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No, but decriminalized drugs that offer medicinal benefits such as marijuana and increase punishment for drug dealers
Yes, but also increase funding for drug education and require mandatory rehab for cases of severe drug addiction
Yes, but also actively discourage drug use and implement policies to help addicts recover
Yes, drug use should be treated as a medical/social issue and not a criminal issue
@9D4GF2CNew Democratic2yrs2Y
We should provide funding for more help. More resources to provide SAFE drug use
Drug use shouldn’t be criminalised, but being under the influence in public should be illegal, and crimes committed under drug influence should be more severely punished
No but we should pay mroe attention on people who suffer with drug addiction, it will have a positive impact on the economy
Drugs are good and a good business and the persecution of their usage and sale has been primarily a racist and oppressive one
Yes, but in a sense that can benefit us in a medical view. For example, microdosing psilocybin has been said to assist with a deal of depression, anxiety, migraines and other negative effects on the human body.
If used and controlled for medical purposes, I am for it.
Yes we should decriminalize all drugs. But we need 100% rehabilitation support for drug users. Like Amsterdam.
Yes, but with tougher laws for in public use, and mandatory rehab/imprisonment for crimes related to drugs and intense addiction.
Yes, but only if the user is in a drug rehabilitation program that has S.M.A.R.T. milestone progression.
Some drugs, yes. Perhaps even manage them like they do in weed people know what they’re consuming. And also make the penalty for selling certain high risk/laced/“dirty” drugs extremely tough. People caught with those drugs should be given the option of jail time or rehabilitation programs.
yes it should be allowed if prescribed medically like marijuana and people serving time for it or has it on there record should have that removed
Yes, where it can be reasonably determined that the risk of those drugs is comparable to alcohol and cannabis.
I want the illegal use of drugs to be stopped and have harsher punishments for drug dealers but also allow the pharmacy's to use drugs to help people with addictions.
Yes decriminalizing those with addictions, harsher punishment for drug dealers
It depends on the type of drug and what it can do to someone
decriminalize the individual use of certain drugs, invest more into rehabilitation services, and raise punishments for those producing drugs for the purposes of trafficking
Yes, in the form of medically supervised drug havens to assist Addicts drug addiction and drug abuse should be treated as a medical issue not a criminal one
Yes but we should increase education and awareness about all the possible effects of all types of drug use
No, but increase funding for addiction prevention, and rehab rehabilitation And educate young people and the problems that occur with substance. Teaching people to have a better relationship with substances.
Yes, but not for drugs that are high health or well-being risk and increase incentives/funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation
Yes, but not for some classifications of drugs and to retroactively reduce sentences for those serving time with marijuana use for example
No, but remove criminal history anyone who has served their time for drugs that are now decriminialized.
Nuanced issue that I do not understand. I do believe decriminalization would be a net positive but the drug problem is made worse by other problems in society, such as homelessness and inflation.
Yes, However first set up programing that follows Portugal's example not just a free for all. Also step up enforcement on sales, manufacturing and trafficking illicit drugs.
Soft drugs like marijuana, but not hard drugs like cocaine, we should also be working on rehabilitation and prevention
No but provide funding for addition prevention and rehabilitation, but also decriminalise drugs that may offer a medical benefit.
Depends due to danger and if its being abused in a way that it harms the people around them and their mental health. However, hard drugs should stay banned.
Not for all drugs, reduce sentences, increase punishment for dealers, greatly increase funding for addiction prevention and treatment (Portuguese model)
No, but increase funding for prevention and rehabilitation, but also allow science to expand our knowledge and understanding of the substances for potential risk or beneficial application, like psilocybin for treating end of life depression and PTSD
Yes, but only for people who are buying/using the drugs, not for people who are selling them. Also, decriminalize drugs for medicinal purposes.
As long as its not illegal and fairly safe to use like weed, if its hardcore stuff should not be decimalized.
No, But decriminalize drugs that are medicinal and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehab.
Decriminalizing only when we have safe supply. Eliminate the black market by making it a medical issue and by allowing certain types of drugs to be purchased once evaluated by a medical team. Other types are monitored and prescribed
Yes, for most but not all drugs, as well as reducing sentences for individuals found in possession of illegal drugs.
Yes, in the sense that people should have safe access to drugs. But people like drug dealers should have tighter laws around them
Yes, but drugs should be available for hospitals, since drugs are used as a medicine. Or drugs that is able to bring a good impact to society or be a good use.
No. However, we should decriminalize drugs that offer medicinal benefits such as marijuana or provide prescriptions. We should also increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation.
decriminalize possession and use of drugs, treat it as a medical issue and get folks help. Treat it like alcohol, help people get off them if they want it and license the distribution and sale of drugs and tax them.
drug use is a touchy subject and should be looked upon from a medical standpoint and not a criminal standpoint, ban the use of the most dangerous drugs and watch over people currently on less dangerous drugs
Depending on the type of drug but illegal drugs should stay illegal and it should be monitored how much each person is buying
Sent to rehab not prison be like throwing someone with an eating disorder in jail rather then getting them the help they need
No, I'm in favour of legalizing them so they can be regulated and taxed, like Marijuana and alcohol.
I do not want dugs not needed or has never help young people, most of the time it has given them a overdose or they have died from taking it cause people are going around finding ways to buy it elegaly, and are abusing the system that Canada has tired and failed to control the use of it.
yes, for most drugs, also more safe injection sites and government funded or aided places to buy it, like marijuana
No. I think decriminalizing drug use has made the population related to drugs and homelessness worse. Its gone bad. However there should be better regulations so everyone is safe.
Yes, if we can do it smartly and safely, similarly to some of the European nations which have done it.
Your options suck. Yes, but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation. Forced treatment is ideal.
Yes decriminalize certain drugs, but focus on better rehabilitation a d helpful resources for those struggling in situations where they're forced into these drug rings or are struggling with drugs themselves.
Any hard drugs or chemically made drugs should be criminal. Natural plant derived as marijuana should be excluded & not considered a drug.
I think we should punish drug dealers more, and create a program where we help drug addicts become functional members of society again, but if they re-offend we uthenize them.
Decriminalize all drugs unless it is a forged recipe, offer rehabilitation and education on the topics in drug-decriminalization zones i.e. (Vancouver, Downtown)
Yes, but not for the HEAVY addiction items. ** Jail on there own. Opiods, Heroine, Do not pass go, Do not collect 200*
Drug usage should not be seen as a criminal offense however we should get individuals who are users of drugs to be admitted to treatment facilities.
Yes but provide users with rehab or other resources to help them get clean instead of putting them in jail. If the person is distributing drugs then charges apply. If the person is using and has access to resources but is hurting them self or others, get the person evaluated by a doctor and go from there.
No, Weed is legal and regulated. Hard drugs and drug dealers should be illegal and punishment should be more sever
Yes, but instead of arresting people for drug use put them into forced rehab until their drug problem is solved.
Yes, but only for personal usage (legalize marijuana for recreational & medical usage alongside psychedelic mushrooms for medical usage), & prioritize going after traffickers, dealers, & suppliers, not users.
Decriminalize marijuana, mushrooms, mdma, and therapeutic drugs. Increase funding for addiction therapy
Drugs should be decriminalized but not to be legally used in public spaces. Tax payers shouldn't pay for drug addiction uses.
Increase funding to prevent people from using/selling drugs in the first place, and only legalize medicinal drugs
Yes to keep everyone safer and able to call 911 if an overdose occurs but don't get rid of all consequence and put more money into rehabilitation
Yes for some medicinal drugs, and increase public services to prevent people from doing/selling drugs
yes it should still ber criminal however the government should focus more funds towards rehabilitation
I believe decriminalizing drug use is important, but it needs to be in correlation with proper addiction services.
Decriminalizing all drug use would be harmful. We should look into a safe way to decriminalize some drugs in order to reduce illegal dealing.
@9ZT7QLRNew Democratic3mos3MO
no but be leniant depending on what drug depends what drug also increase punishpent for drug dealers.
No, but reduce the penalty for drug use to a notable extent, and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation. I do think that some drugs could be decriminalized, but not all of them.
I think drugs should be decriminalized but anyone caught should be helped and go to rehab/get help getting their life back on track
Yes, excess use money from police and jailing for drug education and for therapy. Drug users will get drugs regardless. So help them with the problem.
Yes, for those who use as a result of a substance use disorder. Also increase punishment for drug traffickers.
I personally believe that people who have an addiction to illegal drugs shouldn't go to jail but instead be given help to overcome said addiction.
Drug users that cannot contribute to society should be put into institutions where they are forcibly rehabilitated
yes we can, but those people must know how to control themselves and someone must be monitoring their consumption.
yes to all but government need to provide more social worker and health professionals and meet with all users like they do in Portugal. Letting anyone uses drugs with no support is not the way to go... right? the liberals???
Yes, decriminalize use and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation but criminalize selling of drugs
My dad's a chainsmoker so yes but it is also difficult seeing someone slowly end their life through abusing addictive substances
Yes. I also think there should be voluntary treatment facilities with nurse practitioners where addicts can check in and have as much access to their drug of choice (draw them in) in a safe and secure environment at no cost (reduce crime and harm). I think the facility should have beds, showers, and bathrooms, and nutritious meals, but their commitment is to meet with a psychotherapists on staff to help them work through their trauma and provide recovery assistance in a safe environment where they are treated with dignity.
If we are to decriminalize drug use we must deepen our Mental Health outreach equally ... starting in elementary schools ... we need to control the flow.
@9VY58CQNew Democratic5mos5MO
yes, but only in combination with the creation of more safe injection/inhalation sites, and treatment centres
@9VWGX7BNew Democratic5mos5MO
yes, only decriminalizing small amounts of drugs so cops can focus on begger issues like big time dealers and other larger crimes
Yes, if we take the same approach as other countries who have done the same and make it only decriminalized if they’re attending a rehabilitation facility of some sort as well.
The only drug im okay with is marijuana that is the only beneficial drug out there that people enjoy and use for medical reasons
No, but allow funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation and pass more strict laws on the use of selling or possessing of illegal drugs.
Yes, but we need to do more towards the mental health side of drug abuse and include involuntary treatment.
Drug use shouldn't be punished they should be treated, these are people with addictions, not criminals.
No, but allow law enforcement/military to go after those responsible for the root causes of the drug issue(high level dealers, foreign manufacturers, & politically connected interests that profit from it like the medical industry)
Allow any and all drug use; but, any person found to have any drug in their system equals no public help whatsoever. Let them live or die by their choice and it should not cost the public a single dime.
I think we should decriminalize magic mushrooms. it has a numerous amount of benefits for the mind and body, and is even said to expand creativity and cure anxiety and depression.
@8VCVB74New Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes AND increase funding to mental health/rehabilitation
Yes, but needs to be done in tandem with increases in funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation
Most but not all drugs because we should pass tougher law and increase punishment for drug dealers and retroactively reduce sentences for drug related crimes and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation
Some drugs that are used in medicine should be legalized in acceptable doses like how the most amount of weed you can have on your person is an ounce. You can use people IDs to scan them so they can only get a certain dose weekly/daily
A drug or narcotic that is going to make you hallucinate or act out of the ordinary should not be illegal. Marijuana will not make you hallucinate and think you can fly or jump off a building. Mushrooms will.
I think that it is important to decriminalize drugs that offer health benefits such as marijuana. But It is important to increase punishment for drug dealers, there should be funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation.
No, but decriminalize drugs that offer medicinal benefits, but increase the price of those drugs, so they're harder to reach so people won't resort to that and become addicted.
Legalize recreational drugs and regulate the production and sale of recreational drugs. Decriminalize hard drug use but ban the production and sale of hard drugs. Crack down on illegal drug dealers.
Yes, but not for all drugs. There should be a screening to decide which drugs can be offered recreationally, and which ones are too dangerous. There should also be proper addiction support and rehabilitation programs in place. And tight regulation on maintaining, producing, and distributing these drugs, which are run by the government.
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