Answer Overview

Response rates from 549k Canada voters.

Yes, any citizen that pays taxes should be allowed to vote
No, and voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote
No, it should be raised

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 @8KQL6XNfrom British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

There are some incredibly smart kids that know more than the average adult about worldly topics and politics. Perhaps, when younger aged, they can write a short and simple test to show their competence in order to vote.

 @9TLF4ZNfrom New Brunswick answered…5 days5D

Yes and people should be educated in schools about politics in a non bias view and see the different things that the parties bring so that students can choose for themselves.

 @9TJNRKTfrom Ontario answered…7 days7D

it should be lowered but they should have to take a test beforehand proving they know enough and are mature enough to be doing it.

 @9TH45ZZfrom Newfoundland answered…1wk1W

Yes any citizen who pays taxes should be able to vote and voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote

 @9TGDFYMfrom British Columbia answered…1wk1W

I am fine with lowering the voting age, however, there should be an test to show their understanding for some of the younger voters

 @9TG4S67from Ontario answered…1wk1W

Yes but by very little. Teenagers deserve the right of choice, but not very young children. Best age would be roughly 16-17.

 @9F2XS9Mfrom British Columbia answered…1yr1Y

If children can receive a gender change surgery, then the age for voting should be lowered.