Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9G3RDGQfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

If they didn’t want it then why did they have intercourse with someone they don’t want to have a child with, and if you don’t want it just just give it up for adoption but don’t kill it

 @9GRM8JGNew Democratic from Ontario  commented…1yr1Y

Having intercourse with someone is not just about reproducing. Also, do you understand how stressful and exhausting pregnancy actually is? Some women just don't want to be pregnant and that is completely ok and they should have the right to terminate a pregnancy if they have no desire to be pregnant.

 @9G3RZDZfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

well its cruel to the child,it could be the cure to cancer and you say"oh its not alive yet so it doesnt matter" yes it does that baby is a living human and you have no right to take its life.


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