Vaping refers to using electronic cigarettes that deliver nicotine through vapor, while junk food includes high-calorie, low-nutrition foods like candy, chips, and sugary drinks. Both are linked to various health issues, especially among young people. Proponents argue that banning promotion helps protect the health of young people, reduces the risk of developing lifelong unhealthy habits, and decreases public health costs. Opponents argue that such bans infringe on commercial free speech, limit consumer choice, and that education and parental guidance are more effective ways to promote healthy lifestyles.
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Yes. They shouldn't be promoted, but products that contribute to unhealthy lifestyles shouldn't be banned either. There should be more regulations in place when it comes to ingredients and honesty of contents / consequences.
No, there should be more access to programs educating young people of risks and more regulation on marketing to young people, targeting low income communities, and false claims.
I think unhealthy options should be more expensive and healthy alternatives should be less expensive.
@Canadianpunk89 2wks2W
Vaping should be treated the same as smoking. It is a bit impossible to get rid of junk food but maybe put a little disclaimer note on the ad saying too much of it can be harmful.
Definitely ban the promotion of vaping and smoking, but have more healthy foods advertised rather than junk food, don't get rid of junk food advertisements
Not junk food if it’s not really bad but vaping yes because it can be used as a start drug.
No, but let the viewer be aware of the unhealthy contributions that the product brings
i just think that there should be more information abou them on ads
Yes to vaping but no to junk food as that could infringe upon consumer awareness in general.
@9ZBMP52 4mos4MO
No, but there should be more public education about balanced nutrition for
Ban vaping, but occasional junk food consumption won't kill you.
@9YHMCTV 4mos4MO
i don’t believe junk food advertisements should be banned, but vapes absolutely
For vaping and other harmful drugs, yes, but in situations where the product can be made less harmful by removing certain ingredients, the manufacturers should be required by law to remove them.
Ban the promotion of products that directly cause cancers, alzheimer's and diabetes.
no, people have the right to make their own decisions
banning is not the solution, preventing minors access is
The government should add legislation that regulates how it can be done but a straight up ban is very vague
to an extent because its not just young people who view these advertisments
No, personal health and lifestyle choices should not be regulated by the government, let the people chose how they want to live.
Yes for things like vaping, optional for things like junk food
stop the promotion of nicotine and addictive distances
No, but make healthier products cheaper and more accessible.
Vaping and harmful lifestyles should have banned advertisements, but junk food should be met with education, as it is not inherently harmful or disease-causing.
No, use of these products should be consumer choice.
No the reasoning is they are going to do it anyway.
No, dont ban but work on educating them these are unuhealthy
Maybe not ban but regulate pricing of healthy options. As it stands something like a bag of potato chips is more affordable than a head of cauliflower.
@9RXS4P4 7mos7MO
vaping should not be promoted and unhealthy lifestyles should not be promoted. but unhealthy snacks every once in a while are not super harmful.
No but fine any company who tries to target young people with Anything not legal for them like vaping, junk food doesn't matter
No, but create incentives for promotions of healthier products. In the end, it's an individual's personal responsibility to be informed on how healthy food is and whether or not to purchase them.
No, but incentivize not promoting of unhealthy lifestyles
No, but add a substantial sin tax on these products
Yes, and we ought to adopt the same food additive standards and regulations as in Australia and New Zealand.
This needs a better definition of “products”, along with a specific answer for each one listed.
Yes, but current government rules missed the mark and did not account for larger market interactions. Tobacco is still highly profitable, it just shifted markets and product focus.
No, but the CRTC should be given what it needs to enforce regulations on such advertisements when necessary.
No, and it should be the same across all provinces instead of BC having all the rules which only causes more people to go outside BC of to black market suppliers to get products and reduces profits for BC businesses
No, but force them to state the negative health affects
neither, there should be strict regulations in place but not a total ban
They should ban vaping, but junk food isn't as deadly.
I think that the government should limit the promotion of products that contribute to unhealthy lifestyles
No, as this will inevitably lead to a black market. Instead, companies that manufacture these products should be legally required to advertise their harmful health effects, much like in the sale of cigarettes.
100% ban vaping, but not junk food. There should be a limit on junk food for once in a while occasions.
It should only be vaping because teenagers are able to access vapes. Junk food should not be banned because everyone eats it and it does not cause as much health damage as vapes
Vaping should be banned but there is nothing wrong with junk food because you get junk food on Halloween and also Christmas. I only think that vaping should be banned.
Advertisements for Vaping, alcohol, gambling, and other « vices », as one could call them, should be banned, but junk food ads are fine.
No. But more regulations need to be put on products to make them healthier. for example, amount of sugar, food dye, and chemicals in our food.
Not ban. But dis incentivize and sin tax it. Incentivize healthy habits through tax breaks for consumers. Doritos should cost more than a bag of apples at the store - they cost society more long term.
Vaping should be advertised as smoking is. junk food, now all of us enjoy but you shouldn't only eat junk.
Junk Food you can't really get rid of but the government can help make it less harmful to you but Vaping definitey NO! Get rid of Vaping!
Vaping should be banned but not junk food. Vaping and junk food are not even close to each other and should be in completly different questions or areas.
Everybody has the right to advertise. But maybe put a time limit on it. So after 9:00 at night you can no longer advertise.
Just vaping and smoking should get banned, junk food is like a treat for spending a huge amount of time eating healthy
I think vaping and stuff like that should be banned
No, but include all the important health impacts and have it be the most important part
Depending on the long-term effects, the worst effects should be banned such as smoking, and vaping but junk food like fast food should still be legal.
No, but the government should still ban the promotion of only vaping and smoking.
Government should ban promotion of vaping but can allow some junk food.
no, but increase taxes on unhealthy lifestyle choices in order to subsidize the healthcare strain
I think that the restrictions should be on harmful products only like vapes, cigarettes, etc. The junk food side in my opinion is turned bad by bad teaching so it is not harmful.
Treat vaping exactly like cigarette sale/use/advertising.
Depends as vapes and junk food could ease young minds
Banning is unwarranted. But stronger counter measures should be taken
I believe that promoting vaping should be banned but promoting junk food is fine.
No, but it should be taxed heavily, similar to cigarettes and alcohol.
the government should ban promotion of tobacco and vape to young audiences
Not just ban the promotion ban people who were born after a certain year from ever being able to buy cigaretts or vape
Only for large risks like with drugs and smoking, whereas junk food isnt as bad when its occasional and it's less addictive
I do not think junk food and vaping should be compared as both unhealthy lifestyles.
Yes, but only for vaping as it has a clear health concern with health issues that are difficult or impossible to reverse
Young people don't like to be restricted and this can cause them to rebel and turn to more dangerous sources
@9QFM9P7 8mos8MO
Government should ban vaping and cigarette smoking altogether
These should be taxed at a higher rate and begin banning cigarettes and vapes for people born after X year
no but increase taxes on things that lead to unhealthy lifestyles.
No, but we should increase the restriction of the promotion
vaping, and "junk food" should have an additional "health tax" on it. This money would go directly to funding the healthcare system.
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