Canada’s defense budget is currently $20 billion a year which is less than 1% of its GDP. This is much less than the $600 billion a year the U.S. spends and the $6.5 billion a year the UK spends. Only 5 other countries of the 28 in NATO spend less. To join NATO each member country pledged to spend at least 2% of their GDP on military spending and defense and defend each other against threats from any non-member country. In a July 2016 U.S. Presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested that the United States would not defend NATO member countries who had failed to increase their military budgets to above 2% of Gross Domestic Product. France, Turkey, Germany, Canada, and Italy are countries that are currently spending less than 2% of their GDP on military defense.
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increased, but to an extent. not everything the military buys is useful. so if we are to give more money then we should monitor what they are spending it on.
Increase drastically. we can not rely on foreign countries to protect us when we will soon enough have to fight for ourselves
@8XJMDVYNew Democratic3yrs3Y
People who serve in the military should be paid more
@8J8WW99New Democratic4yrs4Y
I would use military for more reconstruction and aid events, rather than actually going to war. So if we use our military for post war clean up efforts and to support countries own peace making efforts, I would increase the spending. I would not increase the spending for war ships or military planes.
Yes, as the United States of America has proven to be unreliable.
Yes, and capabilities in the north need to be prioritized and procurement must be rationalized.
Increase to meet NATO's spending target, especially considering rising tensions with foreign adversaries and our sovereignty is being threatened by the U.s.
We need to increase it to keep Trump off our back and to protect us from USA or Russian invasion for our resources.
Increase, but on technologies that would even the playing field between us and overwhelming opposition; drone technology/EMP's
Increase is likely required due to our fraying relationship with the United States, but this would not be my priority in an era of greater stability.
I don't have a problem with spending more on the military but the bad decisions and the wasted money that results from them are abhorrent.
i am in the middle, but i also think it could be increased FOR the military members if that makes sense.
depends, if international tensions are high or there is a likely chance of invasion only than should the military gain increased funding
Military spending should be balanced with other national priorities, focusing on maintaining security while addressing social and economic needs.
It could stay the same, but serious reforms should be done to increase the efficiency of the army. Some branches can be heavily reduced, such as infantry or armored, While others such as air force and cyber should be increased.
If funding is incressed for military spending it should be spent towards education and recrutment. If the government incressees military spending on recrutment by putting it twowards educational grants or scollerships where the person that applies for it would need to spend 6 months for every year in collage or universaty with milatary service in resurves you may see an increase in recrutment. to add on to this for thoughs who finish the program and the time in the reserves they can have the option of staying or spending two years of active duty before leaving.
Continue plans to ramp up in order to meet spending proportional to our economy that reflects the pledges we've made in military pacts, which I believe stands at 2% for NATO presently.
Suppose the government is focusing on its people more than on war and the military and trying to improve life. In that case, they can add a little percentage to the military for unforeseen events.
Those that serve should not have to visit food banks. Those who have wilfully chosen to protect our country - among MANY other professions - if not all encompassing (Canadian born citizens) - should not be in such situations
Increase with focus on state-of-the-art equipment and a smaller highly trained body of active soldiers. Increase spending on building up the militia/reserves for emergencies
It should increase but depending on why it should increase. It something is not currently needed due to the country being at peace then it might be ideal to increase the military spending.
I think they should decrease it because their fighting for their country and risking their lives out there to save us and our world.
Decrease, and fund other militaries in poorer countries so that way they have the ability to fight as well.
No, should be dependent on the warfare scenario all around the world. (If wars are going on, increase. If not, decrease.)
Increase, as long as the investments in military spending demonstrate a pathway to civilian products or civilian benefit (e.g., GPS)
Only if there is sufficient funds to do so, not compromising other things that may be important, such as healthcare and other things of major value.
increase if Canada get their standing army back and if the situation demands it otherwise find a baseline that keeps the troops up to date and taken care of, take care of material cost and maintenance and also provide for our veterans when peace is in the horizon
Generally it should be increased, but the goal should be to reduce the deficit. However, if there are situations where it is necessary to spend more on military, then it should be allowed.
Not informed about current military spending to give an informed answer. Given current global temperaments and situations, I think it makes sense to increase in the event things do escalate.
It has the United States as an ally and NATO, which has the strongest military power, so, I would say neither.
Increase the hell out of it canada as a country will not survive a third world War without out the help of America
We should increase since our military right now is not in good shape so if we get invaded we won't hold the enemy off. However I am a pacifist and want us to be as democratic about it as possible.
I don’t really know a lot about this but i know the government is not investing equally to important things
Millenials & younger are intuned tech competent youths who your missing out on. I wish like the us there was a from high school to Canadian Intelligence. I think Canada needs to remember its a country of freedom for all, take care of our citizens 1st & Reduce immigration and demand more assimilation and investment, lack of appreciation and gratitude bothers Canadians. Make Quebec happy and make french into high school mandatory. Intact include CRT and step up 0tolerance for intolerance or bullying in elementary. MisDis and all media literacy & include the basic mechanics for same… Read more
@9JWMJCZ 1yr1Y
Military spending will only be increased when there's a sign of war happening and mustard gas is allowed to be used, but no dangerous chemical gases.
I don't believe in war and the government getting other people to to fight their battles. It's unfair and cowardly.
If the citizens and government feel threatened at all by other countries, only then should military spending be increased.
As a military wife ,there are more people living in Winnipeg than there are military members do to underfunding the government needs to stop taking from the military’s pockets in peace times because once’s war hits home we will not have any machines or personal to help win the war
I fell like they should increase it if they have a good reason to, but for now it should be fine because of how many countries have canada's back.
I think politics should not be a part of the military, this way they can get things done efficiently. With Human rights observers - more ability to communicate with the chain of command makes ease instead of dis-ease. More ability to get involved and learn other tactics no 4 year privates in the infantry.
Decrease, as the current fund do not match the outcome
Increase heavily while overhauling the broke procurement system.
Canada is a country of peace :0. how dare you fight war! >=(
Get like, 20-30 nukes and get rid of the military.
Spending should be aligned with the requirements to maintain essential alliances with other countries.
if we lower the military spending we could over a small amount of time weaken our military to the point to where we can be easily taken over but if we decrease the spending that just opens up a lot more problems like the money becoming literally useless
@9WFR74Q 5mos5MO
Government spending on Military should depend on the social and financial stability of our country. And our military spending should be specifically for defensive purposes and not for choosing to engage in foreign conflicts unless in a state of international crisis where a world war is imminent.
increase because we have a very weak military and because other countries have treatened us and now NATO has told canada to get ready for war
@9VHWJLTNew Democratic5mos5MO
Fund military health initiatives (better medical support for veterans, soldiers, etc.) more than military infrastructure.
I think the government should have a budget every 10-15 years, so the government doesn't end up giving the military millions of dollars in like 5 years and spend it all
I Feel like it should increase, but we need to find a different way of funding it, besides taxing the hell out of everyone
I think that at the moment, from Canada's point of view, increasing spending on weapons and so on would be inappropriate since Canada is not under any threat, but if we take the example of a country that is in a conflict zone, then military spending should be increased there, but in the case of Canada, this is inappropriate, so no.
Increase to 3 % but mostly in creating jobs in canada manufacuring our own planes etc therby creating jobs.
Increase, and deploy the military more regularly to combat the effects of climate change, both here and abroad.
Decrease, too much money going to Ukraine and Israel, and they use our money to kill innocent people and terrorize their homes.
@9TTFZM4New Democratic6mos6MO
All military funding should be exclusive for domestic defense only. Any foreign actions must be agreed upon by international agreement to prevent.
Yes and no, the military is a important thing to spend money on just it shouldn't but in at least the top 3
@9T3VJQSNew Democratic6mos6MO
The military as a whole is poorly run and spending practices are ineffective. It doesn't matter if you increase or decrease their funding when the management is so poor. This needs to be properly addressed before talk of funding is even on the table.
Increase but focus the resources as creating national infrastructure (Electric, Natural Gas, etc.) and defence. Meet NATO obligations. To maximize ROI use the troops and equipment to build at home. Only in emergencies send them for Aid missions abroad, and in worse case scenarios, send them to battle.
End war , no weapons will be needed , have one planetary self destruct mess with us everyone dies , jk I don’t know
Increase, but in use that Canada should be a country of strength and that we are here to help, not fight.
Remove core military because its useless, cut RMCC and educational programs and put that money in special opps and where it would add value to canadians. The military is no place to train and teach people how to get fit.
Increase but do so in a way that effectively utilizes the military to better support problems such as natural disasters and climate change mitigation measurers at home as part of training for humanitarian operations abroad.
Increasing will have little effect on our ability to defend ourselves. We are still completely dependent upon NATO.
Increase, and reduce involvement of Treasury board to streamline purchasing. Allow military experts to make decisions on purchases not politicians trying to gain votes or favor with local corps causing cost overruns and inferior products.
Not increase, but be more mindful of their spending. If items are needed, create a production plant in our own country to manufacture them, and give people jobs doing so. We are too reliant on other countries and I feel like we need to be more self sufficient (if the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that we need more production of goods on our own turf)
The government should increase its military spending. We are too behind on our NATO and UN spending.
I lean towards increasing military spending to fulfill Canada's NATO commitments and strengthen our defence, but it's also Important to balance this with funding for essentials like healthcare and education.
instead of sending most of our military units to ukraine we should keep it and stop sending 3 billion dollars there every week
@9NB38VK 9mos9MO
Security is important but there are many Canadians suffering at the moment. We spend almost nothing on military as it is, so there may be some room to increase spending. However, domestic issues need to take precedents.
Our military funding is a joke. Spend more. We have the 2nd best trained troops and some of the worst equipment. SHAME.
Increase. We need to meet out 2% GDP minimum for NATO membership, and to bolster defenses in the Arctic and in the Pacific
expenditure on wars should be minimized. instead use the money to upgrade the country and living standards of its people.
Considering we just increased our budget, I think we should be fine as long as it's only to replace things and don't use it to kill people for oil or capital interests. Only against any human rights violators.
Neither, instead a portion of military spending should go towards mental healthcare for soldiers with PTSD or other disorders
The Canadian Military needs an overhaul. I am in a military family and I cannot believe how the military is used for personal gain, procurement is wasteful and overblown and downright criminal, decisions are arbitrary and at the whim of ego maniacs. Why does the Canadian military have so bloody many high ranking officers other than to prop up their pensions and personal egos compared to other counties like the US with vast more soldiers compared to fat assed useless brass.
We should have goals and priorities laid out, such as replacing our aging fleets of air force, tanks, ships and submarines, as well as tackling racism, harassment and so forth to encourage recruitment of all different backgrounds.
Increase. Other countries are a constant threat and we must be ready to defend ourselves or invade another country to defend Canadian ideals.
if it is for an important purpose then sure if not then don't and focus on the other massive problems that are happening right and don't just waste all of it on the military
I don't quite know how much we spend on the military but considering nothing terrible of note has happened on our soil in the last number of years i think spending is fine where it is
Yes, because Canada should meet the 2% level in the NATO agreement. However, considering the era this number comes from, I am not against amending the number, but whatever the number is should be met.
Yes, but only during wartime, during martial law and where our country is threatened, albeit domestically or internationally.
Neither, I am satisfied with the current amount of domestic spending; however, we should not be funding the Ukraine at all
Decrease until a need to increase.
Military spending should only be adjusted when it's in need for a dire situation
Neither, I think they just need to be more efficient
Increase in supports for vets
increase, only to meet the NATO guidelines.
Yes, people who risks their life in order to save us should be paid more.
Increase, but after more urgent issues are addressed
Increase to NATO's 2% of GDP guideline
Increase because we have a lot of threats that some of them are stronger than us
Increase in certain areas, decrease in others
They should increase funding so that the military has the necessities to prevent any type of threat or war. But also offer the latest technology the military can access.
Return to Canada's recent past by re-establishing a Peace Keeping mindset, We will never be able to contribute Militarily on a scale like other World Powers, we have 38 million people, and cannot be expected to contribute monetarily or militarily as much as a country with 100 million people or greater. We should focus on our strengths, which used to be peace-keeping, not trying to 'keep up' with more populated countries.
There's probably not going to be a war, but if there was then they should increase the spending.
we dont even spend enough of our annual gdp on our military to be in nato
Neither, it's military spending should only increase during times when it is needed
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