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 @9FL9KZG from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Top Disagreement

Privatization is not the best strategy for all healthcare because it’s going to cost more than public one and not everyone has enough money to get treatment in that .

 @9FMQWWSfrom British Columbia  agreed…1yr1Y

Agreed, for everyone to be able to have their healthcare needs met in this country, they shouldn't need to worry about affording it.

 @9FL73XDfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

It wouldn’t be accessible for everyone because not everybody has the recourses to pay for it, therefore, I don’t think it would be fair because not everybody has the money to pay for their health.

 @9FGSG8DNew Democraticfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

Health care (among other resources available to citizens) should be accessible and provided to those who are in need. Privatized healthcare, without federal oversight, has no necessity to provide care to those who are in need.

 @9GFTXDSfrom Prince Edward Island  disagreed…1yr1Y

When we privatize healthcare, we will be faced with higher economic crisis's involving the middle and lower class (which happens to be the majority of the population), in turn, this could cause us to essentially become the USA (which idk about you but they have so many issues). Many people will die, quality of life will decrease, and people will not be able to get what they need.

 @9HK4Z89from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Having more privatization of healthcare, leaves low income people unable to afford essential healthcare and only benefits the wealthy

 @9FCPJB8from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

The US health care system is a perfect example of a privatised health care system run wild. No one wishes that.
Is our current system perfect? No. Far from it. To fix it, it would require long, complicated conversations with ALL levels of government involved. And no one should take credit for fixing it. It is a Canadian issue. That we, as Canadians need to fix.

 @9FBZW79from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

the nature of profit driven companies is to cut costs in order to increase profits - this is not a good idea for education and healthcare where cutting costs will decrease value to the patient and students. We will have companies that are profiting off of the cuts in healthcare

 @9FBZNL7from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

It will create more inequities and a sicker population if we move to privatization. The most advanced and healthiest countries have a public health care system (e.g. France, Norway, etc).

 @9FG5HKMfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Healthcare is a basic human right your class and ability pay for it should change the service you receive.

 @9F73BX3from Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think that privatization will only make healthcare less accessible to those who needed public healthcare. However, it would mean less of our taxpayer dollar would go towards healthcare, possibly to other things, even back to Canadians. However accessibility to healthcare as something universal is something I don’t think should be forwarded to insurance companies, and taken away from the public.

 @B2BKQD3 from Ontario  disagreed…2mos2MO

Again no reason you are taking thousands of people’s lives away for money to go to the damn hospital for no fault of their own. Just saw this recently. A man got hit by ambulance and had to pay $1800 for it. How in the hell is that his fault and also they will purposely overcharge you so they pay more for it.


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