Diversity training is any program designed to facilitate positive intergroup interaction, reduce prejudice and discrimination, and generally teach individuals who are different from others how to work together effectively. On April 22, 2022, Florida Governor DeSantis signed into law the “Individual Freedom Act.” The bill prohibited schools and companies from mandating diversity training as a requirement for attendance or employment. If schools or employers violated the law they would be exposed to expanded civil liability exposures. Banned mandatory training topics include: 1.…
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Prevention is Better Than Correction
Diversity training for all staff helps prevent incidents of prejudice by educating individuals about unconscious biases, cultural competence, and respectful communication. Addressing these issues upfront reduces the likelihood of harmful behaviors occurring.
Building a Supportive Culture
A school’s culture is shaped by everyone’s actions, not just those who overtly commit acts of prejudice. Providing all staff with tools to navigate diverse interactions encourages a cohesive and inclusive environment.
Addressing Implicit Bias
Many acts of pre… Read more
Children and teens can feel unseen and left out if their specific needs aren't met, and may feel uncomfortable, which may alter heir learning experience and not being them to full potential.
What is there to train? There are different skin colors in schools already. Training the teacher to hate the white kids is just going to create more biases not eliminate them.
If you teach students about the past, and what has happened due to discrimination, the students could learn what bad has happened due to that, and if schools teach students about it they will understand more about stereotypical topics, so then students will learn what bad has happened due to the past discrimination, so then they should change due to learning what they have.
In order to support all of our diverse students and their varying needs in an equitable way, educators need to engage in discussions where they can examine their own identity and privilege, so they can teach with more compassion and understanding, ensuring that all students can access what they need to be successful.
Teachers should at least know the basics on how to respond to those students who need extra help, and to not exclude anybody, learning how to include anybody.
They need to know about different cultures, races and other things to be respectful to their students.
They should be allowed to, due to that it could teach students to not discriminate others due to other things they have been told stereotypes about some of the people that they could be discriminating against, but if teacher teach them about it, they could, and most likely should learn to treat everyone equally no matter what, depending on lets say if its a criminal, they don't get treated equally due to the things they have done.
No, only for students that display racist behavior
Everyone should be educated to reduce discrimination as a preventative measure instead of a reactive measure.
There shouldn’t be training on how to be politically correct. If someone is offensive, just expel them. Don’t force them to learn something they don’t want. Just tell them there’ll be consequences if they commit acts of discrimination.
Yes, and all schools should require mandatory diversity training
When you require diversity training, you are spending tax resources on not only something that is not beneficial but is directly harming the population. Diversity, other than what naturally occurs (such as different ages, income brackets and a couple others in a homogeneous population), harms the society that it is in. It gives preferential treatment to foreigners. This is simply a politically progressive idea which comes at the expense of the native population.
No, only for teachers or faculty members that display racist behavior
A strong counter-argument to the position that diversity training should only be for teachers or faculty members who commit acts of prejudice is that proactive education is more effective than reactive measures. Waiting until an incident of prejudice occurs risks harm to students, staff, and the broader school community. Instead, comprehensive diversity training for all teachers and faculty members can create a shared understanding of inclusivity and respect, fostering a positive and equitable environment for everyone.
@9NWTD4W 9mos9MO
No everyone should be able to go to Diverse Training no matter if you were prejudiced or not. I believe that everyone needs to know about Diverse learning techniques, since there are so many people who are suffering in silence and struggling within the public learning system.
No, diversity training should be encouraged but not required
@9NWTD4W 9mos9MO
I agree, it shouldn't be required, but we should still have as a standard training for teachers. Since there are so many kids struggling within the public system, teachers should know how they learn.
I agree that all school should require mandatory diversity training for teachers and faculty, and immediately terminate any staff members that commit acts of discrimination.
Yes, but instead of those low cost diversity training videos that just tells people to not discriminate, design actual program that encourage collaboration and celebrate diversity.
Yes, but We need a better definition of diversity, which goes beyond sex, race or gender identity and include cultural and cognitive diversities
No, diversity training should be encouraged but not required, and any faculty member that commits acts of discrimination should be expelled.
No, but mainly because mandatory diversity training is usually not the most effective way to create a better workplace environment for marginalized groups. Schools should focus on initiatives that bolster connection and open-mindedness in ways that work.
Unfortunately in education, we always take things to an extreme to overcorrect past wrongs. Then we find ourselves overcorrecting our overcorrections. Diversity training or training in multicultural education should be a part of our inservice development for teachers so that we understand how to meet the needs and be aware of all the students we service. We must never EVER use this type of training to make current students ashamed of their heritage, race or sex.
Yes, but only for populations that historically have been oppressed by the education system directly (I.e., Disabled and Indigenous Students)
No schools should have a code of conduct that recognizes respect for people of all backgrounds, abilities, gender expression etc..these courses should be a part of professional training of young people, and part of the expectation of conduct of all employees.
NO, it should not happen anywhere
I think anybody should have the right to say whatever they want to say, but they must know that there will be consequences NOT legal but other people might do something to them for whatever they chose to say.
Yes, also creating awareness of Indigenous peoples history due to Canada. Discrimination against Indigenous peoples needs to stop. Every other race or culture is respected or unbothered. Educate! Or the cycle of disrespect and racism will only continue.
Teachers and school staff should receive diversity training so they do not pass biases and prejudice on to students. It's important teachers be informed on topics such as homophobia, transphobia, racism and xenophobia to help foster a welcoming classroom environment. Teachers shouldn't be allowed to spread hate speech in the classroom.
Only for differences universal all humans like disabilities.
@9F5FC8S 1yr1Y
Mandatory Training should be focused less in cultures/ethnicities and more on differences that are universal to all humans — such as biological gender (female rights, toxic masculinity) and disabilities.
Depends what you mean by diversity training
@B279XJNNew Democratic2mos2MO
Training should be done when applicable (e.g.: if individual is unfamiliar with customs vs someone who is familiar) and should only be trained by someone who has personal experience by being part of said diverse group if so.
No, but discriminatory behaviour should be grounds for repercussions. Publically funded schools should have published guidelines for when termination is warranted.
Definitely for factors that people do not have a choice about such as skin colour or country of birth.
Have more support for teachers, and hire well-educated and well-rounded people from all backgrounds.
Go over basic respect and tolerance stuff
Yes, as long as the teachers get paid to do it.
Should be based on the location and the census based on the type of people attending the school and in the area.
No, and "diversity" training should be banned for pushing terrorist propaganda.
Encourage teaching of black history, as well as other marginalized histories in Canadian school textbooks for students, but also fund museums which allow people to tell their stories. But for staff, also have training available for them.
No, all staff should look at a person for who they are not their, ethnicity, sexuality or hair colour.
@B3MTX2S4 days4D
Yes, and terminate teachers in schools with mandatory diversity training if they receive complaints of discrimination.
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