LGBT adoption is the adoption of children by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons. This may be in the form of a joint adoption by a same-sex couple, adoption by one partner of a same-sex couple of the other's biological child (step-child adoption) and adoption by a single LGBT person. Joint adoption by same-sex couples is legal in 25 countries. Opponents of LGBT adoption question whether same-sex couples have the ability to be adequate parents while other opponents question whether natural law implies that children of adoption possess a natural right to be raised by heterosexual parents. Since constitutions and statutes usually fail to address the adoption rights of LGBT persons, judicial decisions often determine whether they can serve as parents either individually or as couples.
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Yes. There is no reason to believe that a child is better off with straight couples.
They should have a right but not the same.
Yes, but I think they should have to go through more of a thorough process to see if it is a good idea. I don't think every same-sex couple should be automatically permitted to adopt. Are they in a long-term, very stable and loving relationship? Are they going to provide a balanced view of the sexes - nothing wrong with being gay, but are they going to raise the child in a home that reveres both sexes. Are they adopting the child for the child's sake or for theirs?
Must pass rigorous background checks. Must have been co-habitating atleast 10 years. Must be atleast 35 years old. Must have reasonable income. Must open trust account for child for $1M.
Adoption is baby-trafficking. Selling human beings for profit is immoral. Adoption should be replaced with permanent legal guardianship.
NO , because the children's right overwrites their adoptive wishes.
So if I believed that I am Elizabeth Is the Queen of England I would be, at best, tagged as irrational and delusional. If I am a man who believes he is a woman, I am not delusioal. I am gay. Reminds me of a story. After God created human beings Satan scoffed and said he could do better. On the day of the demo, Satan scooped up a handful of dirt, at which point God says, "Dude! get your own dirt!"
No, adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples. However not just any straight couple as I'm sure there are better suited gay couples than some straight couples.
For myself as a gay man, I do not believe in denying the right for other other queer couples to adopt children, however I would have a difficult time in accepting this reality for myself, believing that a traditional family structure is much better suited to be raising children.
Yes, so long as the couples involved are deemed to have a balanced approach to child-rearing and education and are not radical Lesbian (or gay male) separatists who despise the opposite sex. I say this as a gay man myself who is an uncle but has, for the moment, and since I became an adult, no desire to be a father to any children, adopted or biological.
Only if one of the same-sex partners is the parent or legal guardian of the child concerned.
Yes, as long as the LGBT couples are just as capable of being parents as the straight couples, and as long as the LGBT couples don't try to influence their children to be a certain way, then there should be no problem with this.
We see their still some children who suffer with straight couples so if the person has good parenting skills they can.
i think gay couples should be allowed to adopt after passing same background checks. but also the agencies should prioritize heteronormative households for the children to allow children to develop without facing any discrimination or harassment
I feel this next generation will give the data to show if this should be ok or not as the children may have liked to have the opposite sex parent.
No they should not have baby and adopt because the baby underage and it is not the baby right to have , same sex patents
@9ZT7QLRNew Democratic3mos3MO
I think it should not matter whether the couple is Gay or not it should always be whats best for the Kid.
Yes, but adoption checks should include financial and mental health checks to ensure safety for the childs time living with their parents for any couple or single person looking to adopt.
I think it's important for a child to be raised by both a mother and a father. I wouldn't say ban it fully but add restrictions on it
I feel like they can adopt the child, as long as the child is aware of all the hate and judgement that may come with it.
@9W42SJ7New Democratic5mos5MO
yes but, biologically gay couples can't make another child without the opposite sex or a donner, so if a gay couple wanted a child it was most likely a long process.
Abolish adoption, it's not child-centred and turns into human trafficking, families in crisis need support not to be turned into someone else's family planning tool
If the child is able to make their own decisions, they should have a say on if they would want a same-sex couple as their parents or straight couple.
it depends on if the child if a female and going to a place where there's no motherly figure and vice versa for a male
Yes, but allow religious institution ran adoption organizations their right to only allow straight couple adoption in their services.
they chose to date each other and not have kids so they shouldnt be able to adopt only straight people should be able to adopt
I think having a mother and father is more beneficial for a child, but if they are more than capable than a gay couple should be able to adopt with no problems from agencies
Sure? I mean they are human and they can but the life the child gets is very different to straight couples.
Yes, only if there are no available straight couples
No there should be no gay in the world
No, due to how the odds of a child being successful in a home with a mother and father dynamic.
No i don't think that two individuals of the same sex can raise a child of the opposite sex for example two men raising a girl there needs to be balance. Also the child being adopted would have no choice to either choose gay parents or straight ones
Yes, sexual orientation should not be a determining factor in adoption cases at all
there should bee no gay people in Canada
This question isn't relevant to me and I wont answer in a "Do you support opinion" but everyone should have equal rights as other people no matter who they are, since it is their choice.
yes but as long as they raise them normally instead of trying to force their sexuality on them until they are able to chose for themselves
You shouldn’t be able to ask a 17 year old this Not completing this should not be in the curriculum
yes as long as the the gay couple can prove a good understanding of how to parent a child and how it may affect the childs life having same sex parents
It really depends if they are able to fully parent a child and do both jobs the mothers and the fathers job then yes but if they’re just babying the kid the next generations of men will be week because they wont have actual men ready to dicplin their children correctly
ehh if i was being adopted i'd want a mother and father, but if they are both loving and in a stable relationship i suppose there's no problem.
yes but the child should be checked in on as they should have both a female and male figure they can look up to
Pass, the same background checks as straight parents, and it should be the child's choice by the age of 5 whether or not they want those people to be their parents. (Without persuasion, a child's intuition shouldn't fail).
I'm in general disagreement with promoting gay family child rearing. I think children need both a mother and father. Sadly, many fathers are absent and many mothers choose bad mates. Is an adopted or IVF child better off in a calm, loving gay household than an abusive, violent hetero household? Most likely, yes. But I would hope the gay household tries to get an adult of the opposite gender involved in the child's life. Some gay households, especially lesbian households have a real hatred of men and they should NOT have children until they address their baggage.
Yes, as long as they’re not leftists. Only right wing homosexual couples can be trusted to not groom their children into the woke leftist cult.
Yes, but should have an opposite gender person involved in the child’s life (I.e child is female, being close with a grandmother, aunt, etc.)
I think it is important but no because what about the kid they could be Muslim or another religion that doesn't include gay people in there community
As much as I support couples like this, a child needs a mother and a father to learn different aspects of life
Yes, but cannot push a gender or pronouns onto their child from a young age, creating confusion for the child.
Adoption should be child centred not adult centred. Biological families should be supported when in crisis. Adoption should be last resort and if possible kinship adoption and not strangers. Children should not be trafficked for the wants of adults.
Yes, but make sure that they aren't the type that will purposefully try to assimilate their child to be lgbt
Gay couples should not even be possibility, let alone raise a child to be like them, that’s ridiculous
Yes, gay couples must have the same rights to adopt chuldren because it is beneficial for both. Children, who are without family need anyone who cares them and also every couple either gay couples want their heirs.
Yes, but the individual giving up the child should have the right to choose same-sex or straight couple as caregivers
No, mother father family structure is best for a child and adoption agenies should prioritize straight couples over gay couples
i think it depends becuse i dont really care what people do but at the same time i think they shouldnt be allowed
I don't see why not as long as your able to take care of a child then who cares of what gender you like decides on that.
As long as they don’t force lgbtq rights into their kid and let their kids have their own feelings it’s fine
Yes just don’t destroy the mind of children enforcing that they are anything but straight brainwashing them
I believe Gay couple can have the same rights as long as they don't abuse or try to force their gender or sexuality expectations on that child, it is a form of mental abuse and should not be tolerated.
If they allow their child to make their own choices of how they want to be in terms of being gay or not.
Yes but there should be a quiz or a confirmation that they have the right needs for the child
they should have the right to
They should be dating a different gender and no.
Yes, as long as they're trustworthy and not abusive.
gay people adopting child= execution
I belive that it is okay for that but a child would be better with a mom and a dad in my opinion.
Gay people are stopping the reproduction of a country, by making more people give up their right to make children. And i think this is inhuman and they should give up their right to make other children suffer, and ruin children's worldview and values.
Yes but with followups by a physician for any abnormal mental health issues
yes, unless the couple influences the child's choice of gender.
I don't abortions should be legal for gay or straight couples!
Yes, everyone should be given a chance to adopt a child whether they're straight, lesbian, gay queer, whatever they identify as, as long as they are responsible enough to take care of a child and be prepared to give the kids a warm and loving family they couldn't have.
Gays Should not be trusted with children
They should only be able to adopt kids after they are 13+ so the kid has a choice to go with them or not because it is unfair to not have a mum, my mum is the best.
Yes, though I believe a mother and father are superior.
I think as long as the gay couple is verified to be safe for the child it should be okay.
I need to do more research on the topic
No because i feel like the kid should be old enough to consent. A baby needs a mom and a dad.
Personally I don’t think so. No disrespect or hate to any gay couples who do have kids, I just think it might be a bit to confusing for a kid to understand that they have two moms or two dads, I just think that one mom and one dad is good for a kid.
Yes, as long as the child agrees with the request as well
yes as long as the couple is able to meet all required fields and is able to support the child
I think that they could be aloud to but i believe that a mother and father figure is most important
not when gay couples receive priority
NO!!!They should NOT have anything
Gay couples should have the same rights to adopt, however adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples before gay couples
Yes, but they have to pass the background checks and ask the child if they are ok with being adopted my same sex couples.
yes, they should be allowed with the same background check as straight couples but, the child should have a say in whether they actually want to stay with the homosexuals.
Yes, but the child should be able to deny it.
I think everything is fine
they should never because that will ruin the kid's life
The gender of the parents adopting shouldn't matter. Single parents should be allowed to adopt to. Gay/ lesbian couples are just as good as parents as a man and woman. What matters is the child has a secure, stable and happy home.
No because gay people need to pay for getting a child.
100% yes it doesn't matter what sex the couple is or identifies as they should have equal treatment
Doesn't matter as long as they treat the child well.
this should be explained to the child and let the child decide
Yes, gay couples should. But not any transgenders.
Gay couples should have a better chance of adopting than straights
Why are these even questions anymore? Yes gay couples should have the same rights as straight couples. For everything.
Yes. Straight couple should have to go through the same hoops and screening gay couple do. Being a man and woman does not make a couple automatically a better choice for adoption. Every adoptive parent should undergo at least a year of registered therapy to assess a parents readiness, emotional maturity and ability to parent an adoptive child. Spoken from the viewpoint of an adopted child of straight parents but has seen much better adoptive parenting from LGBT friends and community.
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