At the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development 178 countries voted to adopt Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is non-binding action plan that sets climate sustainability and poverty. guidelines for national, state and local governments. Proponents argue that the agenda’s guidelines will encourage federal and local governments to protect the environment and combat poverty. Opponents argue that global organizations should not make rules for local governments and these rules are unnecessary because they are impossible to enforce.
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@Brandonnoe84 2mos2MO
No, come up with local solutions that work for each community, and increase sanction on countries that are the top contributors of global pollution instead.
Take it into consideration but every city is different and needs to also figure out whats best for that plot of land.
Every country should strive to follow and exceed environmental guidelines and high pollution countries should receive sanctions
Yes, but the UN is not an organization worth treating as a benchmark for ethical or righteous standards.
Only if it makes sense based on our society needs and environmental guardianships and also financial support for the people
Yes as a framework but also look at local needs and adopt additional measures, or equivalent alternatives if it makes more sense
No, this only subdues us and makes us only look more controlled to the weak jewish mindsetted and bankerist dogs while their cabinets reeks of dumb communistic idealized pigs who have nothing in common with anyone, total demolition is what we need for the headquarters and such as mass death.
@9JV5LCX 9mos9MO
No, because not all countries have the same level of pollution nor production nor trees to compensate.
China, for example, is responsible for over 50% of all pollution and won't impose the same restrictions until 2060. We need manufacturing to return here to reduce pollution impacts due to global trades. impacts.
Yes, have it as a guideline for public policy to find solutions that work and accomplish goals of the Paris Agreement.
Have it as a guideline for public policy to find solutions that work and can accomplish goals of the Paris Agreement.
Conform to the larger policies of the UN while finding local solutions to the smaller issues.
Use the guidelines as a stepping stone to build solutions that work for each community
It vareys based on what the guidlines are
Yes, but adapted to each locations specific requirements.
@8ZNHMP8New Democratic3yrs3Y
yes, and increase sanctions on countries that are top contributors of global pollution
Yes, we should follow the goals of the Paris Agreement and take the necessary steps, however we must also look at practical solutions that work for our communities/economy, and work to be the one of the global leaders in environmentalism.
We should work towards following the environmental guidelines set by the United Nations, but we need to focus on what respective communities need so we don't damage the stability of said communities. We should also increase sanction on countries that are top contributors of global pollution.
The UN should be aboloshed and replaced with a democratic dictatorship of the world proletariat.
Yes, but only if it is economically feasible to do so
Depends - we can pick and choose which works best based on locality and provincial needs.
In a perfect work, the UN should help organize a global effort to fight environmental issues. However, this isn't a perfect world
Canada should not support the u.n.
Not be required to but seriously attempt to .
I don't have all the information needed to have an opinion on this matter
If Canada chooses to follow, then let our guidelines be determined by our leaders
It only works if it's actually a binding agreement - it's completely toothless and therefore worthless in its current form
Yes, and increase sanctions on countries that are the top contributors of global pollution.
Yes, as a guideline. However, different countries have different needs. Canada does not cause as much pollution as China for example. Thus, we cannot treat them equally
Something to work towards
Yes but be able to adjust to local needs
@8TQTW27New Democratic3yrs3Y
Yes, but most local governments do not receive enough funding and more government revenue should be allocated to local governments
No, not until other countries are held to the same standards.
We should use it as a very educated guide line
increase sanctions on countries that are the top contributors NOT based on population, emission is emission, if China were to stop contributing, emissions are reduced by 30%. Using population is a diversion to the real problem which is emission.
Yes, but local solutions that work for each community should be more prominent
Yes, but the United Nations should make China and India more responsible when it comes to Climate Change.
Yes, and the UN should be abolished
Yes, and exceed the guidelines and be the world leader in environmental standards while increasing sanctions on countries that are the top contributors of global pollution
No use solutions specifically made for the affected are
I think we should do better than the requirements
no, come up with local solutions for each area while also getting rid of or reforming the UN
@8QXR442New Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes as long as the guidelines are reasonable
Yes, except I don't want us to be apart of the UN
No, the UN can get bent.
yes and increased sanctions on countries that are the top contributors of global pollution
No, we don't need the UN or their regulations to regulate our country or local regions! Canada is its own sovereign and independent nation!
Yes, and exceed the guidelines. Also the UN should be abolished
We should try to be respectful to the international community, though Canada should also know when to take a stand against international norms.
No, it depends on the elected mayor and there stances on the local environment problem.
Yes, but we must be able to set our own legislation that reflects the UN's policies.
They should take them into consideration but decision makers should not be required to follow them if they don’t agree with them.
if their are good guidelines then yes if not then no
No, because it would be really tricky in a country the size of Canada.
Adhere to a percentage as a target.
No, we should set our own guidelines and become the world leader in environmental protection.
No the best way to deal with climate change is by making our cities more green. By doing so we eliminate the majority of carbon emissions
we should follow the environmental guidelines Canada's indigenous populations would follow
Yes, but listen to our own people and come up with solutions that work for each community while increasing sanction on high polluting countries.
To some extent, but not as a requirement.
Yes , but also be willing to alter them to fit the needs of each community.
dont really know what the guidelines are
Yes, only if the guidelines are good for the environment.
They should, if possible.
Yes, and increase sanctions on countries that are top contributors of global pollution as well.
They should be a guideline, but they should figure out solutions that work for each community rather than adhering to one way.
Yes, but they should make up community solutions that work.
Yes, but we have to come up with ways in which it works for us, as every different nation has different factors.
It depends. Sometimes these requirements are inappropriate or not the best alternative.
No. I do not trust the UN. They have done more harm than good.
Yes, but this should be something all governments at every level should do in every economically advanced nation.
yes, however Canada already exceeds the UN environmental guidelines
It's a good guideline, but it's not legally binding. So, instead we should have people take inspiration from it and work to find solutions that work for each nation, province/state and community, town or city.
depending on the circumstances
we should just take care of our own land and what not
It's a good starting point, but I would say that it's important to come up with solutions that work for each community, so that we can protect the environment but also do it in a way that is beneficial to the communities that we live in.
Canada should use guidelines from the United Nations, but draft our own policy.
No, come up with local solutions that work for each community (and the UN should be abolished)
@9ZNXMHS2 days2D
I would do our best to go in the direction of those guidelines and simply follow though, maybe over four or five years, and then continue that trajectory onward.
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