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Cost of just being in Canada is way too high, but wages are not being raised. because of that, I believe that every worker should be given a cost of living raise.
It helps to make more money but the more money the business have to pay out they will increase prices. This might have the opposite goal of helping Canadians feeling more stable financially.
Definitely. Do the math on what you need to live. Then add on the cost of kids or child support or elder relatives, your own university debt and saving for a home down payment and for your kids' university and for you own retirement. Are you a professional? What do these numbers look like if you aren't?
Minimum wage is often only offered to places that benefit society such as grocery stores, and restaurants. There for people will be getting better service and this will enevitably benefit society.
Mimimm wage workers just as long as other people making just as much money as them, and that does not mean that should be paid less then what they are being paid. On the other hand making the kind of money mimium wage workers make how are they suppose to buy a house, a car or raise a family in the ecomny we live in
Some people are still attending school and then go to work. It’s tiring and can be hard work, so for all our time spent working we deserve more money
Many young people exiting school have to live in their parents basements or try to find a cheap crappy apartment and work multiples jobs in order to live, this is why we need wages increased.
The minimum wage in Canada is many dollars away from a livable wage. People working in minimum wage jobs are most likely poor students who needs the money to buy food and meet rent.
i know 2 people alone at my work who have a family they are supporting and they work at mcdonald’s and one of them had two jobs just trying to support her kids
People coming from families who’s emigrated to another place or who is an immigrant is not typically as financially capable to pay for better schooling. Minimum wages should be increased.
Cost of living in Canada is higher than ever, but wages are not being raised. For that reason I belive that at this moment, every worker should be given a cost of living raise.
Many people cannot afford to get a degree, get a well-paying job, or just immigrated to Canada therefore they first generally start with a minimum-wage job, and because today's economy and inflation are very bad, people need a higher minimum wage to simply just put food on their table
As you are earning money from the job, that money can be used to pay taxes (which paying taxes, helps you live)
Work places with minimum wage usually have smaller or simpler tasked jobs that do not require high amounts of qualification or responsibility.
The government is responsible for ensuring a livable state for everyone, when companies are unwilling to do so.
I remember that there is currently a new trend that is going on Tiktok, where Nike has revealed a trench coat to the public. Now, I personally find this product to be ugly, and the fact that it will definitely be over $200. Despite this, people still want to buy it because it's a product of the company Nike, showing how people could buy a regular trench coat which is not only cooler, but almost half the price. But society would rather choose the first option, because society normalises it.
If there is not even a minimum wage we will have more homeless people. People wont be able to afford the cost of living.
No, I believe that quite a few years ago the wages were perfect. Reason being is that as wages go up, stores and companies get the excuse to make the price of everything jump and become completely unreasonable. If the minimum wage increases uch more, most people wont be able to afford basic nesessities.
Why do you want to put roadblocks in front of people looking to enter the workforce? Why do you want to put extra burden on employers? What leads you to believe that greater govt intrusion into voluntary contests between private individuals will somehow result in better financial outcomes?
minimum wage is $16.75 in BC and some people need to pay for a bunch of things for there kids and school. it should be 18 a hour because then people can make a significant amount and be able to help out there kids needs.
I said no. As a student who has worked for 4 years, the wage has gone significantly up since I started working and makes things too expensive
Minimum wage is often only offered to places that benefit society such as grocery stores, and restaurants. There for people will be getting better service and this will enevitably benefit society.
Some people are still attending school and then go to work. It’s tiring and can be hard work, so for all our time spent working we deserve more money
On top of the fact of the wage not being enough for some people to live there's also the fact that people can barely afford anything on minimum, raising it just a bit could allow more people to live
As inflation grows in the country, it will become harder and harder to move out of your parents house and be able to afford an apartment or place of your own.
The minimum wage was meant to ensure a livable income, and higher wages benefit the economy as it increases overall purchasing power.
Realistically speaking increasing minimum wage will improve quality of life with consumption of good and better services to offer.
Minimum wage has been in place for a very long time, so why remove it? It's a great way to stabilize the amount of money we make and is more efficient than each company having it's own.
No, this will cause businesses to be unable to function/employ as many people as they could. Pay should be based on Merritt.
Mcdonalds (and most other fast food joints) has enough money to keep competing for real estate for building new stores and to actually build new stores, which can outcompete small and local businesses
Canada has one of the highest home less population, lowering or keeping the wages the same will wreak our economy.
Minimum wage is often only offered to places that benefit society such as grocery stores, and restaurants. There for people will be getting better service and this will inevitably benefit society.
Minimum wage is often only offered to places that benefit society such as grocery stores, and restaurants.
Some people are still attending school and then go to work. It’s tiring and can be hard work, so for all our time spent working we deserve more money
Personally, I am a student who must save money from a minimum wage job to prepare for education debt
Because a 14-year-old should only make 13 dollars an hour, for example, you don't want a 14-year-old making 20 dollars an hour for doing nothing or doing a poor job.
I think that we dont need to increase minimum wage as those jobs are mostly for experience and getting a sense of what working is like.
It can be a burden on governments could cause a small inflation within the economy and could put too many people in the workforce
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