Militarization of police refers to the use of military equipment and tactics by law enforcement officers. This includes the use of armored vehicles, assault rifles, flashbang grenades, sniper rifles, and SWAT teams. Proponents argue that this equipment increases officers’ safety and enables them to better protect the public and other first responders. Opponents argue that police forces which received military equipment were more likely to have violent encounters with the public.
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Yes, only in situations that need it with qualified officers that have training and know when to use.
if we dimilitarize thje police we will be less able to stop possible terror attacks or threats on the canadian citizens. by making them less capable, we will be less secure and safe from terrorists or people that have intentions to commist terror attacks
police dont even get paid enough they dont need to deal with more things that make their life harder
The so called “militarization” of the police simply keeps the police more protected, it also give weapons that the military doesn’t need a place to be used. At the end of the day it’s saving the lives of MANY people. i.e hostage situation
Police currently don't have the right equipment to fight criminals. We should have less but more trained police officers wearing body armor such as helmets, vests and carrying heavy guns to protect us.
I do not want to demilitarize the police, if we do, we wont be able to deal with individuals with weaponry that was once military grade. if we demilitarize the police, that could potentially cause more casualties in a shooter situation to do the incababilities of the police force
Less then 700 people have been shot to death by the police in 2022, which is lower then last few years, and less focused on race or ethnicity.
The Moncton Shooting in 2014 is a perfect example of why the RCMP needs to be able to out gun criminals. it was one of the main recommendations made by the government in its report on the shooting.
Yes, but only in response to extreme situations
@9LYZ65P 10mos10MO
I don't think the police should be able to use military grade equipment because in a lot of instances police wrongly harm people and with even more powerful weapons it could be worse.
I think police have been wide spread in the amount of duties that they have to do. They need other services for emergencies that are not necessary police related so they can focus on core values of what police should be focusing on.
I think police have been wide spread in the amount of duties that they have to do. They need other services for emergencies that are not necessary police related so they can focus on core values of what police should be focusing on.
We cannot have the police act like the US military for example. Training for understanding our people and constant training to ensure we are balanced in our approach to policing.
Yes, but with strict training on how and when to use the equipment
Police are meant to help the community and with military-grade weapons it would feel more like a threat and more enforcement than serving and protecting the community
I believe that we should demilitarize the police unless they have very strict training and a psych evaluation
Yes, we SHOULD demilitrize the police. What is the purpose for giving them military weapons when all they have to do is protect us civilians? The weapons they have are doing just right. They don't need to run a mile.
Even with strict training, sometimes they stray away from their training and do irrational things either way
No, and abolish the police
We still have many weapons that aren't used by the Police like more Swat should be used because in many situations there are situations police can't come to help you in
Police serve a vital role in the community, and receive almost no support for it. Governments have taken an anti-police approach, and many people uneducated on their local police departments may be prone to an anti-police viewpoint. How can a system change when it is being removed of it's budget. In order for the system to change, the police require public support.
if we get rid of the police, we will not be able to enforce laws and we will be no different than savages. we have laws to keep us safe, otherwise, there would be no one to help us if there is a school shooting or bomb threats, as no one would be able to respond
how will the world be safe if there is no one protecting it no one else is willing to risk there life to save other people
If a friend expressed fear of going to a protest because of heavily armed police, what advice would you give them?
Perhaps if you are afraid of getting into trouble or that the protest turns violent, you shouldn't go to the protest. There are plenty of other ways of being heard. The police need the technology and equipment for far more than just busting up protests. This question has an obvious bias and is intended to influence how people will respond to this question. Properly armed police are not synonymous with the oppression of people's rights to organize and protest.
Im gonna tell him that don't go cause it will make you get in trouble and your gonna get hurt
Don’t go then if you’re scared. Protests are useless anyway.
I would go with my friend and bring friends to help him and make him feel less fearful.
There have been many instances in which police officers abuse their power and take advantage of local citizens. I feel like it isn't safe and should be trusted by higher agencies.
yes but only in response to extreme situations and extreme strict training on when and how to use it.
How would you feel if you saw a police officer patrolling your school with military-grade gear, and why?
I've never seen any example of police being overly militarized in BC. I don't see any reason why an officer would be patrolling my school with military-grade gear unless there were a genuine threat, in which case I'd feel much more comfortable with an officer nearby.
Yes, but only with strict training and in extreme situations, i do not believe in militarization of the police.
I believe that the police should have access to a certain grade of weapons depending on the situation. Tanks and explosives should be left to military, I think that assault rifles should be allowed to trained officers.
Police should be completely abolished, and citizens should be permitted to use military grade equipment for personal protection
yes but with strict traning on how and when to use the equipment and also only in responses to extreme situations.
I believe it would be nice for the police departments to have such upgrades but instead of purchasing new weapons do something like the US in which old/ no longer needed weapons are passed down to PDs which is beneficial instead of purchasing or wasting old equipment. However, ensure that these officers are receiving the proper training and handling of these equipment.
well if you give a currupt cop millitary grade gun then theyll use ot for bad if a situation gets to thag point just let the millatary deal with it
they shouldn't be allowed to use military grade equipment because although it is unlikely there is still a chance for it to get stolen and used for robberies and possibly hurting people.
Street patrol police should not but if there are lives in danger they should use what ever equipment can help the people at risk which in some cases means using military grade equipment
Yes, but only in an extreme situation. They must have strict training on how and when to use equipment. Also, only have the ability to use these weapons when higher agencies aren't available or convenient for time.
Yes, but only in response to extremes situations and with strict training on when and how to use the equipment and should only fall onto the police if the military is unavailable. Authorised only by the premiere of the province (federal prime minister if premiere is found incompetent).
Yes, but only if they have the proper training on how and when to use the equipment, and only allowing the police to use it in extreme situations.
With proper training and in extreme situations
depends on who or what they are dealing with
well it depends, because the police in canada sometimes have automatic rifles, most of the time its just a glock. but i believe that the police should be alowed to have military grade backup weapons, incase of a bad cituation, this includes, M4, potensial AUP, and some other stuff, but not explosives, like rockey launchers and things like that and also artilery.
No, even if this is for safety, it can create a ruckus too. Military-grade equipment should be handled by the ones who should handle it.
depends on the situation they're in
No, and there should be much more extensive training to become a police officer
Only special units, with the nessecary training, in extreme cirumstances, when all other options have be exhausted.
What equipment? Military grade weapons? Armour?
Depends on certain situations their in
Yes, but with strict training on how to use and to use and only in extreme situations
yes under certain circumstances with proper training
Depends how big the town or city is
No, thats an absolutely horrible idea.
No because the citizenship cant own them so there no need for the authorities to possess them
If they can pay for it and consumers want to buy it
No, short of a major uprising this would constitute a major breach of the mandate to protect and serve.
depends on the extremity of the situation. Police must be trained, on how to use the equipment, or higher agencies must step in.
The police should still receive training on how to use the equipment but it should be handled mainly by higher agencies.
Aside from the term "military grade equipment" being a poor example, looking at the poor condition of much of our "military grade equipment". Considering the wide array of military equipment, this question needs to be more specific, i.e., body armour = yes, small arms, i.e. pistols, small caliber (5.56 or 7.62) rifles = yes, machine guns = only as a serious back up for extreme situations, fragmentation grenades = no, smoke grenades = yes, any larger weapons = no, armoured vehicles = only for extreme situations, cannons and tanks = no.
“Military-grade equipment” is rhetoric. Determine what equipment is needed for the particular policing environment and equip the lol ie appropriately.
I don't think police departments usually need military-grade equipment because it can just escalate situations unnecessarily. In high crime areas, extra protective gear and vehicles might be necessary for their safety, but in general, I'd lean towards no on this issue.
There are many cases where so-called "military grade" equipment may be neseccary, but we can reduce the need for any police by allowing the people to bear arms.
Yes, but only if the military cannot be in the area at a certain time or make it in time for a certain situation
It depends on the situation. If there is a shooting and they need military grade equipment, then yes, but if not no.,
Yes, but officers must have gone through strict training and must understand how and when they should use the equipment. And they can only use it during extreme situations.
some extreme cases are not really extreme so it is better to smartfully think about the situation and the scenario in question to even such as use them in the first place when it isn't really mentally bad just to convince, a more worser situation would be something like waco siege, but with more people, or national anarchists around and in forts.
No, Military equipment should be freed to take or be handled with barginning such as our very own money, local economics is our key, and yes, governmental police do not exist in this such.
No, and gun law should be so severe that trying to buy one for purposes other than hunting would be near impossible, taking minimum a year to require
I think that there should be a special team of police that are allowed to use military grade equipment
No, only services who are formally trained to use military grade equipment should use military equipment.
Yes, though it should be used in extreme situations and with fairly strict training on how and when to use said military equipment.
Yes. If there was a mass shooter who was hiding in a building and h was not complying i feel that it should be necessary to have access to C4 explosives to be attached to a drone or RC to blow up the shooter. This strategy was used by our american counter parts. The Dallas Police Department was forced to use this method because the shooter was hunkered down and armed with a rifle. He had already Killed 5 police officers and injured 7.
I need to know what equipment it is and why it would be useful
Depends on the situation as well
yes, with the right training and only if nessisary.
Yes, but with strict training and strict rules on when it is appropriate to use the equipment
Yes, but with strict training and only extreme situations, but it should not be used in every situations.
it depends on the definition of "military grade equipment" our military doesn't even use 'military grade equipment' anymore. They are using 25+ year old equipment at best and buying off the shelf to sustain minimum capabilities.
No, because the police will rarely get to that point with the current rules.
@96LZ6W7New Democratic2yrs2Y
Yes, but only by certain groups of police that go throught strict training, and only in response to extreme situations
Yes, but only in dire situations and with the proper training.
depending on the circumstances
Depends on if they are the only ones available and its an extreme situation.
This matter very much depends on the situation
they are currently having other teams like a bomber squad and some other stuff so they dont need to have someone else to be able to use it so no they dont need to since they are mainly used for all these other things and there is also other stuff like delta squad
depends on the situation the department is in
only guns or pepper spray and only used if needed, any racist officers fired immediately
Yes, but only in response to extreme situations and subject to judicial review with sanctions against officers who issued the order to use such equipment unnecessarily
city and provincial police should not be allowed use of military equipment but mounties should be allowed limmited use of military equipment
Yes, only if its nessesary
it depends on the severity of the circumstance
@95YJRW3New Democratic2yrs2Y
Yes, butt only when the police officers know how to use the equipment and only when they are in an extreme situations.
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