In 2014, the EU passed legislation that capped bankers' bonuses at 100% of their pay or 200% with shareholder approval. There are currently no caps on banker's pay in Canada. Proponents of the cap say that it will reduce incentives for bankers to take excessive risk similar to what led to the 2008 financial crisis. Opponents say that any cap on bankers' pay will push up non-bonus pay and cause bank's costs to rise.
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No, individuals who do not wish to contribute to private banking profits may choose to manage their finances through a co-operative institution of their choice.
Banks should be incentivized for providing the best outcomes for their clients, not for increasing wealth of CEOs and shareholders
No one should make 60% more than their lowest paid employee stop saying the guy in the states makea this, no look at it like do you honestly belive you deserve that much more than your lowest paid employee are you that much better of a human being
should be based or the wage of the lowest employ wage, and depending on how many employees they have.
Caps should not be imposed on private sector bankers but on public sector bankers they should be imposed
The CEO should get as much of a bonus as negotiated, as long as their is a mandatory percentage equivalent bonus to all non executive workers.
No, but allow unlimited regional banks to form and get rid of CDIC and CMHC. Bank depositors must realize that banks borrow their deposits and often make risky investments. Get rid of all methods of protecting these "sacred cows." Their protection is one of the reasons that Canada is plagued with supply side management marketing boards and why MILLIONS of gallons of milk are dumped every year.
Yes, and nationalise the banks with the goal of abolishing banks
Yes, but we should also nationalize the banks and the financial system.
I believe bankers should not be given such hefty bonuses because banks as a whole would still function well without a doubt even with a "higher effort" employee. Large bonuses such as this should be given to physical labor workers, healthcare workers, teachers so on and so forth. The people who deserve bonuses in the work force do not receive them which is extre3nely corrupt in my opinion.
Yes, and taxed. There should also because provincially owned banks
Executive Compensation should be capped for all
Yes, but allow 200% with shareholder approval
Bankers should not have bonuses
Bankers should not receive bonuses. They should only receive their salary plus performance and cost of living raises.
Bankers should receive smaller bonuses - maybe capped at 5% of their pay.
They should be capped but only at 20% of their pay
Yes, nationalize the banks with the goal of abolishing banks.
no, do not care what people make as an income, we would be better off fixing tax rules on stock options, etc, then capping compensation.
No, for front line workers and yes for corporate management
Yes, and nationalize the banks with the goal of abolishing banks.
Yes, and nationalise the banks with the goal of breaking up the banks
Profits should be reviewed based on economy and what they provide to people. No gouging. If they gouge, remove banks ability to be in business.
Regardless, cryptocurrency will make bankers obsolete.
@8W6KC6MNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Yes, and total executive compensation (including bonuses) should be capped at 10x the wage of the lowest earning employee
@8VVPX8LNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Why bonuses in the first place. Pay fair rates and publish what you pay. Better balance needed between employees and senior executive pay
they shouldn’t get a bonus at all, they target financially struggling/ people who are undereducated about their options for investing or saving and offer unrealistic “opportunities” with high rates of interest and outrageous penalties disclosed in tricky wording/ or cloaked within the “fine print” not disclosed verbally before signing your life away. you really think these people deserve to be rewarded
Top business officials should have a cap on compensation relative to the lowest paid person in their organization
Eliminate central banking
No there should be no bonuses.
Banks should be non-profit.
Lower the cap by 50 %, but create public banks as an alternative to private banking.
No cap if the banks where truly independent. However, as long as the government is willing to bail them out, then yes. 20 % of pay
No, any worker should be rewarded based on their success. Also, banks should be worker-owned.
Yes, but cap them at 25%
@8V6K63MNew Democratic4yrs4Y
no one should receive bonuses unless all bonus money is equally distributed equally no matter what position a worker has.
It should be capped at 15% and never come from government funding.
No, but no one should bail them out or offer corporate welfare to make it easy to help pay them more.
Yes, lower the cap to 20%, and give bonuses only for positive performance. The guy who wrecked Nortel walked away with millions in bonuses for driving the company into the ground. Meanwhile retired workers got their pensions slashed. This is grossly unethical. Neither banks nor corporations should be allowed to reward ineptitude and bad management.
No bonuses should be allowed at all
No, unless subsidised by government, then zero bonuses.
Bankers shouldn’t get bonuses for finding ways to charge average people to access their own money.
i actually do not care about this
Should be limited to 25percent and we should regulate user fees and more caps on credit card rates and other interest rates which are predatory.
No but tax bonuses at a high rate
Bankers should not have any bonus
Yes, but profits and bonuses should should be distributed throughout the compilation, accordingly importance of the job
@8QXR442New Democratic4yrs4Y
I am unsure of the exact amount
Yes, lower the cap to 20% AND nationalize the banks
They shouldn’t be given more than normal workers receive as a bonus
No. Banks are private industry and can pay their employees whatever they want. if the banks become uncompetitive or loose business because of high bonuses, they will be forced to adjust.
I do not care about this matter, nor am I educated on it. Therefore I have no stance.
They should stop being so damn greedy
As long as their not in government cahoots
Banks should compete with Bitcoin. Bank monopoly should be stopped.
Yes, capped or perhaps eliminated thereby eliminating the potential for corruption associated with the bonus culture.
@8DZCJ69New Democratic4yrs4Y
No, but there should be a wage cap
Nationalize the banks and decrease the cap to 15%
Bankers should not have bonuses. They make enough money as it is.
No, the cap should be significantly lower.
i do not care about a bankers pay
Banker's and other highly paid publicly paid executive's, shouldn't receive "bonuses" and certainly not 100% of their pay
No, but bankers should also provide their banks equity for any financial problems that they face
No and any worker should be rewarded based on their success
Yes, and nationalize the banks with the goal of abolishing banks
Yes, and nationalize the banks with the goal of breaking up banks.
I'm 14, I don't understand this.
There is no issue, so long as we adopt a flat tax.
No, as long as they're taxed accordingly.
No, but tax bonuses at a higher rate than salaries
More equitable remuneration for all employees not just the CEO
Bankers shouldn’t get bonuses
Yes, and nationalize the banks with the goal of phasing banks out.
They should be capped. Percentage wise of pay is arbitrary. Is there value to shareholders, person affiliation. We need to stop corruption.
this question is not relevant to me
Banks are private corporations. Unless they are committing fraud leave them to prosper or fail all on their own. And we should never - NEVER - bail them out when they go broke.
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