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10 Replies

 @9G2J666from Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

I think a train indivual should have gun control but somone history with violence with weapons really shouldnt

 @9FY5RRDfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

Agree. Gun restrictions should be focused on background checks and making sure you give a permit to a qualified candidate

 @9FX8V7Lfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

even if a normal person should be allowed to carry weapons after the training, he or she could **** up at some point and guns should never be handed to civilians under any circumstances. They are lethal and can lead to complications. Gun control is the most crucial thing to keep a nation stable and safe.

 @9FWVY5ZConservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Allowing weapons for any person that doesn’t have a legal need to a weapon shouldn’t be okay. This is because humans are emotional beings and having access to dangerous weapons can put lots of people at risk.

 @9FWVMFVfrom New Brunswick  disagreed…1yr1Y

No, because the more weapons the more likely violence will increase. Even people who have gone through training should have to do criminal background checks every year.

 @9G3RGKXLiberalfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

Gun control isn’t bad in Canada right now all tho I do know is it should be more hard to buy a gin for example having a gun licence

 @9G3KQZ2from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Who can decide that training is enough? There should be more screening. you're never going to be able to be certain of what a person is capable of

 @9G32NHFfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

If you see a person walking down the street with a gun and you don't know if that person has gone through the proper training and you would still feel unsafe

 @9FXW6H7Greenfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

A large amount of weapons on the street are stolen or sold on the black market. No amount of training will prevent this from occurring

 @9FXCM7BLiberalfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

sure i can see banning it if the person has a history of criminal incidents, but if it's a normal person who has gone through training we should allow more weapons


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Last activeActivity13 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias100%Audience bias95%Active inPartyConservativeLocationCalgary, AB