Try the political quiz

30 Replies


Could having a minimal government make it harder for important social safety nets to exist, or would it encourage communities to help themselves?

 @9TW9SR6from Ontario answered…1wk1W

Absolutely make it harder for anyone who isn't already rich. Plus it encourages Greed at the very top

 @9TW7FFGIndependentfrom Ontario answered…1wk1W

Of course it would make it harder to have safety nets, where’s the money coming from?

 @9TTDV9Ffrom Ontario answered…1wk1W

Original marxist and anarchist libertarian schools of thought allow for freedom as exploitative class structures are disassembled in those ideals. Capitalist co-opting of these libertarian ideals however only encourages exploitation and the failure of social safety nets.

 @9TR8PRXfrom Ontario answered…1wk1W


How would the economy be different if government regulations were reduced or eliminated entirely?

 @9TTFZM4New Democraticfrom Ontario answered…1wk1W

Libertarians are the political house cats of society.

They are fiercely convinced of their own independence with no real world concept of what actually puts food in their bowl everyday.

Libertarians are the worst kind of liberal.

 @9TTDV9Ffrom Ontario answered…1wk1W

Libertarianism as it is currently understood is as a branch of capitalism. Under a capitalist economy with no regulations the exploitation of the working class only gets worse. Also a good chunk of "libertarian"s nowadays are either in it for those financial reasons or due to specific government rules that have to do with the ages of those they "interact with".


Considering the growing concerns about privacy, would you support a policy that limits government surveillance, even if it might affect national security?

 @9RCSVDSCommunistfrom Manitoba answered…2mos2MO

I think surveillance is inevitable in a digital age, and I'd much rather it be the government that is surveilling me than unregulated corporations. That said, I would support policies limiting surveillance such as not allowing video surveillance, which I fear could lead to bans on masks which would be a major threat to public health and safety, especially taking into account the ongoing pandemic.


Do you think lower taxes mean more personal freedom, or could it lead to more inequality in society?

 @9TMR89C from Alberta answered…2wks2W

I have no trustworthy information on this matter. I apologize for not having a response.


How might a country with a 'free market economy' impact your future career prospects?

 @9RR93PGfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

I would be fired and replaced with a low cost worker in another country with lower labour costs


Would you feel safer or more vulnerable in a society where citizens are responsible for their own self-defense?

 @9RC8R94from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

I would feel more unsafe, although I would like more rights to self defense.


How do you think a significant reduction in government regulation would influence the environment and climate change?


How would a society with minimal government intervention shape your daily life?


Who do you think benefits the most in a ‘free market’ system with minimal government intervention?


How should society balance personal freedoms against ensuring that everyone has access to essential services like healthcare and education?


If the government did not provide financial aid during a crisis like COVID-19, how do you think society would have coped?


Do you believe education should be a private or public responsibility, and how would that shape your future?


Would you feel more empowered or more stressed living in a country where citizens are responsible for their own success without government aid?


If public health care was replaced by private options, how would that impact accessibility for everyone?


How would your day-to-day life change if the government played a much smaller role in the economy?


What are the pros and cons of having a government that only provides foundational services such as police and military?


If education was entirely privatized, how do you think that would affect your learning experience?


Imagine your ideal level of taxation; what services would you be willing to give up to achieve it?


Can less government control truly result in fair opportunities for everyone, or would it benefit some groups over others?


Do you believe that more personal freedoms would lead to a better or more chaotic society, and why?


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