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Homeless shelters are just drug havens at this point.
Not sure, more or less need to build a program to integrate them back into society just giving housing is not enough.
Personally i think it will lead to more problems. The problem isn’t enough shelters. It’s that people with mental health are not taken care of and leads and further resorts to drugs and alcohol.
I think that Homelessness runs deeper than just building shelters and you need to tackle the drug problem to truly help homelessness, but it is still important to create shelters for people.
i believe we must fix a social core, in which homeless people cannot work and must become freelancers. we must allow the homeless to work, and currently the people most easily applicable are ones in shelter, with ability of proper hygiene, and presentability within these shelters.
It will lead to more problems. The problem isn’t enough shelters. It’s that people with mental health are not taken care of and resort to drugs and alcohol.
@9WBQMC5 5mos5MO
I think it will truly help. Though rules should be implemented, such as staying drug free in order to take care of the program.
lead to other challenges. People will think they can get everything for free and have more money to get high.
Shelter is a BASIC HUMAN NEED. Getting people off the street is critical.
I think it will help those get off the street. However, there should be more funding for homeless who have mental health issues.
In my opinion, I think we should be working towards getting them off the street and getting over addictions and getting them to contribute to society then trying to hide them away and just putting them into a shelter.
It could help but it could also lead to a bunch of problems such as more drug deals etc
Everyone needs a place to live. I can’t see government support for homeless individuals as anything less than a basic human right.
I believe that the funding towards homeless is moving in the wrong direction; offering support for “safe injection sites” and publicly funded “safe” drugs just feeds into the growing issue within Canada. Our hub cities are flooded with an opioid crisis; it’s ongoing it has not wavered since 2010. We need to drop the guise of inclusivity and work on ensuring the safety of law abiding tax paying citizens of our country. It’s not safe for a solo woman to walk east Hastings street in vancouver any longer, myself and many other citizens are sick of trading their security in the city they grew up in for the rhetoric that is being crammed down our throats at the moment.
I think that more funding should go toward this issue, however if they do not come back by a certain time/curfew they should relingquish thier spot in the shelter, having to resign up after a 1 week period where they must stay clean off drugs.
It will lead to other challenges, as people will see it as a free way out, instead of trying themselves. Getting a new home and new job.
It will make them dependant on homeless shelters it would be better for them to get jobs and train them.
Homelessness is such a multi factorial issue. Priority needs to be put on homeless individuals that are actively trying to address their homelessness and work hard to improve their lives and community. There are many homeless people who do not want to be in shelters, so forcing them into shelters will take spaces from people really want to be there. Funding, in a way, should be put into shelters, but selection for shelters needs to be addressed.
I think that it could possibly help help homeless people to get back on their feet if they have shelter over their head.
@9W2Y7JKNew Democratic5mos5MO
I think it will help but I think more funds should be put towards rehabilitation centres for the homeless and resources to help them get back into society.
Increasing funding for homeless shelters is essential and can truly help by providing immediate relief to those in need, offering safe spaces, essential services, and a pathway toward stability. Properly funded shelters can offer more than just a bed—they can provide mental health support, job training, and connections to long-term housing solutions. While challenges such as overcrowding or dependency concerns may arise, these can be mitigated with strategic planning and investment in comprehensive support systems. Without increased funding, shelters may struggle to meet basic needs, leaving vulnerable individuals with fewer options for escaping homelessness.
@9W2M2H5New Democratic5mos5MO
We need to focus more on the prevention of homelessness instead of funding shelters.
@9VZ3QBMNew Democratic5mos5MO
It'll help, but a large portion of that money should also be allocated towards helping the homeless get on their feet.
Lead to more challenges. Deal with the housing market
I think it will help and increasing funding for social programs is usually the right way to go. As long as the funding is allocated correctly and the individuals involved are genuinely interested, knowledgeable and passionate about the issues.
Yes, and increasing rehabilitation resources in those shelters.
It will help, but has to be combined with funding for other social services too
No that will cause allot of challenges and problems because homeless people have no food, water, and they litterally do not have good shelter so if the homeless shelter would have less problems on the fee for help that might make things a little bit easier...
It will help but the government must do more to assist with the unhoused population
maybe fund and help the people that are trying to get to a better place in life not the ones who are always on drugs and don’t care about getting better
I think it may help, but also may not and could lead to more troubles regarding drug use
I think we should put Them all on a bus and ship them back to Vancouver
i think they should help the homeless more with pay checks
Done right, in a way that motivates and educates people to improve their living situations, I think it can help.
i dont think it would help because it gives homless people less motivation to work
I do not because some people are homeless out of luck but a lot of people are homeless from bad decsions
No. Funding needs to be directed at the root of the problem, drug addiction and mental health
Yes. Finland has already shown the world that its possible to almost completely eradicate homelessness by housing the homeless. Getting people into homes is what helps them get jobs, form social connections, build community, get access to healthcare and mental health services. It is silly that we thinking providing shelter to the homeless is wrong. As if refuses to provide cancer treatment to people with cancer is wrong.
As long as criminals and drug addicts don’t get ahold of shelters it should be fine
I think it will help, especially if you give the homeless volunteer chances. That would allow them to feel like a part of society again
No, it will lead to many problems because it will cost taxpayers too much.
it will help get them crack heads off my damn streets
It might, but increasing funds means increasing patrols around homeless shelters and funding more people of help. rather then just making them look pretty.
yes it will help but we also need rehabilitation programs beacuse shelters should be a crisis resource
@9VNPZW2 5mos5MO
I believe increasing funding for shelters will hopefully help.
Increasing funding means that more shelters will be able to operate, and said shelters can afford better care as well.
This will assist more homeless people to "Get back on their feet" theoretically.
i think it would help as in Canada we are in a home crisis.
It will help, so long as that funding is also put towards mental health services, addiction treatment, and provide social workers who can help with finding employment and other issues homelessness presents.
Will led to other challenges of course while saving some issues at the time
Building well affordable homeless shelters subsidized for use by homeless or those in the community who need the services is an excellent decision
@9VHLKZC 5mos5MO
Yes I do we need less people on the street and more getting jobs and homes
I believe that funding for the homeless would work if used properly, supplying them with safe spots to get high doesn't give them a job, a meal, etc. Funding for addiction prevention, shelter, and food could lead to an increase in homeless people turning their lives around.
I believe that increasing funding for homeless shelters will truly help.
I think getting people the help they need is what is important, so investing more into rehabilitation programs and getting the drugs off our streets because Canada is literally turning into Zombieland with all these homeless people drugged up in our streets.
yes only for the ones that are trying to stay clean and put there life togetther
we need to increase funding as without many shelters cant properly care
@9TXFQCY 6mos6MO
We need more because unless a person makes great money today they are basically being homeless is less about being a drug addict and more about just not making enough money...
I think we should identity, track and use proven strategies to help the homeless
I believe it wouldnt help very much because there is just way too many homeless people. it wouldnt lead too more challenges but it wouldnt help much.
Depends if its actually for the homeless or if it's for drug addicts who are out there on their own free will.
Yes, but we need to put in place supervisors, a curfew and on-site therapy to regulate violence and crime
Nope, it will only keep them homeless. Influencing and making it easier to be homeless is not the answer.
No. Most of them are drug addicts nontheless, and it would cause problems for people who don't like each other.
I truly think increasing funding for shelters will help clean up the streets, combined with strict laws on illegal drugs. Canada needs to be cleaned up a bit as majority of folks feel unsafe.
It is very difficult it is for people with mental health issues and/ or addiction to get to a place of accepting help because they don’t always realize they need any help at first. we need more help / training and resources for the families of these people who can have a big influence of getting them the help they need and also have more trained workers dealing specifically in this area . how else will these problems get any better? look at our streets! nobody wants to live like that people are sick it all starts with mental health issues and then top that with the cost of living this is a huge problem that has not gotten better with what has been tried so far .We need to get people and their families mental health help earlier or these problems are going to continue to get worse
@9VJL5BX 5mos5MO
Yes, but the funding should be for services at shelters to help people get out of homelessness.
Yes but those funds need to be distributed in a manner that will have a lasting impact on the homeless population
@9VHJRBBNew Democratic5mos5MO
Homeless people should be used for military testing
Increasing funding will help, but what's most important is getting people stable jobs and education so that they can get themselves off the street and live a better life.
It would truly help homeless shelter's be a more clean and healthier environment for the people who live there
Yes, it will help homelessness in our cities and treat them like human beings instead of isolating them in the remote parts of our community. We should foccus on not only feeding them, but also funding their mental recovery (if they have a mental illness) and help them intergrate into society.
Could help in the short term, Deploying those funds for mental health seems like the better option
it could help in some ways but It could also make it worse
I believe it could help with housing homeless people, and getting them on track in life.
it will not do much but maybe reduce violence and deaths on the streets
@9VCK229New Democratic5mos5MO
I think it will help to provide a better quality of service and reduce violent crime on the street due to homeless people's better conditions
Yes increasing the funds for the homeless will help for a better life however they should be certain regulations in place to understand the background of the homeless person prior to increasing funds. The funds that are given to the homeless should be used for the betterment and improved living, instead of the funds being spent on harmful substances that decreases their life style.
I think funding for shelters might lead to other challenges
It will lead to more reliance on homeless shelters which does not incentivize homeless people to get out of poverty and maintain status quo
Im not too sure. Increasing homeless shelter will most likely clear the streets but not the issue of drug addiction.
no I think why will end up over flooding with homeless people
In my opinion, the statistics support the fact that men make up the bulk of the actual homeless. Yet there are fewer and fewer men's shelters out there for them. We should be investing the bulk of our money and efforts where the statistics support the need, and not simply deferring to political pandering.
yes it will help them to get a home and it will help them to find a job
Of course it will help, the only debate is whether it means more somewhere else, such as building more, new, homeless shelters.
In my experience most homeless people don’t even want to use the shelters. They are given every opportunity for social services but don’t use them
Homeless shelter only need to exist because of the governments lack of funding the development of public housing
It could help to get better supplies and help homeless people more.
yes increasing funds and also fewer rules in shelters so it does feel like a jail
@9V8GSR6New Democratic5mos5MO
Challenges will arise in any new project undertaken. This does not mean we just stop trying to make change.
I think it would help. Homeless people do not steal and cause issues for fun. Our society makes it increasingly harder for them to make an honest living and provide for themselves all while trying to sleep on the streets and keep what little belongings they have safe.
I do believe increasing funding for shelters will help. Sometimes all a person needs is the first step to start getting better.
@9V7S89S 5mos5MO
I believe it will truly help in hopes of ending the homeless crisis
I think increased funding for prevention is better.
I believe homeless shelters need stricter rules, the amount of people who live there and threaten everyone in there is actually insane. Theres been people bringing guns and knives into shelters and almost nothing happens except for them getting kicked out.
Increasing the funding would help the homeless live better, and give them a place to help get back on their feet
I do not believe it will help with homelessness, this will only make them more dependent.
i believe it will be a problem because it’s allowing them to not work towards their goals and improve on not being stuck in a shelter.
Increasing it will help people in need, but at the same time people could take advantage of it when they don't need it, but I think increasing the funding to help the shelters will help the homeless people, but the government or higher official should be able to monitor where the funding is spent.
I believe increasing funds for shelters will make a difference. So many people are struggling making ends meet and no matter what someone says it is extremely difficult to survive with just a minimum wage job. There are just too many expenses.
I feel that increasing funding for shelters will help for now, but I feel that number could possibly be lowered over time if mental health resources were more readily available, if housing prices weren't so high, and if more services to combat drug addiction were put in place.
Our economy is such a mess right now, a great number of our population has gone through a lot in recent years, especially with covid. Wages are not keeping up with the price of inflation, and tensions are running high. I feel this is not making things any easier to help our homeless population.
I think increasing the funding would not do much, and that the homeless situation would stay the same
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