Try the political quiz

72 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5mos5MO


 @9VFDL8Qfrom Quebec agreed…2wks2W

Ai is too heavily relied on in current day history. I feel that if Ai was to turn sentient and turn on us, we would have no counter to them, ultimately rendering us useless to the enemy, and being wiped out. Now, if they were to gain power to our defense weapons, like missiles, transport and nuclear arsenal, they could make the whole world turn on us, or we could be blown off the face of the earth.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5mos5MO


 @9VFDL8Qfrom Quebec disagreed…2wks2W

Watch Terminator series, Avengers age of ultron, I have no mouth but I must scream, Irobot, and literally every other movie where the Ai turns sentient and turns into the humans.

 @9MW6R3Z from Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

The development general AI is an existential threat to humanity. If we do not regulate AI early the risk of this threat becoming reality increases. If General AI is not regulated where its parameters prevents violence. There is no telling what it will do or what it is capable of.


Do you think letting machines make life-and-death decisions in military conflicts is a necessary step forward or does it cross an ethical line?

 @9VNPZW2 from Ontario answered…1wk1W

I believe it crosses an ethical line definitely.

To me it makes sense for humans to have to make the decision when it comes to the killing and destruction of other humans.

Due to things such as; Empathy, Morality, and Emotion.

Things an Artificial Intelligence does not have.

Granted, things like that could be PROGRAMMED into the A.I, but the A.I will never be able to come up with such things itself, and eventually, due to flaws in programming/a loophole the designers did not see, a catastrophe could pretty easily happen.

Yeah. I think it crosses an ethical line.
A.I has no personal way to tell when to stop. Only that it needs to get from point A to point B.

And who knows what it might do to get there?.

 @9VMX3HHfrom Ontario answered…1wk1W

 @9VGX7TCConservativefrom Nova Scotia answered…2wks2W

 @9VFTSSSfrom Nova Scotia answered…2wks2W

 @9VWVZQBfrom British Columbia answered…5 days5D

Yes, but should not be replacing any jobs. It should be a research tool opposed to a replacement to human input. It's not powerful enough yet in my eyes

 @9VSPPZLfrom Saskatchewan answered…1wk1W

i believe that if the government were to invest in (ai) they should add restrictions and be extremely cautious and at some point take hypothetical scenarios into account. but overall (ai) should be used for everything in term of research and methods on how to possibly do things such as agriculture and environmental safety.

 @9VMWZRKfrom Manitoba answered…1wk1W

Artificial Intelligence Should be abolished as it is dangerous and can be easily manipulated, human intelligence is superior. .

 @9VMJ457from Quebec answered…2wks2W

Only if not doing so poses a threat to national security -- and not for any other purpose besides national security

 @9VCJBMDfrom British Columbia answered…2wks2W

Yes, but only so we don't get far behind in military technology. And as long as it can be overridden easily.

 @9V9JVX3from Ontario answered…3wks3W

I believe it should be utilized, and maintained by the proper people of power, and be used for good against humanity. For example: in wars to be used against certain gases, and more.

 @9V9BQ4Cfrom Alberta answered…3wks3W

There are good and bad qualities to artificial intelligence so it all depends on the applications of the AI and where the spending goes towards it.

 @9TZKMBHfrom Alberta answered…3wks3W

Other countries may use it, but it is certainly a scary idea, and I wouldn't want to be without it if they attack us with it, so yes and no.

 @9TZHZWZfrom Alberta answered…3wks3W

Artificial Intelligence is good to invest in, unless it is used to protect us. I trust real people with morals rather than a robot with my safety and security.

 @9TY279Wfrom New Brunswick answered…4wks4W

Yes, as long as the systems are tested on a regular basis to lessen mechanical error as much as possible. Also, don't set up the mostly deadly mechanisms, for example, nuclear missiles.

 @9TWK4RLConservativefrom Ontario answered…4wks4W

Defense applications in the sense of the Canadian military being able to use it to identify threats from foreign countries yes.

 @9TV56S7Liberalfrom Alberta answered…4wks4W

yes but they need to understand that AI cannot be used for every single defense. we still need to make our own solutions but i can see how AI can assist to improve defense plans

 @9TPFV66from Ontario answered…1mo1MO

it would advance our technology and we can use it for defense, but i feel like they are gaining way too much power

 @9TP8MJSfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

Yes and no because if this investment is opened to the public then everywhere we go would be ai and a lot of people will use it for unnecessary preposes.

 @9VMC949Liberalfrom Ontario answered…2wks2W

AI is not that competent in that field as of now so it might not be the best now but they could start somewhere

 @9VKMP3Gfrom Ontario answered…2wks2W

at the current stage of AI development that would lead to more harm than good, however in the future once the technology is more developed that could be beneficial.

 @9VJLT3Zfrom Alberta answered…2wks2W

It is inevitable that they will do this, but they should setup an AI ethics commission for general use of AI and be very careful in their usage of AI. It is a Pandora's box.

 @9VDRGX4from British Columbia answered…2wks2W

no the government should work on developing the humans brain instead of creating (AI) for defense applications.

 @9TMG6DRfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

I don't have anything against AI, but AI could lead to problems like identity fraud and other major problems.

 @9TKHGCVfrom British Columbia answered…1mo1MO

Hoping we all watched Terminator, we need to implement immense security and strict control measures if we do invest in AI defense. So yes, we should invest in AI defense, but keep a strict fist clenched over it.

 @9TJX597from British Columbia answered…1mo1MO

Yes, provided it is under constant review by a third party government agency of bipartisans overseeing this.

 @9T9Y95Zfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

yes but it should be limited and the ai should have a killswitch along with it being overseen by a human.

 @9NLQQF3from New Jersey answered…4mos4MO

 @9NGY3VKfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

I'm extremely iffy on it since I've seen and read too much horror stories about AI defenses. Try reading "I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream" and answer yes with confidence, I dare you

 @9NC8GVSfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

Yes, but only if we can be sure that it isn't going to be used against the people.

 @9MV4GBFfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

I think they should invest in it for certain uses like enemy detection software but if it can shoot on its own without a human there, I think it should be banned

 @9MT6HBBNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

 @9MSLPDYfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

 @9MNPFD4Liberalfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

depends on how serious the situation, and if the AI has been carefully tested and works properly

 @9MNG73Zfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

it should be used as application with limited use not at excess still decision should depend on human intelligence and Human control

 @9MKVW9Vfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

 @9MKBK8SConservativefrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

AI can be used for things such intelligence gathering or tactal purposes. However, any weapon systems should be human controlled.

 @9T43Q5Nfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

Yes and No, using AI to enhance military capabilities should be to some extent. Giving full control could be a risk for dangerous situations.

 @9T3TX4DNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

It really depends on how AI evolves. I get that it could (in some cases) give a second opinion if the military were making plans or decisions, however, it also takes time and knowledge to figure out the logistics of the AI generated opinion. If it is able to give proper answers and opinions with thorough explanations behind them, then maybe then the government could invest in AI.

 @9SZHZL3from Alberta answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but to the extent that it is thoroughly monitored and used minimally with human evaluation of AI decisions

 @9SVW64Dfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Yes but again make sure it’s well controlled, understood and not entirely dependent on AI and that there is a way to overrule an ai command.

 @9SMKCNKIndependentfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Should invest in AI technologies but great vigilance and with concrete details and barriers that make sure that nothing goes out of hands.

 @9S4TP94Greenfrom Nova Scotia answered…2mos2MO

Other militaries will still invest in this tech, no matter how abhorrent it is to think about an AI manned gun.

 @9RCHXWBfrom Nova Scotia answered…3mos3MO

gov't should invest in regulating AI and in diplomacy initiatives around the ethical implications of AI before any tech gets applied practically.

 @9RCBSYBfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Semi-autonomous drones would be acceptable, i.e., no serious action without human approval. Cyber defense in order to provide warnings, alerts, blocking and locking out to wait for human action would be acceptable. Decision-making should be left to humans but AI can provide all relevant information so as to allow for a well informed decision. Humans should retain control in all cases.


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