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18 Replies

 @9ZMGHLR from Ontario  answered…4 days4D

Feels like an empty statement. What are words without actions, acknowledging you are on indigenous land while harming indigenous people means nothing

 @9ZLYGN7from Newfoundland  answered…5 days5D

Yes, and the land acknowledgements should be written and/or approved by the Indigenous community it is acknowledging.

 @9YMS6L8from Ontario  answered…2wks2W

 @9YK7T9Bfrom Alberta  answered…2wks2W

The government should focus less on symbolic acts of support for Indigenous people and more on materially improving their lives and making sure they can all do basic things like drink clean water and afford food.

 @9XQCRFDConservative  from Pennsylvania  answered…3wks3W

No, it's primarily lip-service that's reductive of the broader history of the land and its people.

 @9XNDVW9Liberalfrom Ontario  answered…3wks3W

Yes, but only if the event is associated with action retributive and restorative action

 @9X3ZQ9Sfrom Ontario  answered…3wks3W

these do nothing and do not help indigenous people it is just so we feel better

 @9W555VDfrom British Columbia  answered…1mo1MO

No because what are they doing to fix the problem. We all know it's stolen land

 @9W2RRYKfrom Alabama  answered…1mo1MO

It doesn’t break my heart if they do, but it’s a fickle, sad display. “We are sorry for what we have done, but we refuse to give it back.”

 @9VZT3KKfrom British Columbia  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but it is virtue signaling if all they do to recognize Indigenous communities is this.

 @9VW59ZNfrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

No, I find instead of bringing people together, it’s creating more hatred.

 @9VF4NS9from Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but only when the event has something to do with indigenous culture.

 @9V869ZLfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

 @9V7ZQ9Sfrom Maine  answered…2mos2MO

 @9TXLQ28from Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

Acknowledgement is condescending. Do something material or stop the acknowledgments.

 @9TQFF9Xfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

Land acknowledgements are a nice idea, but words mean nothing if the government is still going to exploit and harm indigenous people


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