In the first 4 months of 2015 Transport Canada issued 1,600 permits for commercial drones. In contrast, the U.S.’s Federal Aviation Administration issued only 69. Over 110 companies in Canada now provide commercial drone services, which are regularly used by the movie and television industry, oil and gas companies, forestry companies and farmers.
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Electoral District (2011):
YES, but at a cost and with a licence. Drones have the potential for intrusion into the private realm and this will hopefully be preventative.
drones are cool, but should only be used for vlogging or music video purposes. Nobody wants to walk outside and see drones flying everywhere, just for commercials.
yes, but have regulations that ensure privacy
Not for delivery of fast food to lazy people. But for research in places that are hard to reach and for safety in search and rescue situations on ski hills and in wilderness areas and the like, drones could be a real good option.
Yes. But take it slow and easy. I think the argument that drone usefulness to commercial interest is evident, and regulating it would seem the sensible thing to do. This technology would have to be worked into the existing flight management systems currently employed, strict safety and failsafe requirements would also have to be reviewed and implemented first. National and civilian security must always remain a priority when considering these kinds of technological advancements.
Only if they are able to make a decent amount of money off it, to help soical programs or something.
This is a blantant invasion of privacy and Orwellian in nature.
Commercial/amateur photography.
Drones should require licenses to ensure they are used responsibly. They are a potential safety threat and can easily be used for exposing people.
Permits to drones should be available but limited. Its one thing to use a drone to deliver a parcel as this saves on vehicles on the roads its another to use a drone for marketing and sales tactics.
Should the Switzerland prime minister how instructions is e-readers included drones issues by Australia prime minister is with permits onwards or down words
no there have been too many close calls of private drones in contact with public and private aviation. At least not until it can be properly regulated and made safe.
Yes, but only if the public is informed of when & where they will be used, & asking citizens if they'd like to be blurred out of the footage/photos.
Only if it does not stand in the way of people securing employment as delivery people, ideally automation and human workers should benefit eachother and a business to lower prices and increase wages while not causing unemployment, instead those extra profits can be used to hire more people to increase efficiency and productivity even more.
Drones should be allowed in use purely for things like agriculture and If i see a drone flying a qr code its crashing.
The question of whether the government should permit the use of drones for commercial purposes involves multiple factors, including economic benefits, privacy concerns, safety, and regulation.
In Favor of Permitting Drones for Commercial Purposes:
Economic Growth: Drones can revolutionize industries such as agriculture, delivery, photography, and infrastructure inspection. By permitting their commercial use, the government would open up new business opportunities, creating jobs and contributing to economic growth.
Innovation and Efficiency: Drones improve efficiency in tasks like surveying lar… Read more
Yes, but only for drones operated within specific areas where there is an increased safety/security risk.
Drones should be able to be used as long as it isn’t for criminal or terrorist stuff or invading people’s privacy.
Yes, but there should also be regulations regarding the types of commercian drones that can be used and the ares where they can be flown and for how long. Privately owned drones should not be able to acquire sensitive information on private and unaware citizens.
@9RL3TFFNew Democratic8mos8MO
Yes if it were used for commercial film and photography and services like search and rescue. There is enough advertising plugging up everything around us. We don’t need drones following us around trying to sell something
Yes but with serious privacy regulations and robust tracking to ensure they are being used within the regulations.
Yes, but heavily regulated to ensure privacy for individuals who may have the drone pass by their homes. There should be no more intrusion than if a car drove by.
They could, but overall I don't think it's very important compared to some other issues listed here.
Only if it doesn’t impact any other working systems in the area (social gatherings, airplanes etc.) and does not invade privacy
@9P8NRFMNew Democratic 9mos9MO
Yes, the idea and commercialisation of drones have several positive outcomes. However, such drones should have to follow the same flight/transport safety regulations and rules that other devices use for transport and commercialisation.
I’m torn. Drones could impact public safety and take away jobs. But they could potentially lower costs to consumers (aka us regular people)
No, there are too many ways that companies can abuse this usage. Including illegal surveillance use from insurance company.
It would have to depend on what someone Is using the drone for and to keep in mind if it is bothering anyone while it's in use.
Yes but limit where they can fly and make sure to have a job to monitor where the drones are headed and what they are doing
Change all Drone rules/Laws if passed a cognitive test. Need to register the drone to your own name just like a firearm, you are liable for all damages. Do whatever you want with it, do it safely but at your own risk, no limits.
Yes... but could be a complete nightmare regarding traffic controlling. Absolutely no flying over private property unless the owner has requested it presence. Absolutely NO side scanning or spying on adjacent property.
Sure, but it needs to have some laws to restrict some of its use, for example: What time can the drones fly or If the drone has a camera, it shouldn't directly film some houses and citizens.
Yes, but with proper privacy laws and control as well as a registraion/permitting and licencing policy
Yes, but have it licensed and regulated. Include restriction zones that can be created and voted for on a municipal level. All commercial drones should have trackers on them.
Yes, however if someone uses drones with mail intention they will face consequences and will no longer be aloud to use drones.
If privacy and anonymity are respected, creates more jobs. Id perfect my fine capabilities ASAP, you saw how those rebels were operating in the red area
yes as long as the drone does not trustpass on other property, and consent of filming for all who might be seen by the drone.
The requests for permits should be reveiwed on a case by case basis and should also expire within 6 months.
yes so long as there are regulations put in place to protect the privacy of individuals and ensure drones do not affect any other air crafts in the area
With the correct regulations, drones can be a profitable and prosperous industry. But regulations are key.
Use of drones itself is not a threat but people with I'll mentality can easily misuse them to do their stuff
It depends on what the drones will be used for. If it harms anyone, or has the possibility of harming people, then no. Otherwise, yes, but with strict regulations.
As long as they are not trespassing on any other land, or doing nothing illegal, I think drones are good for commercials
Yes, but we should have strict privacy regulations/security. Eg. No videoing/strict passwords for data about adresses & personal information.
No, citizens feel as if they are being monitored (like rats in cages) and will be filmed at any time. Also, drones are silent machines and citizens are unable to hear if the drones are near or not.
Yes, we should allow trial for commercial purposes drones, because if it function well it could reduce traffic jam and also reduce oil demand which would reduce oil price.
Drones play crucial role in businesses because with the help of these technical gadgets deliveries within time period to distance place become possible
Certain smaller and less dangerous drones should be permitted, while larger more dangerous ones should not be
Yes, but with restrictions. Also depending on the legitimacy of the corporation and all regulations must be within federal laws.
Commercial how? that's my question because if it's simply shipping a packages to peoples homes then that's fine of course but depending on the company i feel like it could just be another way to monitor you and sell your data off to the highest bidder
Yes and no, a drone can be anything from a child's toy to a flying fortress. What are we talking about?
drones aren't the best way to transport goods as they can be shot down by others and aren't reliable
Check the commercial companies that want to use them and limit civilians using professional drone technology because we don’t what it’s for. (Security reasons)
Yes, as long as anyone in any photos or recordings taken give their consent to be in the commercial media
If the service can be demonstrated to be safe and practical, yes. The use of defined airpaths may be necessary, like with airlines.
No, unlessdemonstrably reduces carbon emissions and noes not have harmful environmental impacts
I think the use of drones can certainly be beneficial when applied to specific scenarios or areas of use such as fire fighting, police use, climate and natural research, however there is a line that needs to be drawn between commercial use for good and commercial use for nonsensical or non-beneficial applications.
Yes, only if it does not interfere with existing infrastructure
Only if it demonstrably reduces carbon emissions and noes not have harmful environmental impacts
You should have the option to get it delivered by a person or drone
Yes, if they work with no faults
Yes, but make sure that won't harm others.
Irrelevant. If drones help make people safe, definitely. If drones are used to spy on Canadians, no. By drones, do you mean quadcopters or quad bikes?
Yes but have drone licences and security to defuse potential violent drones quickly.
@9FNQF78Conservative 1yr1Y
To an extent, for things like advertising and such sure
Sure this would be very creative but also concerning
yes, but don't do anything illegal with them.
Yes, as long as it is safely monitored with a punishment involved for anyone who uses this illegally
Every situation is different, laws that protect civilian privacy need to be clear and enforcement needs to be used
with some rules and regulations
If if does not violate any laws of privacy and security and is used only for commercial uses following legal restrictions it should be allowed.
As long as it does not harm the environment or animals
I suppose it would depend on what the product for the commercial is for
Yes, if it is controlled and used in property.
It really depends on what kind of use it's used for.
Yes, but if the drones are misused the company should be banned from using them
In time and gradually till we have worked
first responders or rescue personnel are permitted
Yes, it should but only if the government ensures the permits go to responsible and learned pilots who know safety procedures and risks handling drones.
Yes and no it would depend on the circumstances
yes but only with consent from the people in the video.
As long as the drones do not distupt arliners and private land owners and their buisnesses and well being, it shouldn't be a problem
yes but let the people in the arey know
Depends on what commercial
Yes, but regulate their use and require training and licensing.
yes because you could be responsible if somone gets hurt
In highly controlled environments with the notice of residents and peoples residing in the area.
Yes, but provide training and jobs for people who will be replaced
Depends on what they’re doing with the drones
Drones literally don't exsist
No, but there should be laws against them for the sake of privacy
Yes, as long as it follows proper guidelines
Only if licensed to do so. Follow safety standards and laws.
Yes, as long as it's safe for the public and passes safety examinations.
yes and no because it would be weird seeing a drone flying around your house
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