I don't believe the term communist has anything to do with those things. I believe government spending on those things can be a double edged sword.
Allows for more personal freedoms, if you increase overall quality of life, worker productivity increases, and society thrives.
@9TTQDYZNew Democratic6mos6MO
Guarantees for survival only improve society as those who might struggle instead can participate in improving life for everyone.
You could run the risk of a greater tax burden, but I had been consistently shown that under less pressure, humans engage in more art, culture, and social growth. Without the worries of constant payments, society could in theory grow rapidly. However, utopian societies rarely function, and there will always be those that can manipulate systems. Therefore is should be attempted without the expectation of success, if only to move the needle.
It would be more positive and peoples state of health would be in less danger.
people would be more free to peruse what they want instead of worrying about affording basic necessities
@9TQWX6J 6mos6MO
i belive that many live would become better at the cost of some billionaire wealth whoard
People would have more chances to love fulfilling lives than aren't entirely focused on just getting by until the next paycheque. Being able to pursue interests and gain the skills/education necessary for a job they might actually enjoy might would have a net positive on the mental health and productiveness of the country.
it would be alot easier not as many people living on the streets
@9TTFZM4New Democratic6mos6MO
Set all Healthcare to a federal program that is competitive with the highest levels in the global standards and practices.
It allows for freedom of the working class to choose how they live their lives.
It would benefit everyone not just those receiving aid by reducing poverty, social inquality/resentment and increasing the power of our technology, arts and media on the global landscape.
@carsonmyers 6mos6MO
People would be more free to pursue a craft or specialty that suits them, or to engage in a variety of part-time activities to benefit their own and their community's well-being. I don't believe people need to be coerced to do work that needs to be done; when not in a downward spiral of barely managing to survive, people have enough room to consider what they would like to do, and what others would like for them to do.
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