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70 Replies


How has a personal challenge or struggle changed your perspective on seeking help or support?

 @9XHQN82from Nova Scotia  answered…4mos4MO

I had to wait three months to see a therapist, and the appointment with the therapist was just to get a referral to see a psychiatrist. We need to stop sending mentally ill people on wild goose chases for a doctor, and start giving them the support they need to establish a baseline mode of operation in their life.

 @9WZ55P8 from Ontario  answered…4mos4MO

There is not enough resources put in place for phycological care, there needs to be more funding, especially given the rise of homelessness in the country, and harsh material conditions that people face on a day to day.

 @9WVMXV3 from New Brunswick  answered…4mos4MO

I've realized that there are a lot of people who should definitly be seaking support for their mental health but haven't because they dont know how or where to go, everyone struggles with mental health and it's important to know where you can find help for it because I think our society would be a lot less cruel if people would get help for their problems.

 @9WSVFNVfrom Ontario  answered…5mos5MO

It has shown me that not all mental health issues all "black and white" and need more help and understanding before we can provide the help needed.


In what ways do you think society's understanding of mental health has evolved in the last decade?

 @9TYSC3GNew Democraticfrom British Columbia  answered…6mos6MO

 @9TYRR36from British Columbia  answered…6mos6MO

I feel like so many people are now more aware and helpful. Before our society had made mental health a taboo and would feel shame to talk about it or just compare any mental illness with "craziness". Now our society has made efforts to actually get to know about a illness and how a person feels or just how to help out.

 @9TVXWBLfrom Ontario  answered…6mos6MO

The discussion of mental health has become less stigmatized, its discussion has become more welcome and encouraged, and overall it is better understood.

 @9TVQQC4from Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

Mental health and the research and ideas behind it have blown up in the last decade to the point where everyone has some sort of awareness of it. People are going out and getting help at a higher rate than ever before, which is a positive. If we can all heal, we can all thrive.

 @8NW83TJfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

 @9HXZTXMfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

There needs to be more mental health care professionals as so many people are falling through the cracks and not getting help

 @9FGPSTVfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

 @9F5KMPVfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Therapy and counseling should be free . A person cannot be physically healthy if they are mentally ill. Mental health care should be included in universal health care. We need to be researching mental illness more and give more funding so people who are in need get quality therapy. Diagnosing mental disorders should be free as well.

 @B3BDTW5from Alberta  answered…2wks2W

Yes, Only if the treatment will be provided at near cost and be released to the public domain after a period of no longer then 10 years.


How do schools and workplaces need to change to better support mental health?

 @9V7XJ96from Ontario  answered…5mos5MO

Schools and workplaces need to increase their support system and ensure everyone is communicating their issues, whether work or school-related or not.


How do you differentiate between not feeling okay and needing professional mental health support?

 @9YFZJZTfrom Ontario  answered…4mos4MO

i believe that if your unable to function without assistance or need medication you need mental support if your just going through something for less than a year your okay if longer mental support is needed

 @9F5FC8S from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Increase both public funding and incentivize private companies to address the issue. After we drastically improve our public system then a reassessment can be done to determine an appropriate amount of funding going forward.

 @9VPJ7SWfrom British Columbia  answered…5mos5MO

We don't have enough mental health practitioners. I think the government should be offering financial help or rebates or something to people who want to go to university to train in this field.

 @9JQZ9ZWfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but it may be more complex than funding. The current collective state of mental health feels as though it may be indicative of a broader social issue tied to factors related to quality of life.

 @9HM98WNfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

I believe that mental health research unless clinically diagnosed with mental illness is a problem that is too heavily fixated on.

 @9HHTQD6Conservativefrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

No, the government should enact systems that don't drive people crazy. Look at the political "show" in Ottawa. Those are meant to be adults leading our country. They act like angry children. That's crazy.

 @9HCP7QVfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

No. Healthcare is under Provincial jurisdiction. The federal govt should not be involved at all. Cut the taxes, close the ministry, get the feds out of the province’s business entirely.

 @9GZYG4Jfrom Quebec  answered…1yr1Y

No, instead Privatize healthcare and offer incentive for personalized care instead of subsidizing pharmaceutical companies

 @9GXZCH4from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

No, increase funding into subsidizing healthy foods, and increase funding to physical education, sleep, and life practices.

 @9G6LS2Nfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Bring back the Mental Hospitals. now all of us Guinee pigs are loose in the public. and only increase funding for personalized care instead of subsidizing pharmaceutical companies

 @9FM2Z9Tfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

i dont have a problem with mental heatlh as long as they mental dont cause problems with me

 @9FGLBQ5from British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

Mental health issues should be led by organizations led by people who experienced this issues and overcome it but the government should fund those

 @B2H2BPLfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

Yes! Increase the money that makes it to the patient and their direct care. Increase the money that makes it to productive researchers. Whether through additional budget, the cutting of bloat or a mix of both.

 @B29K2FS  from Pennsylvania  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, and incentivize private companies to do the same, and wait until we can afford to do so. The Debt comes first!

 @9C2536Nfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes because it's fair that everyone can get treated for mental health if they need it.

 @9BZDPMHfrom Manitoba  answered…2yrs2Y

The governments must ensure mental health therapists are qualified and penalized for fraudulent treatment practices

 @96R332Nfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

Maintain funding but surge funding if there is a large population of depressed Canadians.

 @95JD49Zfrom British Columbia  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and we need to create and re-open mental institutions for helping and assisting people who need it rather than having them wander the streets and attacking people.

 @94JY26RPeople’sfrom Quebec  answered…3yrs3Y

This is not a top priority. Implementation is more important than funding and we should not be focused on it until we greatly reduce inflation and the national debt.

 @936KWVLfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

Absolutely. I've lost far too many good friends/family to mental illness

 @9368W6Dfrom British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and rebuild large-scale inpatient facilities to reverse de-institutionalization

 @8ZN4YG4from British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, we should have options open/standards for provinces to accept this as a necessary service to include as part of their plan.

 @8Y52KR8from Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but it's more important to address the root cause of the mental health issues (e.g. poverty, COVID)

 @8XZNFFCfrom British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8XJ8R6Vfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, our government causes it with tax burden, lacklustre drug enforcement and a safe haven to practice

 @8VWXDZSfrom British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8VSFJZ2from Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8VHRB9Rfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

No, provide funding directly to the municipality to dispense with appropriately for that locale.

 @8V8GV2Lfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

No, companies abuse and take advantage of people with mental health issues.

 @8V7C4Z7Bloc Québécoisfrom Quebec  answered…4yrs4Y

The government should transfer the responsability to private companies and cooperatives

 @8TV636Bfrom Newfoundland  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but redistribute and reassess current funding - the current system is clearly not working and needs to be revamped. One of the biggest problems is incompetent “professionals” being employed in positions in which they have no training (i.e. social workers in mental health counselling positions) which is actually unethical.

 @8TN4GLWfrom Quebec  answered…4yrs4Y

No, and decrease funding until Canada’s debt goes down and its deficit is eliminated.

 @8TJ222Sfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

yes, it would bring more awareness to the importance and extremity of mental health

 @8THTM9VLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, our healthcare system needs more funding to provide a higher quality of care and services, but focus the majority of funding towards personalized care rather than pharmaceutical companies

 @8SRCS7Jfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

The funding for mental health research now, in my opinion, is enough. It doesn't need to be increased nor decreased.

 @8SM79NBfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8S94ZNVfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

More research needs to be funded for mental health, with less emphasis on pharmaceutical promotion

 @8RQ7YQBfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, when the state is abolished we can make mental health free, and mutually aided.

 @8PWLS2Wfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8PQL4GYfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes they should. Therapy is too expensive for those who truly need it most. With increased funding, practitioners can charge their patients less so that they can get the help they deserve.

 @8PJ5S6Bfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

No, there is already too much funding taking place towards mental health (eg. LGBTQ+)

 @8PGTR9Rfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, however don’t fund gender re assignment surgeries. Or sexual identity counseling.

 @8PDCTZRfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes and there should be more financial resources diverted to housing. Less money should be spent on police services and prisons.

 @8PDCPJPfrom Saskatchewan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8P3F3JTfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

The government needs to undo the damage done with the fluoride and the mercury and the vaccines. But must first stop perpetrating these crimes against the population.

Mercury dental amalgums , and water fluoridation must be strictly outlawed . Fluoride toothpaste and other fluoride containing products must be made illegal , and fluoride must no longer be used in the production of pharmaceutical medications.

 @Jatzuyufrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only for those actually willing to get help, and believe that they want to get better to improve whatever their mental health condition is in.

 @8KL42CLfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

mental health is somewhat food related, stop feeding the world preservatives and chemically sprayed foods. You'll see a big difference...

 @8K7JSDNfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, That would probably help doctors and other people who help with that stuff find ways to help people with mental illnesses.

 @8J3S8YLfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes the government can do this but I think private companies should be able to do this as well if they wish.

 @8HSVF9PLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes if you help the sick some might get off odsp/ow and work also more family supports we need a system that strengthen our youth so they grow up healthy and capable of working

 @8HF48Z8from British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes it could help prevent lots of crimes that were from previous mental illnesses

 @8GYN5NPfrom Quebec  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8DTHXQWfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

No because the current system is the main reason that mental health is a bigger issue than ever before. Tweak the economic system.

 @8D65MY4from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y


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