Proponents argue that this strategy would bolster national security by minimizing the risk of potential terrorists entering the country. Enhanced screening processes, once implemented, would provide a more thorough assessment of applicants, reducing the likelihood of malicious actors gaining entry. Critics argue that such a policy might inadvertently promote discrimination by broadly categorizing individuals based on their nation of origin rather than specific, credible threat intelligence. It may strain diplomatic relations with the affected countries and potentially harm the perception of the nation enacting the ban, being seen as hostile or prejudiced towards certain international communities. Additionally, genuine refugees fleeing terrorism or persecution in their home countries might be unjustly denied safe haven.
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Canada supposedly isn't rasict,right well they should accept qualified people from any and all countries.Exceptions should be made for people from enemy nations because the government can exploit it to plant spies and such.
Immigration doesn't increase crime: " " whether you like it or not. Keep in mind that a large share of immigrants are from high risk countries such as: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and even Arab nations such as: Lebanon, Syria and Yemen etc. all of which are high risk countries! I do believe that only qualified people should come, though.
If you had to make a decision about who gets into a country, what factors would you think are most important to consider?
-If there country is safe for them to stay in
-If they are criminals
-If they are educated
-If they have family in the country they are trying to enter
-If they speak the language of the country they are trying to get into
Current inter country relations. Dont want sleeper agents or dual loyalty in case of war. That can destroy the country from inside out
I believe that we should be choose the best of the best in terms of academics and economics. Moving here should be a privilege and not a right. If someone can come here and contribute, welcome them with open arms.
A factor would be an openness to culture shift. We are secular, progressive society which can be a culture shock.
no, but measures should be taken screen out potential terrorists.
No, screening should be the same for everyone. Terrorists can potentially come from anywhere (or be born and raised here)
@B3K9X786 days6D
Proper screening and determining should be made to prevent that from happening with reliable experts to showcase the difference between a refugee, terrorist or spy for the average person.
No, immigrants from high risk countries are already screened for links to serious crimes and terrorism
We should allow immigrants in who share the same societal values as us, and who have the same respect for equality and humanity as us.
No, as long as the immigrants are qualified people, they should be allowed in. The country they immigrate from does not entirely mean the immigrant is of that behavior.
No, but they need to improve on this much more. I believe they need to do extra on someone who they may suspect is a terrorist, but should still allow people from high risk countries.
I think it depends on circumstances and if there’s a way to screen more then we should do that first
I don't think refugees should be banned in a crisis situation when we don't have a policy in place to screen out potential terrorists. If someone is in trouble and we have the means to help them in any way, we should try. I wonder if there could some sort of solution where they are relocated to certain areas until a more thorough screening can be done?
I believe we have to only because Canada is not in a proper state to help others. We need to improve ourselves internally before being able to offer help.
I don’t think banishment from the country is the best approach. I think if the government is taking their time to screen for potential threats, then it may take someone longer to get into the country. I think they should be aloud to visit if they have a passport.
@B3F2G6X 2wks2W
No, but background checks before entering and monitoring once here is a small price to pay for gaining a safe haven. We have to protect our citizens too.
Dont ban them from entering but get the government to improve its ability to screen out potential terrorists
No, Canada should strengthen screening and intelligence sharing without discriminating based on nationality and monitor individuals based on behaviour and risk factors as well.
No because refugees are usually from high risk countries and it's dangerous for them not to leave their country
NO, if they commit a crime and hurt civilians we know we did not discriminate them and they made the decisions to hurt people.
Maybe this would be useful but it could be bad for people who have problematic backgrounds that may not have done anything to bad
With better screening, immigrants from high risk countries may be trying to escape persecution and need our protection.
@B38K4D7Independent 2wks2W
No. That's tough and can become sketchy. I mean banned would prevent refugees from coming in due to war/etc. I don't think that is right. But immigration, specifically should be regulated securely and in-depth. So...refugee exception, and more regulations/security for typical immigration.
@B385BNF 2wks2W
All immigrants should be first screened for not only criminal background but also their involvement in fraud or corruption (e.g. Faked qualification documents)
No we shouldn’t bar an entire country for the actions of internal parties afar, but should have more countermeasures to make sure it’s safe
No banned, but limited until the government improves their screening abilities. Which should be tackled by increasing funding to the facilities that process immigrants. As those facilities are very under staffed and are back logged several years.
Not banned, but limited or highly screened. Also more funding should be allocated to facilities processing imigrants.
Everyone should be treated equally but if they have a criminal background then they should not be let in.
A test should be made to ensure that efficient workers and not people without resources enter. And they should be watched closely for the first 6 months
No! I've seen how this has played out with people trying to escape the carnage in Gaza and it's horrifying, how Canada has handled/ bungled things. "Terrorists" can be homegrown too, and if you take away someone's reason for fighting, most of the time, they'll stop trying to get their point across violently.
Depends, higher screening and stricter process would be ideal for this. We still want the people who need help to have somewhere to go though.
I don't think we should necessarily ban all immigrants from hight risk countries, but rather have lots of security checks
no because it would be wrong to assume they are all terrorists simply just heavily watch over the immigrant for the first few months of immigration
I don’t think banning and exclusion are good solutions. There are families that would be disconnected. Not all people are bad people.
they should never be allowed he at all if they are they are watched over by security for at least 5 years minimum to ensure the saftey of the country
No, It should be regulated, and monitored but if it's an issue of safety then there should be a few exceptions.
No, but only fully vetted applicants should be admitted. Sometimes, families are running for their lives, we need to help when we can.
depends you can still help immigrants out but box them out before they enter Canada to make sure they are not affiliated with terrorists or have connections with them or cause a threat
This seems a touch racist. shouldnt the governemnt already have impecable abilities to screen out terrorists from anyb and all countries not just high risk countries. this shouldnt be a factor in immigration as this should be considered basic standards for letting anyone in the country
They should not be banned, but a thorough review should be done of each individual before they are let into the country, with any risk being denied
Yes, but "high risk" should be used sparingly so as to avoid exhausting border control and immigration officers with overwork and over-vigilance
they shouldnt be banned from countries if they come for a high risk place as it not their fault as to where they may have grew up
Regardless of screening, citizens of dangerous and terroristic nations will not be allowed into Canada. If there ever is a calm period in for example the Middle East, we will allow people from that area into Canada again. If they wish to enter as Refugees, they will undergo strict screening processes.
We need an intensive screening process into the individual to determine if they are a threat. We cannot generalize someone based on their ethnic origins
I believe we should do a big back round check because some people from those areas that are in trouble may need to come in, but make it strict
No, as long as thorough search is done when entering the country to ensure the person is not a terrorist
@9ZJ52HDNew Democratic4mos4MO
I think they may need to receive tighter security measures to make sure Canada stays safe, but at the same time I don't think we should banned them because some of them may be leaving to find a safe place outside of their country.
It is unfair for us to correlate all immigrants from high risk countries as potential terrorists as they may be trying to leave and build a better life.
I believe that all people who are not born canadians should be screened thoroughly but also remain within the human rights.
I think the risks of terrorists are much lower than the actual damage done to people waiting to enter the country- government works at a glacial pace
The government should focus strongly on improving the ability to screen for terrorism quickly to allow real refugees safety
@9YNQFHTNew Democratic4mos4MO
If they can pass a criminal background check and ensure no ties to terrorist activity, there is no reason to deny someone just because they are from a “high risk” country.
Yes, but the immigrants should be granted a safe place to live, because what if they are refugees attempting to escape the terrorists?
@9YM457QNew Democratic 4mos4MO
No, immigrants should be screened on an individual basis and not discriminated against based on their country of origin
Hard question. Strict background checks need to be done but everyone deserves the chance especially when from a high-risk country
Rather then letting immigrants in to Canada we should be working on increasing job opportunities and housing first
Immigrants should be screened normally, even from high risk countries. Screening should be the same with all.
The government should do very extensive physicological tests to ensure they are not terrorists. And allow all those who pass.
No, people may need a safe place to go, we can always judge people for their actions once they enter the country, and detain any suspicious person(s).
Hard to say. Not everyone is bad just because they’re from a high risk country. The screening process should be performed on everyone from said countries however rotated through and have “surprise” aspects to it so these said “terrorists” can’t learn and memorize the testing / screening process.
I think that they should be allowed into Canada, but they should be allowed to only be somewhere remote or away from a big population until proven innocent.
@9VHWJLTNew Democratic5mos5MO
High risk countries should be looked at on a context, case by case scenario. Perhaps an officer like a parole officer would be able to invigilate those individuals.
If the person has a high risk of the terrorists coming for them then there should be some regulations
I don’t support outright banning them, but security measures should definitely be taken
Not banned, but ensure they aren’t coming to Canada prior to this being done.
Look at high-risk individuals, not high risk countries. If the issue was high-risk countries, we shouldn’t be letting anyone in from the USA right now.
No, but enhance the screening process prior to entry.
Don't ban them, put them in a safe place while you screen them, and deport them if they are high risk
absolutely if it means protecting there country and people
If they refugees, you can let them in if they pass a specific test.
instead of being banned, i think we should run intense background checks of the individuals who are entering the country.
They should not be banned, but there should be thorough investigation before they are allowed in.
@9JXFQRR 1yr1Y
Yes, but refuges should still be allowed to enter.
We should speed up the improvement in screening - banning has too many negative impacts
No, but ensure they pass the background checks & do not have a history of committing serious crimes.
not banned. could be people wanting to flee those conditions. However special vetting is needed to ensure they are not going to be a national thereat
Put equal effort into understanding domestic terrorism from non minority groups
Depends if Canada has a strained relation ship with that country such as Iran
Keep a close eye on them if they are to stay in Canada
No, but subject them to more stringent vetting procedures
No. I don’t trust the government to assess what a “high risk country” would be.
That’s discrimination based on their nation of origin.
No, but I still think that improving the ability to screen potential terrorists is a smart idea.
Yes, regardless whether the government improves its ability to screen out potential Threat or not.
It depends. Do they have a criminal record? Do they have a history of violence or crime? If so yes. It's important to understand that there are evil people everywhere.
If they have potential to commit crime, they should not be able to come here (family background, etc)
No, because the people coming from these high risk countries are probably trying to escape such terrorists as well. So, the screening should be improved, but the immigrants shouldn't be outright banned, just regulated better.
Government should not banned the countries. Government should stop so many immigrants who have any type of criminal history in their past or in their family.
The citizenship screening test should be used to both check for criminal backgrounds and the acceptance of secular western values.
Yes and no, improve facilities to ensure maximum safety by allowing thoroughly checked individuals in
minimize the amount of immigrants we allow from those countries in a period of time and thoroughly background check all of them until we improve our ability to screen out terrorists.
DO background checks look in depth into there family and see if they are involved with terrist actions
If the immigrant from a country on a travel ban list is barred from entering, we may or not know if that person is really sympathetic of that country's leadership. We should interview the person to see if that is true or not
Yes, if their beliefs and values do not match our values in Canada they should be banned from here aka India and any Muslim country at the moment.
You can't judge people on where they come from because they are here to fulfil their dreams and work hard, better to go with harder screening but not banning also government should not decline them for dumb reasons.
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