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 @9W8L9CTfrom British Columbia  answered…1hr1H

i mean like i have no problem with the voting age i dont think it should be lowered do i think its ludicriss to have 18 year olds vote yes but also it brings fr…

 @9W8J636from Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

If they were to be implemented, yes. But they are unnecessary.

 @9W8GXQSfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

Anarchy, I feel like the government causes more damage than harm but there should be a mediator for the people.

 @9W8GXQSfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

Depends on their age, if they are above 70, I believe they shouldn't, if they are younger than 40, they should.

 @9W7YCTKfrom Nova Scotia  answered…5hrs5H

no they should have to learn but it would be nice to learn a little so they can communicate with people a little easier.