The reality is if you don't like the idea of an abortion, don't get one, but don't take that choice away from others. That is not fair.
It is the women’s choice they are the one who must birth the child it’s her body and you never know what a persons story is, no one should be told they can not protect themselves and make a decision that is life changing, it is that girl, or women’s choice
It's also not fair to the unborn child abortion should only be an option in rape and life and death situations there are choices other than abortion.
I agree. The other alternative to not have a baby is to put him up for adoption or foster care, and both systems are awful. I do not believe that it's normal to have to wait for years to adopt a child when there is so many kids with no parents. Having an abortion is already a very tough decision to make, I believe that it is very unnecessary to add more stress to women by taking this right away.
I agree with this view. I support bodily autonomy fully with respect to abortion, vaccines and MAID. People should always be free to decide what happens to their body.
I agree with this comment about abortion. It should always be the woman's choice on what to do with their bodies. Sexual assault and rape, especially if it leaves the woman pregnant, should not become their responsibility. There are too many different cases to take the choice away from every woman.
Yes I agree, for example, teen pregnancy is a very common thing, no women should have the obligation to go through a pregnancy.
Yes I agree, women should have the right to choose no matter the circumstance. For instance if a women is raped and ends up pregnant, she may not be in the financial situation to support the child, or emotional state to be a loving mother. There is also the case of teen pregnancy as accidents do happen and it is not a matter of just being careful. If you do not like the idea of an abortion do not get one, most of the people against abortion are men which should not have any right to decide what a women is to do with her body.
100%. I still cannot understand why people intervene in something that’s not their business. So it your belief or religion? Well they are not holy stances that interest me.
i agree with this comment about abortions. women should be able to decide what to do with their body. men shouldnt get to have an opinion on what women do with anything in that range of issues.
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