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100 Replies

 @9W68V6Nfrom British Columbia  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, if they come to Canada on a student visa / work visa and are working towards a better life abiding by our counties laws etc, I believe obtaining citizenship should be easier and yes, they should be able to keep their home countries citizenship as well.

 @9VJ6C4Kfrom British Columbia  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, after they have proven they contribute to the Canadian economy and have not committed any serious crimes.

 @9GZYG4Jfrom Quebec  answered…1yr1Y

Regardless, improving immigration rules, citizenship test, border control and accepting anyone who's not a criminal or a national threat, also imposing no limit amount of immigrants or legal residents would make this question irrelevant, because if you can't trust someone who has been vetted and respect all immigration rules and pass the citizenship test to hold dual citizenship status, then it is a you and you only problem.

 @9GCCJQ2People’sfrom British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

only if they hold value to the country and accept and adhere to Canadian values. Why are foreign people allowed to build temples of worship and hold protests about their own countries problems in Canada where it has nothing to do with the canadian people.

 @9FQY4MYfrom British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

Those with clean records and backgrounds, yes. Those with criminal records and links to terrorism or people that threaten the safety of others should not be allowed.

 @9FPVJCGfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Yes unless they're also a citizen of a communist country or have committed acts of terrorism.

 @9F5KMPVfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

A person should be able to be a citizen of as many countries as they want.

 @9DSKY3QNew Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but revoke Canadian citizenship if person leaves Canada for more than 6 months in twelve.

 @9ML75L2from Illinois  answered…6mos6MO

No, single citizenship and permanent residency should be enforced globally. If a person wishes to live in another country they can apply for permanent residency OR citizenship but not dual citizenship.

 @9LJGNWTPeople’s from British Columbia  answered…7mos7MO

Yes, as long as their country of departure is a favorable one for reciprocal trade. If they are coming from a place of horrible persecution or social control (China) they must renounce ties with that oppressive place.

 @9KDYD2Wfrom Saskatchewan  answered…9mos9MO

Yes, unless they have committed a crime, depending on the crime. If it is a crime of terrorism, rape, murder (unless proven in self defence), then no.

 @8S295MYfrom Nova Scotia  answered…4yrs4Y

Canada should move to limit the abuse of dual citizenship status. Ie. Birth tourism.

 @8QMYYKSfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

No, you live in Canada, you must be loyal to Canada alone. The Fatherland can not have possible traitors

 @8PYM7QVfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

No, and disallow immigration to immigrants who do not renounce their native citizenship.

 @8PV32S8Greenfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8JN329MPeople’sfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only from friendly nations with similar cultures (UK, NZ, AUS, USA)

 @8JJW7RWfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

No. I don’t believe dual citizens should be allowed to live and work in another country, but fly to Canada for free Healthcare.

 @8G5PZTWConservativefrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @98Q4NCGfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

yes unless they have committed an act of terrorism and have committed a crim

 @95Y3K27from British Columbia  answered…2yrs2Y

 @95GHC59from British Columbia  answered…2yrs2Y

 @93TNZM9from Alberta  answered…2yrs2Y

They can have as many as long as they don’t commit any crimes or acts of terror

 @939VV8Rfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but they must pass a citizen ship test and follow our customs/culture

 @926W98Jfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8ZMHP9HPeople’sfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

yes unless seeking an elected position that may put allegiance to canada at odds

 @8Z4SFDMfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, unless they have committed a serious crime or have committed an act of terrorism

 @8X6L4RSfrom British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8X2LCJJfrom British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8VW2QMRfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but they should be required to live most of the time in Canada and not expect the the government to bail them out if they choose to live in their country of origin principally.

 @8VV2P57from Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, unless they have a history of motivated crimes against marginalized individuals and regardless, they should not be able to claim citizenship status of more than two nations

 @8VH22SVfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8VBTBZ5from Manitoba  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes unless they have had not committed a crime in the past 10 years that isn't a crime of murder or anything like that

 @8V9VY9Sfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes but if they want to run for office, they should have to renounce their other citizenship

 @8V8L4X3from British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8V8B6VDPeople’sfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8V23DSQfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only if laws of the countries of their other citizenship(s) permit so.

 @8TYWNDPNew Democraticfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8TK96TSPeople’sfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8T25G6Cfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes but then should switch to all Canadian citizenship within 5 years after immigrating.

 @8S69HSHfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, unless they have committed an act of terrorism, and be able to claim citizenship status of more than two nations.

 @firozsasifrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Dual citizenship holder pay 10,000 taxes per annum to take benefit of these facilities.

 @8QX2RHJfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, unless they have committed a crime or have committed an act of terrorism.

 @8QJJKKNfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes unless they have committed a serious crime and could be a potential danger to our country.

 @8QFS26Jfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8QCHD32Conservativefrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8PXLL2Vfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8PSZYX7from Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

 @Waterworks123from Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

No, they should benefit America not any other country if working aboard or any other reasons.

 @8P4JRW8from Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Immigrants and citizens alike in Canada should be allowed to have multiple citizenship status, unless they are determined to be taking advantage of the system to escape government policies.

 @8FRZMW6from Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

If they need dual citizenship they should apply for one, your should only be allowed to get one if you fit the requirements

 @99XDYYKfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but they should not be able to claim citizenship status of more than two nations and as long as they haven't committed an act of terrorism.

 @99L7RQQPeople’sfrom Newfoundland  answered…2yrs2Y

 @8Z3M25Qfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

The immigrant's kids can hold a dual citizenship status if their kids were born in Canada.

 @8VTQKZMfrom Quebec  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8TWZL2Kfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, provided their primary citizenship is Canadian and they are limited to at most one other citizenship.

 @8TWDTHBConservativefrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only dual with special rules for New Zealand, Australia and the UK.

 @8GJ55J3Conservativefrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if they have applied for citizenship and have been here for 5 years.

 @kuyugomodiLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Absolutely, that shouldn't even be a question. We would be lying about what he represent


Yes, but only if they have lived and paid taxes in Canada for 10 years.

 @999V8KKfrom Nova Scotia  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, except where the second citizenship is with enemy nations in whoch case they should have to renounce those citizenships to retain Canadian citizenship

 @98ZHXYKfrom Alberta  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, unless they have committed a crime or if they have committed an act of terrorism

 @9CCMVT7from Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

 @923Z93G from Pennsylvania  answered…3yrs3Y

No, revoke the status of those with non-Commonwealth citizenship and halt all immigration

 @92YHQCV from California  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, unless they have committed a very serious crime OR an act of terrorism

 @92YHQCV from California  answered…2yrs2Y

 @758XGBQ from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but bar dual citizens for being in the military, holding public office, or having high security clearance.

 @92YHQCV from California  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, unless they have committed either a very serious crime OR an act of terrorism. However, if they're from Countries where people who are Born there can Never leave (e.g., North Korea), then, No

 @8GRZRL8 from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8HCRRMJ from Idaho  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only two countries and not if there is any hint of terrorist activities.

 @92YHQCV from California  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, unless they have committed either a crime OR an act of terrorism. However, if they're from Countries where people who are Born there can Never leave (e.g., North Korea), then, No

 @8KG7DR8 from Maryland  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8L2DQDJ from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8R5QLL3 from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but we should not allow any new immigrants into the country at this time.

 @8T9X24H from California  answered…3yrs3Y

  @8VHBC3L from West Virginia  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and expand the possible number of citizenships that one is able to hold


No, unless it was acquired from birth (e.g. one US and one non-US parent).


What cultural or personal value do you see in a person maintaining citizenship in their country of origin when living abroad?

 @8W2DG5C from Maine  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but if they get money or fundings for whatever they get less or no money from the United States.

 @8W82FZ5 from Colorado  answered…3yrs3Y


In what ways do you think dual citizenship can impact international relations between countries?

 @charmingsirnick from New Jersey  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and allowed people with roots in other countries to gain dual citizenship as well.


Should those with dual citizenship be required to fulfill obligations, such as military service, in both countries; why or why not?


How do you feel about the idea of someone voting or participating in the political processes of two countries?

  @8XD6BY6 from Nevada  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, unless they have committed a violent crime and/or an act of terrorism

  @8ZH59GG from Washington  answered…3yrs3Y


Can you think of any scenarios where having dual citizenship might be particularly beneficial or problematic?


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