Should it be illegal to burn the Canadian flag?
Flag desecration is any act that is carried out with the intention of damaging or destroying a national flag in public. This is commonly done in an effort to make a political statement against a nation or its policies. Some nations have acts that ban flag desecration while others have laws that protect the right to destroy a flag as a part of free speech. Some of these laws distinguish between a national flag and those of other countries.
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Neutral. If a Canadian flag flying at a government building was burned, this act is considered a form of vandalism, which is illegal. If someone bought their own flag and burned, I do not believe that should be considered a crime.
@B2DNSB6 2mos2MO
Yes, but if burning it as a means to dispose of an only flag you may burn it privately and respectfully.
@B2CMT6Q 2mos2MO
Neutral, as long as it is not public property and the person committing arson has private ownership of it or not directly causing any harm, they can do whatever they want with it.
No, as long as the person burning the flag has consent from the owner and isn't damaging others' property
If they personally spent money on buying the flag and burning it then it's a bad look if they arrested someone for that. But if it was someone's property then yes they should be punished.
I don't really think it matters. If they want to burn it they can, and they shouldn't have to go to jail for stating their opinion.
Yes, but we should create more ways for people to express their opinions in a more appropriate manner
Yes, but only in cases that violate the limitations of free speech (such as inciting violence)
No, it's just a piece of fabric. The Canadian flag doesn't have to mean anything to anyone. To many people the Canadian flag is a symbol of oppression and a reminder of genocide. It's okay to burn the flag in protest of government. Burning the flag should be protected by free speech. Canadians shouldn't be forced to take care of a piece of fabric that doesn't necessarily mean anything to them.
@9P8NRFMNew Democratic 9mos9MO
If the flag is a piece of public property, personal property of someone else, or government property, burning it would be an act of vanadalism & therefore illegal. However, if a flag is bought, it is considered private property and burning it would not violate any government polices/laws as it is the property of the individal who purchased it.
It is disrespectful to burn any flag of any nation, but making it illégale is taking away freedom of speech.
No in the same way you wouldn't tear down someone's house if it were painted like the Canadian flag.
Yes, but only to be burned in official ceremonies where it is the just thing to do, to lay to rest a old/tarnished/damaged flag.
No, Free Speech is important and we shouldn't care so much about a piece of cloth in the first place.
No, I don’t respect anyone who does so but they have the freedom of speech, yet a small fine should be payed.
is a a piece of cloth, it doesn't really matter, its the same thing as burning a shirt
No. It is simply a flag and shouldn't be viewed as anything more than an impassioned response to something.
Only if they don't own the flag
Yes, it could be a sign of danger
@93CSFRDNew Democratic3yrs3Y
No it’s just a piece of clothe
Yes, and it should be illegal to burn the American flag (during protest, riot) as it demonstrate violence toward the Country
Everyone is entitled to do what they please and if they want to respect or dosrespec a country
Everyone has been given free will, they should be allowed to choose if they want to disrespect a country or respect it
No, it's a violation of free speech, but i have no respect for anyone who does this but they have the right to do so, you unpatriotic swines!
Yes, but I do not respect someone who does it.
Canada’s flag is a symbol of the country, and as such, burning should be considered as a huge crime
When Justin Trudeau is in power burn away I feel less and less Canadian each day
Only with respect at the end of its use
I don’t think it’s a good idea, however, it does not represent the best ideals. Colonialism took away many rights and freedoms of the indigenous people
If it is done so safely then go for it.
No, but if you’re an immigrant who came to our country for a better life, you better not be burning the flag.
@8VJJQ54New Democratic3yrs3Y
No flag cremation is a respectful way to retire a flag
Absolutely not! And I understand those who would want to burn it.
It should be illegal to burn the country's flag. A prime minister who commits treason against his country should immediately be ousted from power as well.
@8VHBB7WNew Democratic3yrs3Y
DO whatever you want with the Canadian flag I don' t care. Just don't hurt the pride flag.
Not illegal but they shouldn’t
It's a flag. Burning it doesn't mean disrespect in my mind
No, flag burning is an acceptable method of disposing of the flag
I served for that right of Canadians to speak and act freely as long as people don’t get hurt
No, In the military, burning a flag is the proper way to dispose of the flag
Fines should be given out for burning a flag. Not illegal, but subject to a fine seems fair.
It should be treated as treason to burn the Canadian flag in Canada, and a ban on burning other national flags out of respect
@8TWQNLMNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Occasionally as a form of protest
No, as long as it’s not illegal to burn any other flag either. However, burning the Canadian flag should be illegal if burning other flags are illegal as well.
you should just get a ticket for burning any nation or religions flag.
Burning a flag is the proper way to dispose of it
If flag is worn and tattered and to be taken out of service I'm fine with flag to be burned in dignified respectful manner. However to burn in any other manner is disrespectful and should be illegal.
It should be viewed as highly disrespectful to burn the flag, but not illegal.
Yes, but only if the flag is damaged.
It shouldn't be illegal but it is morally wrong and disrespectful
yes and they should go to jail and pay a fine for it
No, it's not the brightest idea too, but Canada isn't the best country ever either. At the end of the day, it's a cloth with a design on it.
No, provided the flag belongs to them and is not destruction of property.
Yes, only if the nation is going currupt and goes against basic human rights
@8QRFD55New Democratic4yrs4Y
No, because it’s not a big deal
No, that's the proper way to dispose of a flag out of respect.
We are a nation in distress due to the liberal government under trudeau. Our flag should be hung upside down to indicate this
No, you probably shouldn't burn it but it also shouldn't be illegal. Why would someone burn it anyways?
Yes, burning the Canadian flag should be a sign of hate crime and treason.
It’s just cloth you can make more nothing can’t hurt Canada as a whole
Burning is how you respectfully dispose of a flag.
It should be illegal in Protest and everything except the proper disposal of our flag.
no, its just cloth it shouldn't matter.
yes, and it should be a criminal offence
It should not be illegal but if you do that just shows how bad of a person you are
Yes, but it should be decriminalized
No as long as the flag is privately owned by the one burning it. It is a common expression in political frustrations.
Yes, unless it is in the perpetrators eyes to help Canada by using the symbolic reference of a burning flag.
If you need to to survive aka if your homeless and you need to be warm so you need to create a fire then yes it's okay any other circumstances it's bad to burn it
What if it was accidental though?
I personally think it's awful to burn the flag. but it shouldn't be illegal for all flags.
Yes, it represents your right to live in this country, and it should be taken as an insult
Yes, it should be illegal, for any nations flag (excluding disposal of a retired / poor condition flag being replaced). That is the point of why burning a flag in protest is such a strong statement and should not be taken lightly.
If it’s in public, then yes.
It is wrong but there shouldn't be strict penalties for it
It’s just a cloth and dramatic
yes you should not burn any flag unless it is a emergency and you need to
As long as it is done safely it should be legal
Only for emergency purposes.
People actually consider this an issue?
It shouldn't be illegal but there should be a penalty for it, a very small one
Yes, the burning of anything that represents people, disrespects those people
no it shouldn't be, its just a piece of cloth. no big deal.
I am indifferent to this issue.
Burning a flag is considered a proper way of disposing of an old flag.
Yes, but only if it touches the ground, otherwise it should be considered an expression of hate
Neither support, nor endorse
Neither support, neither endorse
No because it should have a pure black flag that you aren’t aloud to burn
No, as it is a military custom done out of respect towards the flag.
No, police have more important things to do than arrest flag burners.
Proper disposal of a flag is to respectfully burn it, not simply put in the trash. Canada has flag protocols, but no laws or enforcement of those showing disrespect for our flag.
No, but it is still taken as an insult
No, but only to be decomissioned
Depends if they are doing it to threaten our country
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