The transportation sector is the main contributor of greenhouse gases. One initiative towards mitigating these gases is sustainable transportation, with significant reductions in emissions in this sector.
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@9FVJBC3 1yr1Y
Public transportation should not exclusively run on electric power allowing options to have a two source energy system. Allowing safety measures to keep the buses and trains running non stop for the citizens by decreasing the chances of having transportation malfunctions &/or shut downs by electricity exclusive vehicles/machinery. Also another addition would be that it would allow our equipment to work in a potential circumstance of solar flares disrupting all electric devices on the planet.
People should agree with green transportation for many reasons and those are;
1. Environmental Benefits
Reduced Carbon Emissions, by using safer way of transportation such as electric vehicles this reduces the amount of carbon footprint we emit.
2. Economical Benefits
By using lower operational cost (gas) like electric vehicles we can see that they are more energy efficient and cost less to operate per mile
3. Health Benefits
Using greener options out air quality can get significantly better as this reduces the amount of exposure to pollutants and going further this can help with a reduced healthcare cost associated with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
Many Canadians aren’t aware of the damage they are doing, some might not even know what fossil fuels are but still contribute to them, for example they might not know that one tank of gas used could produce 2.68kg of fossil fuels.
the architecture in Canada doesn't support the simpler green transportation like walking and cycling.
@9G4BGQMNew Democratic 1yr1Y
Changing public transportation to electric would benefit society in the long term both financially and environmentally, but would have to require good budgeting to ensure it doesn’t effect the financial scales too much
Our electrical grid physically cannot take all of this and it will cost our environment either way to mine the lithium. It takes substantially deeper digging into our ecosystem to mine lithium than it does to pump natural oil and it'll cost more as well.
Lithium mining - we ship lithium across the globe - from polluting mines run on fossil fuels - on big diesel boats and jet-fuel planes to use a non-renewable metal to power our buses and cabs... sounds like a step in the right direction.
Well then that means Canada should increase its fossil feul use and emmit more carbon into the air than ever. As well as with current world issues such as climate change and global warming Canada as a country should try to do their best to limit carbon emmisions.
Yes, and increase taxes and regulation of the fossil fuel industry
We should focus more on people in China polluting before we do here as they are astronomically worse.
i feel like anger from most people would start to happen if taxes started to go up higher than usual
the fossil fuel industry is currently one of Canada's largest sources of income, and it is our main option as of right now. Changes can be made to protect our environment, but increasing taxes and regulations would not work, and it would punish all Canadians until we magically all started using alternative energy sources.
Although this might fix the problem of pollution in our own backyard, it will also take away industry and natural gas production, leading us to rely to heavily on other countries and paying more for oil and gas. We spend too much as it is.
No, not all, just focus on infrastructure that is easy and cost-effective to replace
Climate change is a serious issue in not only Canada ,but the world. We need to get going and make this country electric. The future is electric
The green transportation is very important, even though we live in a cold climate green energy is good.
No, we have more important issues that need funding right now
No, batteries are just as harmful to the environment
It is yes because we are harming our environment and animals from throwing out to batteries in green land of the animals' home.
no, not at all, just focus on infrastructure that is easy and cost-effective alo no compomises should be made in the quality.
Yes but no if it is coming from coal
doesnt really matter to me
Some should and some shouldn't
@B3K9X786 days6D
Depends, but I don't think it would change anything because both are already being implemented and aren't always of best use, so I think it's just important in the short-term to do both because of money being spent improperly and instead using that to work on key issues that harm the economy but using things that gain money instead of printing so much to keep everything running because these still add up on costs, though I probably don't understand the question.
At least converting to hybrids then to electric. Once we have reached electric we may have sustainability for short distances.
yes i we can have a good quality product however, our electric system is garbage for our seasonal change
I feel if every single train/bus was electric powered some of them would have issues and or things that they need to find out before mass production of electric trains and buses.
Walk? Bike? Jog? Dollar blades? Maybe let’s make it offer more ways for people to get around. I like the idea of public transit not running on gasoline but I don’t think electric is much better..
eventually, yes. But just mandating such a thing not going to work, the gov should be working with municipalities to make this happen.
New technologies should be implemented when others are at the end of their useful life rather than costly upgrades
Power source should be determined based on real-world conditions and efficiency i.e. some routes may be better suited to diesel while others more conducive to electric vehicles
Should the french president revolution in based is aren't focus of cost effective in infrastructure process issues by new Zealand national party leader and prime minister adjusting in words of fundings
Trains should be electric and busses hybrid or electric where feasible. Current gas or diesel powered vehicles should be run to the end of their natural cycle
I believe that we should eventually change all transportation to electric power but as of right now we should only be construction new vehicles like buses to just be electric while we wait to convert the rest as we have bigger issues to focus on like improving health care resources and education funds. once those problems are solved then we should focus on converting the rest of the already fossil fuel vehicles. I say we should do this because there's no point in spending money on new fossil fuel transport when we could just make the long term discussion to make it electric at least just for newly needed transportation.
Yes when possible, but priority should first be to increase accessibility and affordability of public transit
What happens when the power goes out. Thats going to cost millions. What happens in an emergency where people need to use public transport to evacuate or something.
In the example of Mississauga’s MiWay, the buses are hybrid electric and diesel. That is a good solution.
Not purely electric, maybe a hybrid system to diversify energy sources. With proper public transit, the increased occupant density significantly reduces emissions, even if gas-powered.
its not fully electric because we still burn fossil fuels to make the energy it uses to run so I feel like if we found a more efficient way to do it while preserving fossil fuels and energy usage
They should make busses hybrid by having electric for lower speeds and gas/diesel for higher speeds Electric is great for low power acceleration and gas/diesel is great for top speed and higher rpms
Replace public transportation as it wears out with best overall ranked alternative, by weighing all related factors at the time of replacement.
No, focus on improving all public transportation. Adding more and upgrading as needed. Look at adding trains connecting cities to help with our job and cost of living. And improve tourism and travel within our country
This one is a tricky one. I am pro electricity, mainly because i believe in the future and opportunities and i am not Amish, unfortunately, making things electricity based can take away from people with less chances in life occupation wise. since electricity is formed in many non-human needed ways (not found in the mines, mines is a low in come job already, some people can ONLY get that as a job, i think it should be half and half electricity and coal due to expenses and peoples futures.
Nuclear power is way more efficient we can also do mass biofuel production with all the garbage we have in the dumps to produce energy
All new additions to infrastructure should be electric, slow replacement of pre-existing infrastructure, funded by removing oil subsidies and applying carbon taxes
Yes, in an ideal world, but for the moment more public transit is better than less, regardless of how it's powered
battery powered or electric public transportation should be implemented in large cities where the infrastructure can support it without having to create a bunch of new waste.
Explore using other low-carbon fuels in addition to electrification for colder areas and areas lacking electric infrastructure or supply.
In the future probably its changing everything to the electric power but I rather to say no because all electric power vehicles or transportations causes so many problems
@B2V8RRQNew Democratic1mo1MO
It should be around 70% electric, and 30 % not, because something could go wrong and people still need to get to places, so backups are important.
I am in the middle when it comes to this question. I think we should try and find a way to power buses and trains that are not as damaging to the environment. But also not as damaging to human beings.
No, If you want to help the environment, try to phase out methane emissions and cow farms instead of carbon emissions.
This should be dependent on the demand for public transport and if the area can support the massive increase in electricity that will be needed.
Yes, eventually, but we should ensure we are interested in the infrastructure first, which may not be electric, and then we pivot to electric.
Yes and no. Electric power, while sustainable, is about twice as expensive as gasoline. While making public transportation run solely on electric power would decrease green house gas emissions, it would cause an area to be bankrupt due to taxing and costs for paying for electrical power. I suggest only making long distance transportation run on electrical power (ex: out of state trains and buses), and keeping short, in-area transportation running on gas.
Ideally it would be great but I don’t the industry is at a place to support that large of change yet
I think they should be somewhat on electric but in the case of an emergency and there is no more elctricty then gas powered things would be beneficial and safer option. they both play a role in life and they do the same thing
nuclear power could be a lot more useful, because it has more energy and its clean. the only problem people don't like about nuclear power is if something does go wrong, it goes really wrong, but if you do all the right things it should be fine.
Short distance public transportations should be run on electric power to reduce but long distance buses and trains should be run with gasoline.
Yes, but not battery based. Battery are bad, polute and are dangerous. Electricity has other means of being used.
No, but incentives should be given to private companies to develop and advance electric infrastructure and technology
No, but greater efforts should be put to add more electric busses and trains, and the fossil fuel industry should be more taxed and regulated to encourage a transition to electric.
Nothing that has been implemented to date has resulted in any benefits to the average (homegrown) citizen
The most ecologically friendly alternative, while still being affordable, should be pursued for each situation.
I think all vehicles should be at least a hybrid of electric power (like batteries) and the fuel we have always used because the energy makes it better for the eviornment.
It'd be good for major cities in the south of the country but it would be redundant for Iqaluit or NFLD because the electronic lines would freeze rendering them useless
We need clean sustainable energy, it matters not to me weather it's battery powered. Also, I have concerns with how the current batteries are manufactured. The harmful effects of mining will effect those in poorer countries.
No not all, study the cost of maintaining and repairing these modes of transportation in our climate and compare over time to see if costs could be reduced. Don't make a complete switch without studying data if you can, that is retarded.
@B2DHJ8T 2mos2MO
No, electric power needs battery and battery can cause heavy metal pollution for the environment even through we use all electric power for everything, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen still exist in our environment. This is not a solution for our environment.
I mean a lot of things are going to be electric but I like gas a lot I find gas better but yes but also no in my opinion.
Short distance travelling buses and trains might be better to become electric powered because electric powered transportations are expensive but at the same time they give a lot of advantages to the economy as well as the environment.
@B29NHWJNew Democratic2mos2MO
Yes, swap out most buses and trains for electric power but keep some fossil fuel driven buses/trains as backup for cold weather etc.
Yes but only where visible… if costs are higher to use electric stay with the lower cost options as long as possible
@B29K7YN 2mos2MO
I think we should just invest in more fuel efficient vehicles and I feel like this would be a decision made by the local municipalities and the province it's okay if the public transit runs on gas as long as it's fuel efficient and runs well.
@B286ZK4New Democratic2mos2MO
No, instead focus on building a solid & reliable infrastructure of public transport (like the UK) so less cars are on the road. This will reduce emissions.
I do not think ALL but we should be working towards power that is less harmful to the environment, gradually.
@B27PJGNNew Democratic2mos2MO
Yes, but at very slow pace which would allow for a smoother transition and might help those who are going to lose their industry.
40% should be running on electricity for now in the big cities but in the future it that percentage should go up
we should gradually change over to electricity when we are able to make it cost less than petrol or diesel
No, but we should work towards increasing number of electric vehicles in order to reduce NOx emissions.
I believe that it is better to switch to electric, but I believe it would be difficult to charge large vehicles on electric power
I believe that is would be more cost-effective, even better for the environment, if we switch buses and trains to hybrids. They require less lithium, which means less mining, but also reduces cost.
Yes, but with a strong focus on battery-less solutions - overhead wire and third rail solutions are more than sufficient with good planning and reduced interference in engineering design
in the future maybe, it is more important to invest heavily in ANY public transport than to require a certain type
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