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All of Canada should use the Hydro-Quebec model
Nationalize the energy sector. Greedy private corporations shouldn't control the energy. Electricity should also be free to everyone but have a limit on how much you can use. Everyone should have electricity even if they cannot pay as long as they aren't a resource hog and it should be the federal government's responsibility.
Nationalize the energy sector while still allowing provinces to privatize temporarily to test new ideas
Regardless, the government should ban fossil fuels and increase spending on environmentally friendly options such as hydroelectric, geothermal, wind and solar
Energy policies vary by province. For example, Alberta's electricity sector is largely privatized, while other provinces have different approaches.
Both, We should have options. If nationalized, it should be at cost with a small profit margin which would be used for upgrades and maintenance and not for bonuses or profit shares
Increase oversight, compliance with national standards, devolve power away from provinces, but actual ownership isn't the key issue. Absolutely restrict the exportation of energy resources.
Nationalize, & each province should have its own publicly-owned energy company to manage it, but the federal government should require standards to ensure consistency, & cap all energy rates at 60% of the market rate.
The energy sector should be owned and operated by the people independently of the government or private entities.
Nationalize but make it possible for our high energy-producing provinces to sell and manufacture more energy to nations.
only high risk sources like nuclear
Both privatized and nationalized energy companies to keep the sector competitive while allowing for Canadian control of national resources.
Both, this should be a joint effort between the private and national sectors. The private sector needs to be strongly monitored and regulated, the national should ensure minimum well-being of citizens as a priority. At no point should a foreign party be in control of either sector.
No one is reducing my cost. The government claims they do, by something like $12 per month...but from the line to my door, costing me more than my actual hydro
Maybe they should nationalize a major energy sector company to keep the other companies in check... PetroCan?
Mixture of private and public
nationalize and make utility bills completely free. only payment should be the carbon tax
Nationalize with strict regulatory oversight.
Nationalize with the appropriate combination of efficiency and future building or use the business model of future guardian where the ' shareholders' include the environment and future generations.
Nationalize, as in Canada energy consumption in the winter months is not optional and must be regulated to prevent price gouging, grid shortages, and other instability
energy systems need to be rebuilt for the future. what we have now in both the green and non green methods are both bad for the environment.
Nationalize but have government control a minimum of 51% shares and put the rest on the free market for Canadian residents/citizens to buy
@8T2Y8DQNew Democratic4yrs4Y
I think the government shouldn't privatize or nationalize the energy sector.
I'd prefer to replace privatized energy with a worker co-op based system
I think that there should be a domestic energy company, something like PetroCan
Which model saves the most money for Canadians and is the most economical. Could there be a blend of private and nationally owned
Keep the current system.
Have a mix of both, but regulate it & invest in renewable energy.
Nationalize, but invest in sustainable green energy
i dont really have an opinion on this
Leave things as they are. Both options are bad.
Government needs to get out of the way
Majority of energy produced should be nationalized, with private firms allowed to operate as well.
@8PYS5YYNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Nationalize and invest heavily the renewable energy sector and allow the carbon energy sector to die a natural economic death.
Neither. The federal government should not meddle in the energy industry, that is a provincial responsibility.
Privatize but with proper regulations
The national government should support the provinces in their choices for the energy sector.
Govern the people and stop looking for media highlight
The government should nationalize the energy businesses that are at risk of going bankrupt that also employ a large number of Canadians and contribute to the economy significantly.
Privitize, but increase regulatory oversight for price control only
Privatize and deregulate for more competition
Energy mixes and nationalization/privatization is a regional matter as each region has different needs. Need more data on this. Nationalization helps to some degree, but competition drives innovation but strict environmental and regulatory oversight needed, while reducing bureaucratic red tape for businesses entering market.
Privatize, but found a crown corporation in order to prevent artificial price gouging
@8J8WW99New Democratic4yrs4Y
a mix of both with good regulatory oversight.
Should energy costs be reduced? Maybe they should cost more.
Provinces should have the ability to create crown corporations and resources and the federal government should be able to regulate its side of the deal which has been reaffirmed by the courts time and time again, through revenue sharing and such.
I don’t think it matters our government is/will dictate the laws to private company
Just ensure poor Canadians can afford energy costs. A mix would benefit all.
Nationalize, but there should be more renewable energy sources
Nationalize, but make it fully renewable
No. It should be a free market only regulated to prevent monopolies and malfeasance.
Not important to me so I have no idea.
Privatize, but with slight oversight on important matters
This question s arbitrary
Nationalise transmission, metering, and large generation assets; privatise smaller generation assets such as wind turbines, LNG generation plants, and solar farms.
Increase regulatory oversight, but don't nationalize.
It should be both, in a sense of privatized so there’s competition with completive pricing with oversight with nationalized by the government so could also have some skin in the game and gain some profits too.
Need a mix of both if we’re going to be successful fighting climate change & meeting tte worlds energy needs. Canada has an opportunity to show leadership here - DON’T BLOW IT!
slowly move towards nationalizing
Both have benefits and shortcomings and can be used simultaneously.
The government should ban the carbon tax and lower other taxes. Keep the government out
nationalize, with a firm commitment to more sustainable and enviromentaly safe methods... and nuclear lots of nuclear
Privatize, removing red tape and incentivizing Canadian production.
Maintain in its current form
Nationalize, and encourage people to work, so they get money and help the community
Nationalize delivery, breakup and privatize energy production companies
Yes as long as the government sets very strict regulations for using ONLY sustainable resources to produce energy.
@8W65L6QNew Democratic3yrs3Y
The way the energy sector is now is satisfactory.
The government should hire the best business minds they can to run these crown corporations like a business that benefits society. The profits go into a pool to improve the effectiveness and efficiencies of the companies and to increase our energy options.
Both nationalize and privatize
Nationalized at a provincial level
Satisfecho con el sistema actual
Privatize but punish fossil fuels.
Privatize but break up monopolies like hydro
To reduce energy costs we should break up hyrdo into smaller companies. As long as they have the monopoly it doesn't matter weather the government gets involved
@8XM5JKTNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Nationalize and increase environmental and oversight regulations
Our energy sector is fine the way it is.
Nationalize the grid / delivery of energy, privatize the creation and sale of energy
Privatize but increase competition.
@8VVPX8LNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Depends on what aspect of the energy sector.
Energy needs vary too much to create one national energy plan
Neither would help costs
Privatize, with regulation limiting the cost to the consumer.
@8VKLKYBNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Mix of nationalized and privatized.
@8VKDFG3New Democratic3yrs3Y
Neither, but more oversight
Privatize and allow individuals to produce, create and share energy without government permission.
Quebec hydro is our own ressource. We cannot be compared to the other provinces.
No go nuclear and reduce that way
A combination of the two, as some energy like electricity should he nationalized.
It should operate under the same framework as NavCanada, a privately run, not for profit organization.
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