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Normally with the new form of social activism it's a let down. It's social. Not productive.
Yes, if it's a good cause and it's a protest for humanity then, I would feel inspired and even go help protest myself. If a protest is for a country like isr#al, then no I wouldn't support it because of what they did in Palestine.
depending on what they are protesting I do feel inspired and show appreciation for the act.
When I see social activism on Canadian streets it brings tears of relief and joy to my eyes as it reminds me that democracy is not dead as long as the people have the courage to stand up and MAKE their voices heard!
It depends on the protest & the message, I guess. Some protests are embarrassing. Some protests are inspiring. I don't respond to all protest the same way.
Yes I do get inspired. I think it’s important to have our voices heard on important issues.
I dont think me personally being out their so i can get gassed over straight activism is such a good idea
I think people should have the right to protest and if it is for a cause I agree with I may choose to as well.
Yes I do, because when I hear about all these issues around the world - I feel like I want to help them and raise my voice for them.
No. The news is not unbiased and they generate more revenue perpetuating negative material. If a cause is worth protesting, i’ll protest. We have bigger issues at home we are ignoring.
I've participated in protests in the past, and generally seeing protests on the news makes me feel positive about the future if it's a position I agree with.
yes, I do feel inspired to act, especially if it is about protests in China, Hong Kong, or Macao
I admire the people who protest in the streets for how much they believe that the issue they represent needs to be changed. However, if everyone wants their issue solved by the government right now how will we decide what is most important?
no i feel less and less allinged with theire movement
I do not feel inspired. Public disturbances the lot of them
It depends heavily on the goals of the protesters, the actions of said protestors, and my level of understanding on the issue.
I’m content with my lack of involvement with direct politics, however seeing people acting and fighting for a cause does encourage me to involve myself more with my ideals.
Protests are important to see the opinion of others, in some cases it can be a very small group with a loud voice and on other hands you can have big groups who believe in something/change but don't go protesting about it. As long as a protest is peaceful I believe they are important to our democracy.
Normally with the new form of social activism it's a let down. It's social. Not productive
I believe that protests are a bit of a grey area. Non-violent protests can be incredibly empowering and important in getting peoples voices heard, I believe that if protests are for the right reason they are inspirational and carry a sense of power and unity along with bringing awareness to certain issues. On the other hand, protests occasionally become more of a "trend". This is demeaning and you should never join a protest for any other reason than supporting and believing in the message it is sending. Many people join protests with distorted views on the truths and solely take their information from unreliable sources without attempting to educate themselves. This ruins the point of protests. Nothing you see on social media or even the news is unbiased.
I am inspired to take serious action against any form of discrimination and of course it is important to minimize illegals migrants in our country. However, immigration itself should be handled with respect and at the same time accountability in both the federal and provincial level, especially the borders in our country. Furthermore, I feel that gaining more knowledge and being able to learn from previous mistakes that the government has done will allow me to take action of creating a system that balances fairness and justice in the Canadian government. This for me would strengthen our economy, health care system, charter of rights and freedoms are going to be respected for everyone and following the laws in this country by having to take action in both a holistically and sensible way.
It depends; many of the protests are illegal prima facie, but due to the side they represent, the government and law enforcement are afraid to enforce the laws of the land.
If it matters to people, we should help out with whatever we can as long as it is not keeping someone else from their rights
It inspires me that people can think and act for themselves instead of following a corporate belief.
It depends. Peaceful protests do inspire me, but when I see the ones that get very out of hand, it’s upsetting that we can’t find a way to express our opinions in a more calm way
I do feel inspired to act if the issue is very bad and needs a protest.
I don't really like to involve myself in protests because I think they can get out of hand and are too chaotic.
@9QSH3TL 8mos8MO
depends what's it about, like "stop the genocide" i would, but if it were truckers strike, hell no.
Yes it inspires me to act and stand up for the side I'm sided with
No, I have a lot to do in my life, I really don't have the time to be an activist, I wish I did.
I'm usually not inspired to act depending on the topic that is protested.
@9QQ8S8LNew Democratic8mos8MO
I mostly feel guilty that I wasn't a part of it. But also I'm young, and my parents probably wouldn't let me go, and I also have no idea how to start getting involved in my area.
@9QFM9P7 8mos8MO
I felt inspired during the trucker protest. And that’s coming from somebody who has voted liberal until then. I can certainly say that that will never happen again as long as Trudeau is in power.
I don't feel inspired to act, but I am happy someone is passionate enough to do so. I may bring up their cause/protest in conversation with my loved ones.
Some are valid causes, and some are outright ridiculous.
It depends on what the protests are targeting but if it doesnt affect us then we shouldn't be getting involved.
I wouldn’t feel like taking action for it because such a thing doesn’t happen around me, and I find it unrelated to me.
No, unless for a very good reason, I feel that things will play out properly.
I am inspired, I engage in more discussions with friends about it
@LeftAnglicanNew Democratic 8mos8MO
It really depends on the protests but I do typically feel inspired to act when I see them.
I do not feel inspired to act and this looks to me like people who are trying to fight for what they believe in
@9P8NRFMNew Democratic 8mos8MO
It honestly depends on the details of the protest itself: "What is the protest about?" , "Is the protest done out of personal integrity and of their own will?" , "Was the protest organised by force, out of fear of a larger corporation/government, or due to widespread misinformation?"
i think that some protests are good but there are a few that get out of hand but also understand why they do because there is a lot of emotion behind it
Absolutely. Acting on social issues can look different for everyone.
my reaction would likley depend on the topic of protest, and the actions of the protesting group, if i agree with their point and they arent ruining cities, or causing risk and destruction, then ill be fine wth it
I do not feel inspired and just want to see their opinions
I do not find it inspiring to act, even though I care about the topic.
I think if someone is really hurt for them to protest I think they should make a change to make their people happier.
In my opinion, when I hear about protests on the news, I feel inspired to try and help out the protests that actually involve me and to help support it
i don't really have political view most of the protest don't inspire me
Depends on what they’re protesting about half the people that protest are stupid these days. Have the protests that are organized aren’t even really that well organized anymore it’s just a bunch of nonsense most of them not all of them. Some of them are very well stood.
I do feel inspired to act, but being a small town in the middle of no where, you don't there is much you can do.
No. Lately protest has gone from the valuable tool it used to be to a form of whining. It is pathetic
Yes especially against things like the Covid-19 protest that was across Canada I was more then willing to support it because things like that is what causes the government to crash and then we realize that Covid was just a way for the government to lower the population.
For example the whole Palestine war. I see protesters in Halifax all the time. I feel sorry for them. Their homes and country is being blown up and there is not much they can do about it. It makes me want to do something about it and want to put an end to it all. I couldn't imagine being in their position, Forced to leave the country if they value their life and of their family, And that happening to Canada. I would feel torn, And i'm sure all those people do too.
It depends on the protest. If it is in favour of the Canadian people, I feel so terribly enflamed to support it.
I do not always feel inclined to act do to the reason often these protests do not result in peace, they often result in violence and destruction of public property, furthermore often times not any research is being done prior to the protest, often individuals jump on a "bandwagon" of sorts as human beings often seek enjoyment from being collectively opposed at something even if the cause may be unjust or corrupt.
Yes i feel inspired to act as a Social Activism rather than protesting for those.
only if the activism does not interfere with others rights to carry on their and basic needs
I do not feel inspired, but I respect what they do to have their wanted rights.
I don't like it because I find it as a dangerous way of trying to change things.
I feel hopelessness because our government doesnt really seem to be listening to what the people want. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
@9LM3CLJNew Democratic10mos10MO
I feel inspired to act by protesting or otherwise making my voice heard
@9LLTNGFNew Democratic10mos10MO
I don't feel inspired to act about it because most of the time it doesnt bother me
Think that it all depends on what the protestisfor, however I dislike them overall us find that those uno participateinthese things are not well adverse in the topic and want to make aloud noise without doing enough research onthe overall issue. Ican appreciate people and passionate but trey often lead to rage
And negativity
Depends on what it is. I support the truckers, but I believe the free palestiners should be charged with supporting genocide.
Of course, if there is anything I can do to help, I choose to.
When I agree with their beliefs, I feel proud that my fellow citizens felt strong enough to fight for what they believe is right, But when I disagree with them I simply believe their moronic and should be made fun of, laugh at the reprocussions they face for speaking out.
When I hear about protests in the news, I would feel inspired to act if I supported what the people were protesting about. If it was something I disagree with, I would find a way to support those against it but, if I supported it, I would go and protest with them.
I feel like it is good to see the spirit of free speech alive as long as protests are non violent
If it's for a cause that will affect my future in a good way then yes I'd feel inspired to act.
I never feel inspired to act in protests although some topics may make me feel mad, confused or glad about why people are protesting it, I would not do anything about it besides feel how I feel.
Me personally I don't protest but I encouraged everyone to protest.
I do not really feel inspired to act, I am not a social activist myself. What I wish for is peace on Earth. I do not really pay attention to political conflicts. Overall, I am just neutral.
it depends entirely on the actions and cause behind the protests
It doesn't make me want to act and more often than not makes me think people are overreacting to many issues.
It depends on what we are protesting about and if I am inspired maybe I will talk about with my friends. I don’t know
I don’t care really, they can protest if they want to protest. I don’t join protests
I don't agree with the BLM movement nor the Trans-rights ideology. I don't see how defunding the police nor promoting pro-choice ideas would help anyone. It may be attractive to the younger generation unfortunately.
I don't pay attention to the news, I'll do what I think is right but I will not make a scene out of it and over-dramatize it.
I do, but ultimately, there is not enough people and they would just make fun of me.
With certain subjects i feel inspired to act but others no so much.
No it doesn’t make me want to act and depending what its about inask myself why do people feel okay looking stupid or I think good job
I do feel inspired to act and I often wish I could do something to help promote diversity and such.
I hate all the fighting and how it feels like both side of political parties cannot find a common ground.
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