Self-hosted digital wallets are personal, user-managed storage solutions for digital currencies like Bitcoin, which provide individuals with control over their funds without relying on third-party institutions. Monitoring refers to the government having the capability to oversee transactions without the ability to directly control or interfere with the funds. Proponents argue that it ensures personal financial freedom and security while allowing the government to monitor for illegal activities such as money laundering and terrorism financing. Opponents argue that even monitoring infringes on privacy rights and that self-hosted wallets should remain completely private and free from government oversight.
No, and ban digital wallets that do not contain backdoor access for government agencies
@B275J7G 2mos2MO
My personal and private option or I'll hide it under our mattress why should government control our accounts there are many other ways and laws to monitor
Government should have control over your money unless it’s in a government agency. If government doesn’t have anything to do with the crypto wallet it shouldn’t be their business. Maybe add some regulations but people money should be theirs and have access to it whenever they need it
Private for low and moderate values, similar regulations on higher valued accounts to prevent money laundering/illegal bribes, etc.
No, the citizens should be allowed to secure money in self-hosted digital wallets thay the government can't monitor nor control.
No, but government shouldn't be allowed to freeze assets unless there is undeniable proof of wrong doing.
yes, but if something illegal is happening in said wallet the government should be able to take control if they can prove that something illegal happened
I believe citizens can have their own digital wallets, but the government shouldn't have any control of the accounts.
Allow digital wallets and the government shouldn’t be allowed too interfere
The government should not be allowed to monitor or control digital wallets
The government should not track my money, it’s mine not yours
Should be allowed to people who want it, but only people who want it.
Digital wallets that the government can control is how we will lose democracy and freedom
Yes and these wallets should be treated as regular bank accounts - the government should get a warrant if they want to monitor an account
The digital wallet should be subject to the similar regulations as an IRL bank account
Yes, but monitoring should occur only after a warrant is received by a judge in the case that there is probable cause to investigate a potential crime.
Yes, and it should be a joint effort from both public and private sector to monitor, not control to protect the interests and safety of citizens while upholding the rule of law.
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