Try the political quiz

46 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5mos5MO


 @9MZTSW8 from Nova Scotia disagreed…5mos5MO

AI is getting smarter and smarter and is being abused already by people all around. Schools face a large problem with AI use and it is quickly getting out of hand. Without regulation, we as a society and country could begin to depend too much on AI which is not a good thing in the long run. If the government steps in and regulates the use of AI, it could lessen the blow and help society.

 @9VRK573from Ontario answered…1wk1W

Have oversight but allow free market enterprise to be on top of competition and ahead of foreign actors

 @9VM4F4Lfrom Quebec answered…2wks2W

i don't particularly like the idea of AI to begin with so whom ever does control it could use it in malicious ways.

 @9VM3C67Conservativefrom Ontario answered…2wks2W

Artificial intelligence should not be used for government or used in any position that would give it power

 @9VLMTC3Conservativefrom Saskatchewan answered…2wks2W

AI should just not be trusted how many movies have been made explaining AI taking over why risk it just shut any AI down and forget about it entirely and ban it

 @9VKMP3Gfrom Ontario answered…2wks2W

I believe regulations on the development of AI inhibit the progress it can make for us as a society. While some regulations are important such as prevention of art theft for image based artificial intelligence, the more learning and information based AI should not be regulated nearly as much.

 @9VHWJLTNew Democraticfrom British Columbia answered…2wks2W

Bio-engineering and financial AI should be regulated, AI for creative or education purposes should not be regulated.

 @9V7H6SQConservativefrom British Columbia answered…3wks3W

We need unbiased public information on how this positively or negatively affects the general public.

 @9TZSC8Cfrom Alberta answered…3wks3W

It depends on the AI being used. (chat bots and virtual AI [no], actual robots, who can cause physical damage or intellectual damage [yes] )

 @9TYP75Wfrom British Columbia answered…4wks4W

Not necessarily since perople should have their own rights and morials. They are also not a serious threat.

 @9TTG9Z8from Ontario answered…4wks4W

For me as an artist, I hope the government will remove AI images because it's unethical and people are using it to scam and trick others.

 @9TS28Y8from New Brunswick answered…4wks4W

This is both a yes and no question, since we barely have touched on the extent of how AI is going to evolve to help humanity ethically, morally, socially and so on, full regulation may result in stifling the growth while no regulation could create abusive opportunities for criminals. So, regulation of certain levels of AI yes but not to the extent that it slows down the growth and development.

 @9TPFV66from Ontario answered…1mo1MO

it isnt something i would grant for humanity as a whole, our worlds gonne become like a sci fi movie

 @9TLF4ZNfrom New Brunswick answered…1mo1MO

Yes, there is too many things AI shouldnt be doing, also the risks of it becoming too powerful is still instilled in people’s minds so having regulations for it would have public calm.

 @9T4WHQFfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

only for revaltionzing healthcare and protecting people. However, people should still keep their jobs.

 @9RYKZHGfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

the government should regulate it to the point where it can restrict acts that lead to illegal acts within society. There should be a median where it cannot regulate someone finding names to call someone, and someone conjuring a death note.

 @9RW6ZLWConservativefrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

No, but we should create a whistleblower policy to ensure that any unethical use of AI is reported and dealt with.

 @9RPDQJJfrom British Columbia answered…3mos3MO

What we colloquially refer to as "AI", is not yet actually AI. At the moment, it is too early to make such a decision. As "AI" can and is used as a tool, anyone using it in unethical ways is not shielded or obfuscated from the law simply because AI is involved. It might be more difficult to detect, but no less relevant to existing laws.

 @9RCJLJ2Greenfrom New Brunswick answered…3mos3MO

Should regulate AI with the aim of protecting existing networks and infrastructure. Regulate where it can’t be used in society, such as AI bots in public forums.

 @9RCBSYBfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Yes but ensure that the regulations are not excessive and therefore do not limit or hinder innovation and advancement.

 @9RBYBX6from Nova Scotia answered…3mos3MO

Ethical use isn't greatly defined in the description. If advancement doesn't resort into those in technical careers losing their jobs, and it means making better strives at making our economic downfall of living rates, I am partial to this.

 @9RBPNXJfrom Alberta answered…3mos3MO

We need to make companies pay for the data they use to train AI, if a person stole from a company they'd be held liable, so it's only fair companies are also held liable.

 @9QZVT44from Ontario answered…3mos3MO

I don't think the government should sole handedly regulate it, but it needs to be part of the conversation ensuring that it stays ethical. I don’t trust the government to handle it on its own, there should be some sort of panel of TRUSTED advisors or something along those lines. It also should not be funded, or run by anyone who has corporate ties, conflicts of interest, etc.

 @9QWGGCTfrom Newfoundland answered…3mos3MO


They need to make sure things are not being stolen or used to make illegal things.
However AI should not be politically, sexually, racially, or religiously biased, especially not politically.
And AI should not be censored, especially if it's for romantic/comfort/sexual things like a AI partner (chatbot).
And people should have the rights to generate images as long as they are used for humour or made for NSFW content (pornography) that one would keep to himself.

 @9P37WBJfrom British Columbia answered…4mos4MO

They should get rid of it; its creepy and is taking jobs away from artists

 @9NJR9S5Liberalfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

Government should regulate AI for theft of sources, and consumers should be wary of risks

 @9NJMFYZfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

 @9MS5K6Xfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

 @9MNNZ6Pfrom Nova Scotia answered…5mos5MO

you know dasher and dancer and prancer and vincin comit and cupid and donner and bloitzen but do you recal the most famouse raindeer of alll rudolf the red nose raindeer had a very shiny nose.

 @9RZPX67from Alberta answered…2mos2MO

to a certain point, AI is new and needs to be corroborated between public, private, and government resources beforehand

 @9N52JQ7Independentfrom Saskatchewan answered…5mos5MO

 @9MYFSSLfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

Yes, depending on the legislation guiding leaders who make decisions about AI.

 @9FGSKLL from British Columbia answered…5mos5MO

No, AI affairs is none of the government's business, but the government can work with AI companies

 @9TV5VL5from Alberta answered…4wks4W

yes to a degree, they should regulate it to make sure it isn't being used to commit crimes or to harm people (physically, image wise, or mentally, etc.)


How should society respond if AI starts replacing jobs in sectors like healthcare or law?


Would you trust an AI to be unbiased in making legal judgments or medical diagnoses over humans?


If you could design an AI to solve one world problem, what would it be, and why?


How does the idea of AI-powered surveillance for safety compare to privacy concerns for you?


What responsibilities do developers have to ensure their AI respects user privacy?


Should we allow AI to make mistakes if it helps them learn and improve, even if it affects us directly?


Imagine an AI that knows you better than you know yourself; comforting or concerning?


If an AI could perfectly predict your future, would you want to know it?


What personal values should guide us in creating or limiting AI technologies?


How would you feel if an AI system made an important decision in your life, like college acceptance?


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