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43 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5mos5MO


 @9SXKSGMNew Democraticfrom British Columbia agreed…2mos2MO

There is no way that the chemicals used to create lab grown meat will have good long term effects for our body. So let’s prioritize putting that money back into farmers and livestock to create healthy, free ranged meat.

 @9MW8Y2BConservativefrom Ontario agreed…5mos5MO

why do we need lab grown meat? we do not require it. Our body needs meat only 1 or 2 times a week. lets not hype these foods rather take good care of animals naturally and to reduce the greedy business. And its demand and supply.

 @9NLPPNXfrom Colorado disagreed…4mos4MO

It may cause food shortages in other sectors of the market if/when there is widespread adoption. It may also increase food prices further due to limited supply of non-meat products to support lab grown meat.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5mos5MO


 @9MW8Y2BConservativefrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

natural food is always best. lets not play with nature. this can be understood through natural catatrophes. that we should not mess with naturein any way.

 @9VRLFFNfrom British Columbia answered…1wk1W

needs more research but should be supported as long as packaging is clear about what the product contains


Why would you eat something that is lab-grown? It just feels depressing when you don't eat actual meat... We should increase the amount of meat people eat, because some people lack the essential nutrients they need. The meat you get from the animal has more nutrients than lab-grown ones because the companies that make them don't tell you what is inside the lab-grown ones.

 @9TP4MHSfrom Alberta answered…1mo1MO

The meat should be aprroved to be safe to eat, people must have a choice of wether or not, and further testing should be conducted even if sold to the public.

 @9TMMVLNNew Democraticfrom Alberta answered…1mo1MO

yes as long as the lab-grown meat follows the same safety qualification tests as traditional livestock farming, there shouldn't be issue with doing so.

 @9T42CXPfrom British Columbia answered…1mo1MO

Yes and no, only ensured safe lab grown meat should be commercialized and other lab grown meat should be studied more to ensure safety of it

 @9RBRS6Mfrom Nova Scotia answered…3mos3MO

The government should stop subsidizing meat and help fund other protein source production like redirecting soy feed from livestock to human food

 @9R4QBMXfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

it depends, I would not eat it but some people might so as long as it is safe I would say within moderation.

 @9QSFSCCfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Yes, but with proper regulation to ensure quality of nutrition is equivalent to naturally harvested meat.

 @9QS4NW8from Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Doesn't really matter, as this is a free country. If you want to commercialize something, you should. The fact that you even have to ask this question is ridiculous.

 @9Q7C6J3from Ontario answered…4mos4MO

I believe that until the health risks and effects have been studied and are well known that the government should not allow the commercialization of lab-grown meat

 @9MRWVG7from Alberta answered…5mos5MO

Yes, to ensure proper tests and ethical procedures are done to ensure the safety of consumers.

 @9MLXWMNfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

Allow commercialization while ensuring enough safety checks have been done through CFIA. Any potential health risks must be made publicly available and the manufacturer's must display such risks on their labels.

 @9RQNPMRfrom Nova Scotia answered…3mos3MO

Only if it will be more affordable and provide all the nutrients found in organic grass fed and have no toxic contents ,processes or byproducts.

 @9RPDQJJfrom British Columbia answered…3mos3MO

Yes, assuming that the products are clearly labelled as such and undergo the same restrictions needing to be met as the standard supply.

 @9RC2QHKNew Democraticfrom Nova Scotia answered…3mos3MO

Yes, but it should be regulated to maintain a standard quality and prevent a monopoly on the industry.

 @9RBYBX6from Nova Scotia answered…3mos3MO

It has been scientifically proven that there are cons to lab-grown meat compared to naturally farmed. I greatly disagree with this.

 @9P8NRFMNew Democratic from Alberta answered…4mos4MO

As long as lab-grown meat follows the same safety qualification tests as traditional livestock farming, there shouldn't be issue with doing so.

 @9NVYVQFfrom Ontario answered…4mos4MO

Yes, provided that there is transparency about the nutrition/health effects

 @9NQ42RXfrom Saskatchewan answered…4mos4MO

yes, as long as it is a safe, healthy and affordable alternative to real meat

 @9NNN7FQfrom British Columbia answered…4mos4MO

They research it more and test it on people willing to eat it and see if their is any issues.

 @9NKWLDMfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

No, let it be tested on further until it has been documented lab-grown meat will not affect the human body

 @9NGVZF8from British Columbia answered…5mos5MO

I guess?? If not in excess it wouldn't take away from farmer jobs too much.

 @9MZ37W7from Nova Scotia answered…5mos5MO

Yes, but it must be stated clearly on the packaged with full transparency

 @9MVG8TWfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

Yes, and the government should fund research into the long term effects

 @9MRY4V3from Alberta answered…5mos5MO

Yes, but it should be regulated to ensure proper studies and tests are done down to ensure ethical practice to ensure consumer saftey

 @9NZN9CHfrom British Columbia answered…4mos4MO

 @9NZJ3SWNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…4mos4MO

Yes, provided there is conclusive, independent research on the long-term health effects of consuming lab-grown meat.


How important is it for lab-grown meat to taste and look exactly like traditional meat for it to be widely accepted?


Considering potential health implications, would you prefer lab-grown meat over traditional if it was proven to be healthier? Why?


In terms of environmental impact, how significant do you believe switching to lab-grown meat could be for our planet?


What do you think are the biggest challenges in getting people to accept and consume lab-grown meat regularly?


How do you think the introduction of lab-grown meat will affect rural communities whose economies are based on traditional livestock farming?


Can you imagine a future where farming animals for food is considered unethical due to the availability of lab-grown meat?


If lab-grown meat becomes cheaper than conventional meat, do you think people should be encouraged or even required to switch? Why or why not?


Do you think the switch to lab-grown meat could alter traditions and cultures centered around food? How?


What concerns might you have about the long-term impact of consuming lab-grown meat compared to traditional meat?


How would you feel about replacing traditional meat with lab-grown versions in your daily meals?


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