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 @9ZKRZJDfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

As long as funding is given to research how to implement it safely and properly dispose of nuclear waste.

 @9ZKM5Z5from Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Increased health care funding, education reform, more affordable housing, less foreign cultural/religious influence on policies

 @9ZKLCS3from Alberta  answered…5hrs5H

Only when there are more autonomous vehicles being used and compares with the amount of non-autonomous vehicles on the road

 @9ZKJKHWfrom Ontario  answered…5hrs5H

its dependant if they a proven that they aren't bad people and have been doing good in jail and haven't had anyproblems

 @9ZKDT82from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

I think drugs should be decriminalized but anyone caught should be helped and go to rehab/get help getting their life back on track