Ride-sharing services, like Uber and Lyft, provide transportation options that can be subsidized to make them more affordable for low-income individuals. Proponents argue that it increases mobility for low-income individuals, reduces reliance on personal vehicles, and can reduce traffic congestion. Opponents argue that it is a misuse of public funds, may benefit ride-sharing companies more than individuals, and could discourage public transportation use.
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@B3KBJM36 days6D
No, the government should make public transport free for low -income individuals.Investing in companies like Uber benefits the company in itself.
with a limit on miles and income that can be helped I think it is important for this to be an option
Should the Italian prime minister lower incomes of divide sharing by Australia prime minister how came along with subsidiaries individual services
Yes, but only if there is insufficient public transportation and the need for transportation is reasonable.
Yes but it should he stringent on being able to get the passes (ie they need to show how they use it going to work etc)
@B37BTCNNew Democratic2wks2W
Subsidized ride sharing within certain guidelines for persons with disabilities and lower income for necessary travel like grocery shopping or doctors appointments. Taxes shouldn't be paying for someone to have a paid Uber to go out shopping/eating/just because especially if transit is a viable option.
@B356ZP6New Democratic3wks3W
The government should not subsidize ride-sharing services, and instead work towards equitable and affordable public transportation fares.
Yes, the government should subsidize ride-sharing services for low-income individuals. But only for a certain amount of time. About 4-5 months to give said individual an opportunity to better their low-incomes. If an individual is unable to find a way to increase their income in the amount of time allotted then the government should extent their support them for a few more months until one finds a better income.
I think they should but then at the same time its hard to get out of the place where people can just lie about their financial situation and they will take advantage and ruin it for those that truly need it
If the person has a disability that forces them to a low income then yes, but if you're on a low income because of drug use, no.
I think its not government issue, and if government really wants to subsidize law income individuals. Than the government should reduce tax percentage that will help the low income individuals to afford their own car.
Public transportation should be the most efficient and accessible mode of transportation, and the governement should subsidize public transportation for low-income individuals.
It’s hard to say, for one, public transportation exists, two, a fair amount of low income households include a disabled person that could struggle with buses
Governments should subsidize taxies. It will reinvigorate the taxi industry and prevent ride-share monopolies
No but tax incentives could be provided to private companies for efforts toward innovation and efficiency
If the person is disabled or has some reason for being a low income individual other than drugs and improper decisions
Yes, but not just for low-income individuals. The government can't only help low-income people.
Hard to say. Old people cost too much. The world is suffering from that, but I personally know a 63 year old lady that would benefit from this very, very much.
Should be specified on a case by case basis. Dependent on age of the citizen.
Depends on the low income and the jobs, if they aren’t trying to get better jobs etc. and just live off welfare and subsided ride sharing then I would say no
Buses and trains should give large discounts to Canadian Military Veterans, Seniors, and disabled Canadian Citizens
Yes but it would have to be regulated for necessary use. For example, job related, groceries, doctors appointments, etc.
@B2DQSLR 2mos2MO
No, instead there should be a focus on shifting to environmentally friendly, free, accessible, public transportation
Yes but only for those unable to physically use the existing public transportation networks.
No, they should instead invest in public transportation.
No, but they should improve public transit options and function.
No, instead the government should add more funding for low-income individuals
Yes, but only if high-quality and affordable public transit is not available in their area.
No, we should subsidize electric cars and public transportation
Yes but only if public transportation is not already available.
@carsonmyers 6mos6MO
Yes, and invest in and provide free access to public transit
@carsonmyers 6mos6MO
No, provide government-run services, including public transit and other alternative means of travel
If ride-sharing became cheaper for everyone, do you think it would make owning a car less important?
I don't think Canada is ready yet, and I think we are bringing these ideas too fast.
No, improve public transportation nation wide. Especially in small towns that have little to none.
No, affordable public transit should be provided instead.
government intervention doesnt need to/shouldnt happen with uber, therefore they dont need my tax contribution
Yes, the government should subsidize ride-sharing services for everyone.
No. But we need a huge improvement in public transit and that can be subsidized
No, improve municipal and inter-city public transit
No, use that funding toward improving pre-existing public transportation
No, and the ride-sharing services drivers need protection from exploitation.
No, make public transportation free and improve our systems
A better solution would be more free public transportation
@9P8NRFMNew Democratic 9mos9MO
Public transportation should be improved so that low-income individuals can access them without worrying of high cost ride-sharing services being their only options.
Yes, if comparable public transport options aren’t available that could also be subsidized
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