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4 Replies

 @9GDJ8XL from British Columbia  agreed…1yr1Y

I do not agree. Abortion is not about body choice, it is choosing not to bring an unwanted baby to the world.

 @T3rritorialRonfrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

Overpopulated countries where resources are already scarce. In such cases, bringing an unwanted child into the world could potentially lead to more suffering, for both the child and the family involved.

 @BipartisanTigerfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

These societal issues that need to be addressed through comprehensive policies such as improving access to education and contraception, and promoting sustainable development. South Korea was once a country struggling with overpopulation, but successfully managed to handle it not by encouraging abortion, but through a combination of family planning education, economic development, and social reforms.

 @WholesomeLibertyBellChristian Heritagefrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

A key point of contention is whether the fetus is considered a separate life form with its own rights. For instance, in cases where the fetus is viable outside the womb, some argue that it has a right to life. As for the argument about illegal abortions and female death rates, it's worth noting that improved medical technology and access to contraceptives have also contributed to reducing these rates, not just the legalization of abortion.


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