In 2016 the International Olympic committee ruled that transgender athletes can compete in the Olympics without undergoing sex reassignment surgery. In 2018 the International Association of Athletics Federations, track’s governing body, ruled that women who have more than 5 nano-mols per liter of testosterone in their blood—like South African sprinter and Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya—must either compete against men, or take medication to reduce their natural testosterone levels. The IAAF stated that women in the five-plus category have a “difference of sexual…
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In your opinion, does the current debate about transgender athletes reflect deeper societal values around fairness and equality?
no, I think having trans athetes in sports should be banned. Another alternative is for trans athletes to have their own class.
Not really, stay out of opposite genders sports. It's pretty simple!
@9V28522New Democratic6mos6MO
Personally, I think transgender men should not be able to compete in women's sports and vise versa. I say this because men naturally are stronger then women because they have a higher testosterone level, it is scientifically proven.
All I think is that people should be able to play no matter what gender or sex they go by. I really don't see the difference between cis and transgender people playing on the same teams. it's stupid to be angry at trans people wanting to be themselves.
@8C97BVPNew Democratic5yrs5Y
Athletes should not be divided by gender but instead divided by their weight, height, muscle mass, etc.
Abolish gender specific events
Why would we do that? Gender exists .
#5 Engaged Transgender Athletes
We should base it off of the testosterone-estrogen hormonal difference. This would also mean wed have more than one category.
There should be a transgender category in athletic competition
Abolish gender segregated sports, the implications that someone is the best at "Women's ___" is insulting anyway even if we've all grown adjusted to concept. Injuries happen regardless and sports have become far less rough as time goes on. The question of transgender participation has only highlighted how outdated this concept is.
I've seen enough sporting events where an all-males youth team smokes an adult female team with a massive difference. Keeping men out of women's sports is what keeps it fair for them.
They should change the way people are chosen to compete against each other, such as weight/strength/height/etc
No it ruins sports, goes against human biology, endangers women, takes away opportunities for women to be represented.
Yes, I’m a open category allowed to any gender. Male and female categories should remain consistent in their application to those born with that biological sex.
Sure, but as the sex on their birth certificate. Not the sex they identify as. Born male, compete against males. Born female, compete against females.
I think everyone has genetic advantage when compared to random others, and therefore athletics shouldn't be separated by gender at all
should compete with transgender athletes of same chosen sex only because of certain advantages.
I think transgender athletes should have their own league
This is a difficult question, but I feel that in extreme cases, an athlete has the opportunity to fake being transgender only to have an upper hand in opposing sport events. I lean towards no.
Yes, but only with other transgender athletes of the same sex at birth and gender identity
@8CW6SXRNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, but some athletic organizations need to reassess how athletes are categorized to ensure safety and fairness for all.
Except there's absolutely no evidence that allowing trans women in sports leads to more injury; the evidence usually cited is that Fallon Fox injured another fighter, but serious injuries are not uncommon in martial sports, and many women have been injured and in some cases killed even when no trans women were present.
The lines dividing athletes by gender should be erased
I think that’s interesting but in effect you’d just destroy women in sports
No, but only because it fosters more hate. They should be able to, but the overall hate is not worth it.
this issue is much too nuanced and there are too many variables to just make a blanket yes or no. I do not feel qualified to even speak about it.
In youth settings i think it is ok for transgender athletes to compete with other genders, however as soon as it become a matter of competition it can become unfair in certain sports or competitions to compete with other genders so overall no they should not.
Revaluating how sports leagues or divisions are created to be based on aggregate performance instead of gender
Yes, but only if they can choose if they wish to compete against their birth sex, or their newer sex.
Yes, there is no real evidence that trans athletes have an unfair advantage over cuts athletes. In fact there is evidence to the contrary.
More scientific understanding of trans athleticism must be gained before these actions can be taken.
Yes, if it doesn’t have an unfair advantage, I’d also support an open category to compete or the option to compete under your gender of birth
@B38K4D7Independent 2wks2W
I think the best solutions is 3 categories for future sporting events. 2 simple categories split based off the biological sex of athlete at birth (Male and female) and a 3rd category: Mixed(anyone of normal qualifications can compete).
Only if they have been taking the proper treatments since before the age of 12-14 and testosterone and other levels are shown to be in the same ballpark
Yes as long as their weight and muscle mass are the equivalent to everyone in the category theyre in
It is not the government's jurisdiction to decide who plays games a certain way, and this is also not a real issue.
If a guy who identifies as a women wants to compete in women’s sports, he should not be allowed because you have to physically look like the sex that you identify with or else it is not fair.
@B33F9MVNew Democratic3wks3W
Yes, if their hormone levels are equivalent, however, that's not the only definitive view. It's complex at best, the best athletes who perform where their gender matches their sex have different hormonal levels.
Maybe have an any/all entry category in which anyone that is comfortable entering that category could compete in. I just don't like isolating a specific group of people. If given a category of any/all it would at least be an inclusive option for anyone. I am transgender and I quit sports. It would be nice to be included in anything where my gender isn't the focus. I would pick any/all option personally over male - female options.
A person who transitioned to a Man After being born a women have no real advantage when it comes to sports and if anything it makes it harder for them. But if a Man changes to a women and competes in women’s sports the genetic difference is too unfair for it to be competitive
no because for ex males are still males so it would be unfair for male to play on a women's team its a disadvantage.
Yes, but only if their Hormone level, weight, height, etc. are equivilant in the gender category they are competing in
Yes, but it should be up to the individual sports administrators to define the rules, Government should have no influence.
create a separate category, or women who have transitioned to male can compete in male sports but not the other way around
No it is very unfair to Women who train and work hard every day to be athletes and lose to men who are twice their size and weight
I think they should be able to participate in the gender they are identifying as if they are on hormone blockers or if they are in some form of hormone therapy. As a lot of people say that hormone blockers can strengthen someone which is actually the complete opposite as hormone blockers stop any and all growth that may occur for the body. so they are growing any taller or any stronger unless they take measures such as the gym to help gain muscles which is perfectly normal.
I think competitions shouldn't be separated by gender or hormone level, but some other metric related to performance.
no, it is not equal for someone who identifies as a man to compete against women or vice versa, unfair advantages and disadvantages
No, They should have a separate category. but I Don't think it's the Government's job to say. It should be the Governing body that is in place of that sport to come up a solution.
You can move up to, or stay in the male division which would be renamed open division. You can't move down into women's.
It is not fair for biological women so no. They should have their own categories. But sure for people who transitioned from female to male since they do not have the same unfair advantage.
No, athletes should not be competing in categories based on gender; it should be based on size and weight class.
Yes, and athletes should be able to compete with each other regardless of their gender or sex, and more sports should allow for and encourage mixed gender competition
As long as the regulations and issues such as change rooms and such as connected to, be regulated properly and that common sense is still followed I believe it should be allowed however, I do feel that there will be a disadvantage in some sectors.
Whether or not they should compete with their preferred gender should be left up to specific leagues and sporting organizations, but trans athletes must be included to the highest extent, regardless of who they compete against.
They should look into other ways to categorize athletes besides gender/sex if in the eyes of those they decide, gender and sex entail a set of specific differences. Perhaps weight class, hormones etc. Should be individually considered outside of gender and sex as these physical differences exists and vary amongst these categories regardless, so to limit someone if they’re transgender based on that principle wouldn’t be entirely preventing biological difference
No, but there should be new categories that benefit transgender athletes, like transgender men categories and transgender women categories, that way everyone can perform.
If your born a guy you only compete against guys if your a girl you probably wouldn't even try and compete against the guys we are not the same guys are just naturally alot stronger
Not unless it is a sport where being biologically male doesn't present a significant advantage. Ie shooting, archery,
No, there should be a different category for transgender individuals.
They should have separate categories
They should compete against other transgender athletes undergoing the same transition
Transgender athletes should be allowed but they would be at a advantage/disadvantage depending on the sport. I want them to be able but also don't because of some advantages/disadvantages from their anatomy.
They should have their own category of sports, so that they are still happy with what they identify with, but also don't interfere with biological male or female sports.
No unless the athlete has transitioned before puberty.
Yes, but they should be encouraged to take medication and drugs that help their hormone levels match those in the gender category they compete in.
If women who are transitioning into man want to compete that is fine but man transitioning into a women should not be allowed to as they have a physiological advantage
They should have their own division in sports
In my opinion it depends on when the person started their transition. If someone who was born a male transitions and within a month is competing in the women’s division, that seems unfair due to their biology.
Transgender people should be allowed to compete in sports. Banning trans people from sports is discrimination. Policing bodies in sports hurts not only trans people but cis people
Yes, and science should be reconstructed based around men and women's biological capabilities in order to more accurately inform sports on how to separate athletes based on ability capacity. As we continue research on gender and sexuality, it is becoming more apparent that historical research that created our "facts" around these subjects has been significantly biased in order to serve those in positions of power, further segregating and categorizing individuals to a false dichotomy.
HUGELY COMPLICATED ISSUE. as long as theres male or female teams instead of co-ed teams this should be based on a persons biological sex determined by their genetics. Either that or there will have to be additional trans male and trans female teams to level the playing field so to speak
tbh idk even if they take hormones i’m sure they still have some biological advantages mainly ftm
make a pride olympics (just like the special olympics) so that they can make rules suited for them that won't affect others
Regardless, this decision should be left to individual athletic boards and not the government, as the evidence is still too vague to enforce one way or the other.
A new class division should be opened for trans women and trans men
@9D4YVYKNew Democratic2yrs2Y
We should remove the gendered aspect of competitive sports somewhat to focus more on skill category than gender. This also allows a better inclusion of non-binary and otherwise gender-diverse people in sports.
Create a separate division for transgender.
Trans men are welcome to participate in men's events. Trans women should either participate in men's events or not participate at all.
Transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete with members of their identified gender. It is unfortunate but there are vast differences in the physiology of biological men and women that would potentially give transgenders an advantage or disadvantage.
No, they should participate with the gender they wore at birth or have a separate category made for them. As to not take places away from cis gender athletes.
Yes, if they compete against other transgender athletes
@8TYLF9YNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, but only in a separate category for transgender athletes
Yes but only if they’ve been on hormone therapy for 2 years
They should make a new category
@8TX9HRLNew Democratic4yrs4Y
women can join the men league but not the opposite
Yes, but in their own events or assign biological sexes.
unilateral treatment in this question is problematic. The benefit of M to F is far greater than M to F
Yes, but they should create their own gender category.
Yes and remove gender as a segregation factor for sports
Transgendered leagues should be created.
@8TVX24MNew Democratic4yrs4Y
They should have their own category: Men, Women, Trans.
No, they should compete in a separate category all together.
Yes, Athletic Events should now be reorganized by skill level rather than gender or sex.
They would have to be kept to pass certain guidelines
Yes, but they would compete against other transgender athletes only
@8HGXPCZNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, And create MTF and FTM Catagories
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