subject to a daily criminal record check. It targets the wrong prople.

 @B25TNC7from Saskatchewan  disagreed…1mo1MO

i think Canadas gun issues aren't that high, and we should focus on other issues. guns are how people hunt and peoples hobbies and guns aren't violent, people are

 @B247BW8from Alberta  agreed…2mos2MO

Gun control can positively effect the amount of gun related deaths that happen per year (Accidental or intentional) further bringing them down in comparison to the US.

 @B23LJY7from Manitoba  disagreed…2mos2MO

I think that every one who is not a criminal or a insane person should be allowed to buy a gun after taking the necessary test and acquiring the necessary permits

 @B22TTV7from Indiana  disagreed…2mos2MO

I agree that gun control laws will keep the number of school shootings at a very low level, but in cities with high crime rates, how will the police defend themselves when tasers are already prohibited?

 @9ZYTXVMfrom Ontario  disagreed…2mos2MO

Gun control is innefective since criminals ignore regulation and will seek out frearms illegally whilst law abiding citizens lose their ability to bear arms.

 @9ZXKX69from Ontario  disagreed…2mos2MO

A strong counterargument to the Yes position on gun control is that strict gun laws may infringe on individuals' constitutional right to bear arms, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment

 @9ZVTZM2People’sfrom Newfoundland  disagreed…2mos2MO

Gun control hasn't reduced the rate at which criminals obtain firearms. The majority are obtained illegally, often smuggled across the border from the US. Few are sourced directly in Canada, and are again sourced by criminal activity, such as theft. All gun control has done is infringe upon law abiding citizens who utilize firearms for work, defense of life and property, and assorted hobbies in relation to sport shooting or collecting.

 @9YM4YHWConservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…3mos3MO

Legal firearms have nothing to do with the issues. Trudeaus gun control didn't have a significant impact on gun related crime.

 @9VWM59X from Pennsylvania  disagreed…4mos4MO

#10 Engaged Gun Control

Self-Defense: Firearms are often viewed as a means of personal protection. People argue that having access to guns can deter crime and help individuals defend themselves in dangerous situations.

Deterrence of Tyranny: Some believe that an armed populace is essential to prevent government tyranny and maintain freedom.

Ineffectiveness of Regulations: Critics of gun control argue that stricter laws may not effectively prevent crime, as criminals may still obtain guns illegally.

Cultural Significance: In some communities, gun ownership is a cultural tradition and part of heritage, such as hunting…  Read more

 @9VQ8WFTPeople’sfrom British Columbia  disagreed…4mos4MO

People who feel the need to own guns either want them for safety, or recreational use such as hunting. Hunting can be done with alternatives not as lethal as guns. Our country alsos strict laws against violence, on top of police who are there to protect citizens

 @9TG93X6from Ontario  agreed…5mos5MO

Regardless of rules and regulations placed there are multiple reasons why a gun would be needed and would be considered safe rather than restricted

 @9T3MJZJfrom Ontario  disagreed…5mos5MO

Canada already has pretty strict laws on guns, and doesn't suffer from nearly the amount of mass shootings as the United States. Any further restrictions would only harm legal owners.

 @9SS5YBNfrom Alberta  disagreed…5mos5MO

Guns dont commit the crimes, its the person who has the gun. Before gun control was raised in Canada, there was not an issue with violent crime. Matter of fact, crime has increased since the ban on guns. This could be due to the fact that there is a larger population that needs to commit crime to survive after the failures of the Liberal government.

 @9P4ZL4Vfrom British Columbia  disagreed…8mos8MO

People using guns for violence and crimes aren't buying them legally so making it harder to buy guns helps no one, and self protection should be allowed because as the laws are right now People aren't allowed to defend themselves in any way that would work against someone with a gun.

 @9MKBK8SConservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…9mos9MO

The vast majority of gun crime is committed with illegally obtained guns by people without a PAL. law abiding citizens are wrongfully impacted by laws that don't reduce gun crime. Additionally, guns are used for sporting purposes and hobbyists.

 @9MG9NBCfrom Manitoba  disagreed…9mos9MO

I am Native, I am from the Cree nation. My people have used bows and arrow to hunt, are they going to ban our culture too?

 @9M22DWCConservativefrom Alberta  disagreed…9mos9MO

The amount of gun violence due to purchasing guns properly in Canada is very low. The reason for most gun violence is through illegal purchasing of guns, more should be done about the illegal people instead of the people who want to buy a gun to hunt or keep theyre home safe.

 @9LXTXBNfrom Alberta  disagreed…9mos9MO

People who want to get guns to hurt people will find a way to get guns regardless of government regulation

 @9LX8Q6Dfrom Alberta  disagreed…9mos9MO

Self carry for anyone without any criminal record should be allowed safety to all our citizens and children

 @9LVCFCFfrom Alberta  disagreed…9mos9MO

If I really wanted a gun for nefarious purposes I would find a way to get a gun. Super strict regulations only affect law abiding citizens.

 @9LTS8SGfrom Ontario  agreed…9mos9MO

Gun violence remains a significant public health and safety issue globally, with devastating consequences for individuals, families, and communities. In the United States, for example, firearms are a leading cause of death, with over 38,000 gun-related fatalities reported in 2019 alone. This includes homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings. Stricter gun control measures, such as universal background checks, restrictions on high-capacity magazines, and red flag laws, have been shown to correlate with lower rates of gun violence and fatalities. By implementing sensible gun control policies, we can help prevent tragedies, save lives, and p

 @9LQFYB7from Georgia  agreed…9mos9MO

just last year nearly 350 school shootings occurred in the US alone. maybe some of these were inevitable but many could have been prevented. Canada has a lot fewer cases in comparison and i hope it stays that way.

 @9L2NKB8People’sfrom Ontario  agreed…11mos11MO

If you have to walk in fear of dying to someone with a gun that’s shows why guns shouldn’t be allowed.

 @9KW36W5Liberalfrom Ontario  agreed…11mos11MO

Stricter gun control measures, supported by data and public opinion, have been shown to reduce gun violence, prevent mass shootings, and protect public safety without infringing on the rights of responsible gun owners. International comparisons highlight the effectiveness of such measures in countries with comprehensive firearm regulations.

 @9JXF34Zfrom Ontario  agreed…12mos12MO

Each day 12 children die from gun violence in America. Another 32 are shot and injured.

Guns are the leading cause of death among American children and teens. 1 out of 10 gun deaths are age 19 or younger

in 2022, 34 students and adults died while more than 43,000 children were exposed to gunfire at school

 @9H243W9Liberalfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

There should be restrictions because nobody who isn’t in need of gun should have one and no one with malicious intent should be able to just buy one

 @9GVK6XLfrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

It could help our country in being safer and we won't have to worry about if children will be safe when going to school.

 @9GTNSCSfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

Observing a real world example, The US has a higher crime rate percentage of crimes related to gun violence compared to Canada's crime rate due to its stricter Gun Laws. The US makes it very easy to purchase death-causing weapons, therefore having a higher crime rate related to gun violence which can be avoided by entirely banning the selling of guns commercially.

 @9GSPHPSfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

Criminals will always find a way to get their hands on guns by making them, doing illegal purchases or just straight up making a gun themselves.

 @9FQNN23Liberalfrom Quebec  agreed…1yr1Y

we can clearly compare gun crimes in USA with gun crimes in Canada. Gun buying rules in USA is very less and it is easy to buy gun.

 @9FLB5J6from British Columbia  agreed…1yr1Y

Statistics by show that suicides accounted for more than half of all U.S gun deaths in 2021. With 53 percent of gun deaths by suicide, 43 percent by murder, and 3 percent from other causes. This statistics just shows how allowing guns and easing gun control would link to more death, especially, suicides for a nation.

 @9QQ74FVfrom Ontario  agreed…7mos7MO

The reason why guns are so dangerous is because of the person that uses them. Those who choose to use them for harmful purposes are those who want less restrictions on gun control.

 @9M25595from Ontario  disagreed…9mos9MO

i think that its the people that kill people not the gun as the gun is a machine it does not think or know what its doing its just functioning its the peoples fault that people are dying everyday to shootings

 @9LTKHJ5from Ontario  disagreed…9mos9MO

sure i can see banning it if the person has a history of criminal incidents, but if it's a normal person who has gone through training we should allow more weapons.

 @9LSRPPTfrom Ontario  agreed…9mos9MO

in 2021 48,000 people died from gun related injurys in the United States. 106 people die 39 murdered 64 kill themselves and 1 is killed unintentionally everyday. in the world more than 250,000 die from gun violence per year.

 @9LSLZ24from Ontario  disagreed…9mos9MO

Crime control not gun control. Gun control has historically allowed governments to abuse and enslave their populations.

 @9LR75H2from Saskatchewan  disagreed…9mos9MO

Criminals don’t care about gun laws if we have more tighter gun control laws then the law abiding people would have less resources to defend themselves with, the criminals don’t care about gun laws because they are criminals, we should have less control in gun laws and let more good people be armed and protect their families.

 @9LQMKD9from Ontario  disagreed…9mos9MO

Just like it isn`t the pencil's fault the student failed the test, it isn`t the gun`s fault it shot someone.

 @9LQBT4Yfrom Alberta  disagreed…9mos9MO

gun control only affects law-abiding citizens and efforts should be focused on laws that would target criminals

 @9LP28BLfrom Quebec  disagreed…10mos10MO

Gun laws are more than tight enough, and getting worse. the legal gun owners are not the problem, it’s the criminals with guns that are the problem. If you commit a violent crime with a gun you should be sentenced to life in prison. Real life not this 25years Canadian law calls life.

 @9JY922Sfrom British Columbia  disagreed…12mos12MO

Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. As long as we have the right people getting guns then there is no problem. Banning guns will only make a black market making it easier for people who shouldn’t have guns to get them

 @9HXQKT4from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

That people can be safe, but it's need to be regulated, with a rule that say that you can hurt just in case that you are in really danger, and if you use your gun must be in a part no mortal.

 @9H7ZR6Hfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

its a lot easier to purchase a gun in the USA and its caused many problems in the country, we should keep our rules and put safety first. too many school shootings and dangers

 @9H3HC84Liberalfrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

Children in US get killed while they are attending school because personal hatred is influenced on individual’s usage of gun.

 @9H2RJ6Zfrom New York  disagreed…1yr1Y

We have had guns for a long time, the recent skyrocketing in violent incidents isn't a gun issue, but aental health issue, societal issue. We should focus on why it's happening

 @9H2QR8Sfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

People should be allowed to purchase weapons to defend themselves and their property, along with going hunting.

 @9H23R6Zfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

The estimated number of deaths in America from gun related violence that wasn't suicide was 20,138. While we have stricter control in Canada, it should still not fall to the level of America

 @9GTQ229from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Gun control hurts proper gun knees more. People that commit crimes with them can obtain them illegally. Also, certain types of guns aren’t more dangerous than others

 @9GTKZSVfrom British Columbia  agreed…1yr1Y

Stricter gun control laws in Canada contribute to our country being safer and the government could do even more to prevent violent crime in Canada by also funding social programs in at-risk communities.

 @9FTRJ8Nfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

I think that the best counter argument to the yes position is that sometimes people need a form of self-defense or for hunting purposes.

 @9LNHF97from Ontario  agreed…10mos10MO

I think if canada make it where u have gun control I feel like it's ok there will probably be a little more crims but there is already a lot of people with guns so I still think they have to fix this self defense thing tho .

 @9FMQHB3from Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

There should be no laws, guns were not mainly made to shoot someone, they were made to hunt, and shoot targets and were not mainly used for shooting someone.

 @9FM8TLPfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Felons don't care for the law. They are going to get their hands on guns anyway, or use other weapons.

 @9FGC62BConservativefrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

Guns and like weapons are not dangerous unless they fall into the wrong hands, felony convicted criminals should not have the right to own or possess a firearm of any sort. The banning of "AR" rifles is the most retarded thing Justin has ever done. Armalite Rifle Company are NOT " assault rifles, automatic rifles", or anything else.

 @9FB6Y4BConservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Each and every person deserves to protect and defend themselves and the best and most prepared way to do that is to own and use a gun.

 @9F9QMK9from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

we can use the for hunting, protection and as a hobby there is not a single gun that cant be used for hunting

 @9GWL57Sfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

Gun control exists only to disarm law-abiding citizens. Criminals and tyrants will always have guns regardless of the laws.

 @B2CCNLXConservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…3wks3W

You have clearly never lived a person who has seen someone face off with a polar bear and watched one of them tank 5 rounds of 12 gauge and keep coming towards you. Guns with higher firepower are necessary to save your life. Politicians need to learn what the hell firearms are for, because basing bans off of how guns look is not helping.

 @B29BNRD from Nova Scotia  disagreed…3wks3W

That it's punishing a majority of legal hunters and sport shooters. Long gun/ shotgun related homicides haven't changed significantly since 2009, yet handgun (notoriously hard to aquire legally) homicides have been steadily increasing since 2013.A large amount of illegal guns are coming from the southern border, with an 86% increase in some ontario areas this year. Tighter border control would be a better way to control gun related crimes. Gang related violent crimes have increased as well. instead of investing $300 million into gun control, use that money to combat hang violence.

 @9ZDCKDQ from Ontario  disagreed…3mos3MO

why should those who go through the training and paperwork and process to get a firearm legally for those who don't follow again and obtain them illegally. Stricter gun control for those who have it legally doesn't help much for those who want it to use it for sport or etc and makes it harder for them to enjoy their hobby, meanwhile those who don't have good intentions with firearms would acquire them through whatever means.

 @9ZBQ9W6from Ontario  disagreed…3mos3MO

Regulate and control illegal guns coming and presently in the country. The legally owned guns are regulated enough already

 @9LQPV4V from Ontario  agreed…9mos9MO

Governments should be very strict about their gun policies. People aren't trustworthy. Giving more people guns will cause the death rate to go up.

 @9LPV6HFLiberal from Ontario  agreed…9mos9MO

we can clearly compare gun crimes in USA with gun crimes in Canada. Gun buying rules in USA is very less and it is easy to buy gun

 @9FV5873from New Brunswick  disagreed…1yr1Y

People should have the freedom to protect themselves without being restricted to what the goverment thinks

 @9FTCZB9from Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

since people like to go hunting and if there are no guns I have they banned all them we can't hunt with guns we have to use bows that people are not all skilled with

 @9GNKHMZfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

So many school shootings, and any shootings. Lives are being lost and threatened almost every day because of gun violence.

 @9GM2H24from British Columbia  agreed…1yr1Y

Simply look south across our border to the USA. Their kids don't feel safe at school for a reason, it's not because they're afraid of strick gun laws. They live the consequences of loose gun restrictions.

 @9GKRFR6from Manitoba  agreed…1yr1Y

People should not be allowed to use guns for anything other than hunting. They hold too much power to be something that you can just buy.

 @9GHHJFFfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

If the use of gun is strictly prohibited, that can prevent many tragic events occurring like they do in the United States like their many monthly school shootings they have because of the lack of gun control


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