Try the political quiz

50 Replies

 @9HQNC58from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Yes, only in situations that need it with qualified officers that have training and know when to use.

 @9H5JSPPfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

if we dimilitarize thje police we will be less able to stop possible terror attacks or threats on the canadian citizens. by making them less capable, we will be less secure and safe from terrorists or people that have intentions to commist terror attacks

 @9H2FRDVLiberalfrom Saskatchewan  disagreed…1yr1Y

police dont even get paid enough they dont need to deal with more things that make their life harder

 @9H25G5Vfrom Nova Scotia  disagreed…1yr1Y

The so called “militarization” of the police simply keeps the police more protected, it also give weapons that the military doesn’t need a place to be used. At the end of the day it’s saving the lives of MANY people. i.e hostage situation

 @9FTVSGGfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

The Police have been crucial in keeping us safe. We should make a set of rules for them that they should keep instead of demilitarizing them.

 @9FM2495Conservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

If the police are not able to defend themselves adequately, how are they supposed to defend to the people and our country?

 @9FLZCXRfrom Saskatchewan  disagreed…1yr1Y

i think that it is more useful for the police to have weapons and other brutal methods of defence just incase a person tries attacking them so they can defend themselves and the people

 @9FLT8HNfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

police should be able to use guns cause there is people that will shoot at police to make sure they dont get caught

 @9G5F35Lfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

If someone is being held hostage or there's like a terrorist attack the police will be the first to respond so they should have access to military tech

 @9GJ7GMCfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

The police are here to keep society in check so if need be military equipment it should be very available to them because terrorist attacks and large scale crimes do happen so we don't want to demilitarize them


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