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556 Replies

 @5F34FF9from Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Make the mother carry the child to full term and give the child away.

 @98R9SGBfrom Washington  commented…2yrs2Y

Abortion should be banned unconditionally, as it is morally detrimental to Canada and a blatant and hitleresque butchery that is worse than slavery and like it must be abolished.

 @9ZHBQHX from Manitoba  disagreed…3mos3MO

It seems that you are using the murder argument. A fetus is scientifically considered a parasite for 27 weeks, making it not living. You can't kill something dead.

On the other hand, if the birth presents a danger to the mother, then killing it is self defense. If someone broke into your house and tried to stab you, you wouldn't sit there and let that happen, would you?

 @8HQW577from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

i dont agree with it at all and it shouldnt be alloud, you got pregnant you deal with it

 @9VWJN6Ffrom British Columbia  disagreed…5mos5MO

Pro-life, and I also oppose abortion for victims of rape and incest

Engaged Abortion

You must be a man. It takes 2 to get pregnant, yet a man can just walk away. Also your statement is dumb what about rape?

 @5FXV3J3Conservativefrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

pro choice, but people should have to pay out of pocket for such procedures.

 @9ZHBQHXfrom Manitoba  disagreed…3mos3MO

people should have to pay out of pocket

If someone was raped, should they have to pay out of pocket?

 @8DNNPCZfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

i do not agree with abortion. Because after all, it is still my child, even if i do not know whether it is my husband's child or being raped, i still carry the baby because them have my blood drop. if i had an abortion, is mean i just killed someone.

 @5BZLJGQfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Pro-choice, but include men in the process, because men don't have a say in the matter. When in the early stages of a pregnancy and there is a common knowledge that the man does not want a child, but woman does then she becomes fully responsible for that choice.

 @9WNCQDSNew Democraticfrom Saskatchewan  commented…5mos5MO


Engaged Abortion

Men don't have a say in the matter bc it's not their god damn body being used

 @8PPLF2TNew Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Abortions ought to be legal, however, Males ought to be held to much more account for the abortions.. Unwanted Pregnancies are 99% the fault of the Male, therefore, after being found responsible for 3 abortions, that Male must undergo a vasectomy and be barred from starting a family later on. - IF WE ARE TO BE SERIOUS ABOUT THIS.. we must take serious actions. Males are inherently irresponsible.. and are left to go thru life totally unaffected by their choices, while society destroys that female for it. - this is completely unfair, unjust and barbaric.

 @8T3T55PConservativefrom Ontario  commented…4yrs4Y

Pro life because logically a fetus is a living human from conception onwards because they have their own unique DNA. There is no other distinction to make between a fetus and a born human. You can’t justify abortion without justifying murder if you think it though. No human should be able to choose to kill another human. A fetus has the right tho live even though it’s inconvenient. 100%

 @8MRPD4V from British Columbia  commented…4yrs4Y

Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months

Neither pro-life nor pro-choice

Ban after first three months

Prioritize access to lower income group while the rich should pay for the procedure

Provide sex education

Minors: parental notification except in cases of child abuse

Mandatory embryo screening & 24-48 hr waiting period

Providing support to pregnant people so they won’t be forced to have an abortion just to hide their sexual activity

Since fathers are also responsible for raising the child, they should have a say over the decision, except in cases of suspected rape and abuse. However, they must also pay child support (The government can help pay a part of it if they can’t afford it)

 @8F6M3RDfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

you shouldnt be aloud to abord your children

 @8VD33LNfrom Manitoba  commented…4yrs4Y

Pro-life Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months


 @8VD33LNfrom Manitoba  commented…4yrs4Y

 @8VRF6R9from British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

Pro choice. On demand. Free at point of service. Access in all provinces mandated by federal government. Abortion is healthcare and shouldn’t be denied.

 @9GYXCN3from Florida  answered…1yr1Y

You should be able to get an abortion if you want to. The baby isn’t alive until it’s born so suck away

 @8KG8JBJConservativefrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

Taking away someone's life is not your decision to make, even as their mother. If you cannot support your child or for whatever reason, you do not want it, then consider your options and receive a consultation with a professional. There are so many other options, such as open and closed adoption (wither you want to stay in contact and be able to see the child in their future or want nothing to do with them), direct placement adoption (you can pick out a family best suited for you child), agency adoption (letting an adoption facility take care of your child's placement in a new home,…  Read more

 @8G296CFfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Pro-life, life begins at conception meaning abortion is murder. Promote alternative services like birth control and adoption

 @8JW33M8from Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Let the lady do what she has to do, if it’s a harm to her or the child then why keep it? If you’re broke and struggling in life, why keep it? If the spouse wants to have kids, then they should state so way before the relationship starts. They should also have a job to support said lady and child.

 @8F89P6Nfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

If she was raped and had a kid then put the kid up for adoption and the government should pay her to raise the kid instead of killing them

 @9WSS4QBfrom Ontario  answered…5mos5MO



Banning abortion is banning equality; forcing a woman to follow through while men are incapable of the same physical accountability is sexism.

If you only support abortion in instances of rape/incest, you are reinforcing the idea that in order for a woman to have a right to HER body, someone else has to violate it first.

Providing free birth control, sex education for all, and more social services is an investment in the cumulative health of this country.

Keep religion out of politics. If you don't want an abortion, don't get one. You do not get to decide what is best for me, based on your beliefs.

Religious freedom = "Hey, that's against my religious beliefs, I can't do that." (Not, "Hey, that's against my religious beliefs, YOU can't do that.")

 @9BQBNYGfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

Pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child. However if the women is allowed to choose to abort the child, then the man should be allowed to choose weather or to not pay child support

 @9VGGMWSConservativefrom British Columbia  answered…5mos5MO

Pro-choice, but ban after first 4 months and provide birth control, sex education and de-stigmatize and perhaps encourage adoption.

  @Conservative-from-Canadafrom California  commented…2yrs2Y

Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months

Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months. Prior to 1969, inducing an abortion was a crime under Section 251 of the Criminal Code. The maximum penalty for a doctor, or anyone else assisting a woman to end her pregnancy, was life. Then and today, abortion has remained a divisive moral and political issue. It is condemned on one side by “pro-life” advocates, who seek to defend the unborn child; it is supported on the other by “pro-choice” advocates. In 1990, the House of Commons voted in Favour (140–131) of a new law. Introduced by the Progressive Conservati…  Read more

 @8ZZGWP2from Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

Pro-Choice, Should not be used as a form of birth control and should not be taxpayer funded unless it is for a medica issue

 @8ZMTC6Nfrom British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8RQ8454from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Women should have the right to have an abortion for certain reasons. For example, if the woman is raped she should have the choice. If someone is pregnant and is unable to provide for the child and not able to give them a safe and healthy life then they should an abortion for it would be the best decision. I am a firm believer in pro-choice but in a different matter, I think if women are using abortions as a form of birth control then they shouldn't have the right to abortions.

 @8G8D5GZfrom Saskatchewan  answered…4yrs4Y

Pro-life, but increase the government subsidies and support for child-bearing women and single mothers.

 @96Z72XKfrom British Columbia  answered…2yrs2Y

Most people shouldn't be having kids to begin with. Pro-abortion, not life.

 @9724JDTfrom Kentucky  disagreed…2yrs2Y

Shouldn't be having kids? I know overpopulation is a problem, but this is an extreme overreaction, and a very bitter view on life. And come on, killing a baby is murder, but a few months earlier and it's fine WTF??

 @8F67WHTfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

Pro-Life, but acceptance to aborting immigrant children, race mixes, rape and incest.

 @8SLWK8Dfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @9283TWLfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8VRJ7VQConservativefrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

Pro life, but better sex education and easier access to birth control and better support for unplanned pregnancy

 @8HXLYW3from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

well I think it would differ on if have been raped and in that yes I would but if it's not in that area then no I don't think it's right.

 @8VT69SFfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

It should be up to the father. He's the one who has to pay for the child. If there is no father, then pro choice.

 @8VGFR2Cfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8KHSXYDfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Pro choice, but use fetuses in Stem Cell research and other fields wherever possible.

 @8F2KYGZfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Pro-life, and provide more alternative services to prevent people from being in that situation

 @8DSG5P5New Democraticfrom Quebec  answered…4yrs4Y

pro choice, birth control, sex ed, and more social services to avoid the need for them as most teen pregnancies are from expected abstinence meaning that no one teaches them what to do and how to avoid pregnancy, nor do they provide the means for birthcontrol. and birth control should be free. however, no abortions after three months save for health reasons or the baby dies in the womb.

 @8GXZGKGfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

PRO CHOICE, and providing birth control, sex Ed, and more social services. AND ESPECIALLY, SUBSTANTIALLY lower the cost (or being free) of contraceptives (condoms/birth control) and making the morning after pill completely FREE.

 @8JYZZGFfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Both. The woman should take into consideration the life of her child no matter what, but still have a choice to have an abortion.

 @B3FQZNNfrom Ontario  answered…1wk1W

Pro-choice. WTF? How can you even ask? I can't imagine our country following the American way. Also, women should get a double vote on that.

 @B3BXZRZfrom Ontario  answered…2wks2W

i don't think abortion should be illegal but i think there should be a 18+ age limit and if you have a abortion or miscarriages under the age of 18 you should be charged

 @B3BXTM8from Ontario  answered…2wks2W

pro life since if you cannot or do not want to take care of the child you should put them up for adoption.

 @B3BK36Bfrom Ontario  answered…2wks2W

Provide birth control, sex Ed, more social services and counselling for those considering abortion. No abortions after 3 months unless risk to mom/ baby.

 @B36LMM7from Ontario  answered…2wks2W

From my point of view, only women should choose about this topic. Men cant choose over women in topics they will never suffer

 @B36DLLRfrom Ontario  answered…2wks2W

Pro choice, providing easy access to sex education, social services, birth control options to reduce abortion numbers , but also if someone has more than 2 abortions due to non medical reasons then they pay for it or get tube's tied or forced birth control. Shouldn't be funded by taxes

 @B353N4Nfrom British Columbia  answered…3wks3W

Pro-life, but with exceptions for rape, incest, and endangerment, and also provide measures, programs, and services to reduce unwanted pregnancies

 @B353543from Ontario  answered…3wks3W

 @B32B7G5Liberalfrom Alberta  answered…3wks3W

Pro-choice, with the government providing resources to reduce the number of abortions and support in the case of rape, incest, or risk, but more opposed to abortion being used as a birth control.

 @B2ZMLQPfrom Idaho  answered…4wks4W

Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months or allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child

 @B2Z7HFHfrom Prince Edward Island  answered…4wks4W

I do not support abortion but I understand there are certain scenarios. I believe adoption is the best solution for most circumstances.

 @B2Z3ZRPfrom Ontario  answered…4wks4W

Pro-choice, which is also in support of "life" and hence pro-life. The correct terms here are ANTI-CHOICE vs PRO-CHOICE. I support the life of the mother and her right to make choices about her body.

 @B2YZZ9TConservativefrom Alberta  answered…4wks4W

I think that if you are going to engage in sex but dont want a kid you should take all of the proper precautions so that you dont end up pregnant. If you end up getting pregnant and are in a solid relationship and didnt take proper precautions then i think if you can lay down to make the baby you can stand up to raise the baby. I think abortions should only be allowed in rape cases or if you arent in the right place in life such as being too young.

 @B2YWMKSConservativefrom Ontario  answered…4wks4W

If we let abortion become legal in Canada then we are killing. I moment life in conceived the person counts. If you commmint abortion YOU ARE KILLING!!! It is a sin.

 @B2XM8X6from Alberta  answered…4wks4W

In cases where the mother is safe and can care for the child abortion should be discouraged, because Birth Control is an option. But in cases where birth is unsafe for 1. the child, 2. the mother, or 3 the mother was sexually harmed or raped abortion should be a choice.


Ban after the first three months and allow in case of rape, incest, or danger to the mother of the child

 @B2VJ37Nfrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

pro choice and add in that with rape and incest should be heavily punish the offenders with jail time or choping of there parts off

 @9LXDZSK from Maine  answered…1mo1MO

 @B2SZWGYConservativefrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

Pro-choice, but it should be banned after 3 months. However, victims of rape and incest should be allowed them as long as there's proof.


Personally Pro-life but allow abortion in the first trimester and provide free birth control and social services to help reduce the number of abortions

 @B2S72SXfrom Ontario  answered…1mo1MO

Its should be the choses of the person that has the baby and also involve the father of the relation ship.

 @B2QVV6HConservativefrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

pro choice, but there's a point where you can't use abortion as your scape goat, after the fetus turns into a baby it should be illegal.

 @B2QQNC2from Ontario  answered…1mo1MO

I believe someone should not be forced to have kids that they don't want since the kids will not have a good life, I believe that part is fine but should not be celebrated since you are killing a kid, but i don't judge the people for doing it.

 @B2QP78Mfrom British Columbia  answered…1mo1MO

Depends on the stage of the pregnancy, excluding victims of rape, incest, or endangerment of the mother.

 @B2QN6QKNew Democraticfrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

pro choice but victims of rape or incest and if the pregnancy is life threatening to the mother or baby abortion should be allowed in cases like this.

 @B2QMRG7Conservativefrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

Everyone should get a chance in life no matter where or who they come from. Others people's experinces doesn't explain their worth in life.

 @B2Q2KBYfrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

Pro-choice, there is circumstances where abortion is valid, however abortion being used as a birthcontrol for lack of self control, is wrong.

 @B2LZCJTfrom Ontario  answered…1mo1MO

Pro-choice. Provide better sex education, birth control, and tack down the social services to actually help the people. Abortion past 4 months is a bit odd to me, only if medically needed/birth would cause death to mother or baby.

 @B2KXFY8from Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

Pro choice, but allow more rights to the fathers. It takes two to make a baby but one to decide? That is not equality of the sexes.

 @B2JFZGMfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

Pro choice, but ban after 3 months unless medically dangerous, also providing free birth control, sex education & more social services will help reduce the number of abortions.

 @B2GG52Pfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

I don't have an opinion on what a woman decides to do with her body. Women should make this decision on their own and what limitations should be in place.

 @B2G9QQ9New Democraticfrom Illinois  answered…2mos2MO

I am personally not 100% for abortion due to my religion, but since I am a man, I am for a woman's right for abortion.

 @B2FKZYDfrom Alberta  answered…2mos2MO

pro choice, but it has to be at the early stage before its fully developed and there should be more education and social services to reduce the number of abortion.

 @B2DKNYMfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

In-between, varies on the situation I think the government should not ban it but rather have stricter rules, management, requirements, and serious consideration, especially for victims of rape and incest.

 @B2B5QWFfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

Pro-choice but if someone's using it as their birth control option every time then they should be made infertile.

 @B2B2C59from Alberta  answered…2mos2MO

Abortion should only be allowed to women, who were raped and/or got pregnant in any form of forced sex, and to do this they have to go to court and any hospital to provide evidence that such actions happened to them for them to be allowed to have an abortion

 @B29T2CMConservativefrom Alberta  answered…2mos2MO

Pro Choice, and kill or give up the baby. Be smarter about unplanned pregnancies. Birth control should be available free of charge, no price tag.

 @B29QJGVfrom Manitoba  answered…2mos2MO

No, just cause people make a decision that they dont like and get pregnant off of them, doesnt mean they need to take a babys life

 @B28SGLNfrom Nova Scotia  answered…2mos2MO

Pro-choice, I don’t agree but the government has no right to ban it

Women have only gained momentum on their rights and research into our specific biology and equality within the last 50 years. Stop blocking our freedoms. Just stop.

 @B28SGF4from Alberta  answered…2mos2MO

the choice of having kids is not made by the government and it is a medical procedure that should be left to doctors and the patient to make the decisions. a.k.a mind your own business

 @B24HFW6from Manitoba  answered…3mos3MO

No abortion. That is a child, and you're killing it. What did the kid ever do to you? If you don't want it, then don't hook up with people.

 @B246BMMfrom Alberta  answered…3mos3MO

In cases of danger to mother or child and funding should be added to provide birth control, sex education and more social services to help reduce number of abortions


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