Try the political quiz

137 Replies

 @9L8YLYTfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

Nothing is to small, even the smallest difference can make a big change in the long term

 @9LD2M9K from Ontario agreed…1mo1MO

If everyone was to think that way, then everybody would continue to pollute the environment and be careless of their acts toward nature.

 @9L2P5YGfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

I would say that a pileup of these small actions can have major results. So everyone should be equally held responsible.

 @9L36PC9from Ontario disagreed…2mos2MO

People who are committing more pollution should be more held responsible and should also drive to make a change along with the normal citizen.

 @9LGKYV5Liberalfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

I would say that if you think about it the flipped, every single little thing people did to hurt the planet built up over time. We just need to take the little steps backwards.

 @9LDCQ7NNew Democratic from British Columbia answered…1mo1MO

I agree at the moment as individual efforts only make a difference if it is political action not composting.

 @9LCJX8LRhinocerosfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

I would say that every person, including people with more power, should implement more laws to protect our environment.

 @9LCJT8Gfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

Large changes in society always start with individuals, so no matter how much you think you can't affect change, re-evaluate what's in your capacity and act accordingly. Also make sure that if you're going to affect change, be passionate about it and be open to having your opinion challenged.

 @9LC2SMSfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

itsd better for many people to make small changes than least people making big changes since the more people that help the more people will get in couraged to help

 @9LBVGK2from Ontario answered…1mo1MO

I understand this viewpoint, and I believe that it is the duty of the government to teach citizens how to make their choices more environmentally friendly. Many citizens do not know how to properly recycle, or how to make more eco-friendly choices, so the government putting more effort into teaching citizens how to do these things would benefit the environment greatly, as they will be teaching everyone a way to help the world they live in

 @9L9H3S3from Ontario answered…1mo1MO

Small things add up however, we should be focusing on mega corporations instead of villainizing regular people living their lives. Many people can’t afford more « eco friendly » items compared to less sustainable things.

 @9L8WLPDfrom Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

it doesn't hurt to be eco friendly, however corporations and other countries are the main issue

 @9L7XNPZfrom British Columbia answered…2mos2MO

Everyone does make a difference, but it is quite likely that their are people choosing to make worse decisions

 @9L72ZYHLiberalfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

 @9L6ZJPWfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

I would say something along the lines of "If you believe your actions are pointless, get more people to do what you are doing to make a bigger impact. Just spread the word and get people to join in, in healing the world."

 @9L68F4Q from Saskatchewan answered…2mos2MO

 @9L56C5Mfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

This is a community and we all can make a difference on things even very small.

 @9L4PZ2KConservativefrom Saskatchewan answered…2mos2MO

 @9L4N5TCfrom Nova Scotia answered…2mos2MO

I would tell them that that's nit true any little action involved to help the environment means a lot


There is no such thing as too small and action....every action matters.

 @9L38LWJGreenfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

I agree to a point. The vast majority of emissions are created by a few very large emitters in certain sectors (e.g., transportation, livestock farming). However, every small effort helps so individuals should do what they can as well.

 @9KZKC3Xfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

 @9KZK4KPNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

If everyone thought the opposite and actyally put in effort to make a change to our environment things would be very different, so change your view and others should do the same.

 @9KZ459Gfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

I would say keep doing the small things that you are doing because every little bit helps.

 @9KY7TFTfrom Alberta answered…2mos2MO

I would tell them that every act or action matters especially if everyone starts joining in to help contribute to the change. One attempt or contribution to change is better than none.

 @9KXMYLDfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

I would tell them that, at the end of the day, making something better will always be the superior option when compared to not doing anything at all. Logically, at least trying to make a change will always be better than not making a change at all.

 @9KWW5BHNew Democraticfrom Newfoundland answered…2mos2MO

i would say that thinking that way does not make a difference and trying to make a difference

 @9LC5L6Nfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

No matter what anyone says, words and ideas can change the world. Robin Williams said this, and he was one man who changed the world with words and ideas. Imagine what you could do for the environment by taking little action. I used to be lazy the odd time and throw something in the garbage when it wasn't supposed to go there when I was little. I don't do that anymore. Every little step that is taken is one step closer to protecting the one planet we live on. There is no question of avoiding it, and its truly the biggest political, economic and social issue on the earth for all nations. China is disgusting and pathetic for ignoring it, and it contributing to the disaster of the environment on earth today. While the rest of the nations have to carry the weight of it.

 @9L9LGGRfrom British Columbia answered…1mo1MO

One cigarette butt can cause a massive forest fire that can destroy communities and wildlife. All your actions do matter and if you let such nihilistic thoughts persist then we will never get the chance to make things better. It is better to try and fail than to give up and ensure failure.

 @9L4VS6Sfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Even though they are one person but still their actions matter, and these small actions can lead to a major problem. We all should play our part in creating a safe and healthy environment.

 @9L4Q8WQfrom Saskatchewan answered…2mos2MO

I would say they are silly one small thing can go along way and then that can cause other things in the community and then more and more will happen

 @9L3YD98from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

If we all do our part, the small effects of one actions add up and are able to make a significant difference

 @9KZS5ZXfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Don't let perfect, be the enemy of good that can be done today.

All actions can help, in any way.

 @9KZN9W6from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

There should be something that can help them raise their voice that should be provided.

 @9KZJYJNfrom California answered…2mos2MO

If everyone thinks that way then we are all gonna kill the planet without thinking we are doing anything wrong

 @9KYB6X7from Alberta answered…2mos2MO

Individual actions matter and it is the only way to build pressure against the bigger offenders

 @9KZL44Pfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

That mindset is one that everyone has and it stops us from making a difference.

 @9KW8BVWfrom British Columbia answered…2mos2MO

That is correct, but you can still help by simply ignoring fossil and non-renewable energy sources and not using cars.

 @9LMRRGMLiberalfrom Ontario answered…4wks4W

I think they should speak about it and make a difference for the environment

 @9L65G8Lfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

 @9KY7DCBfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

No ones actions are to small, because eventually, the actions will all accumulate making a big effect on the environment

 @9L97PG8New Democratic from Ontario answered…1mo1MO

I would agree, as individuals aren't contributing to environmental to the same degree as corporations

 @9KXZ6Y7 from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

I believe that they are correct as it is not a very relevant or crucial topic, the thoughts and opinions of one person will not be able to force a powerless movement.

 @9LMD3D8from Alberta answered…4wks4W

one pebble that falls down a cliff doesn't look significant until the others follow into a land slide

 @9LGM4HKfrom Saskatchewan answered…1mo1MO

As a group, we can make some change but I think the weight of said responsibilities can be leaned more towards regular people when the government should be holding corporations accountable

 @9LCJGPHNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

I would tell them that every little thing can count. If your room is messy and you put away a pair of socks instead of cleaning an entire portion of it you still made the room slightly cleaner.

 @9L5HVLWfrom Saskatchewan answered…2mos2MO

if you don't think you make a difference, (other people most likely think the same) what if all the other people think THEY make a difference? (I kinda lost my thought mid-type)

 @9L4XKWXfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

I would say to that person that their actions will not be able to stop climate change regardless of what it is that they alone do. Although they can do it if they want to, I do believe that nothing humans can do will successfully be able to stop climate change.

 @9L2SXDRfrom Alberta answered…2mos2MO

Every little bit makes a difference. This is not just a cute colloquial saying, this is tried and true. Also I think there should be more pressures on people who have a bigger foot print (like those who use private jets often) to make more drastic changes. But the only way we will see resounding change is if everyone chips in a bit. And in the meantime, chipping in should be easier and cheaper.

 @9KZWTHZfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

I think that they need to understand that their not the only one with that mindset. therfore one thing multapled by millons is where the problum lays.


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