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9 Replies

 @9GGZYDFfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

same sex mareges should not be stoped and the people the love somone that is the same sex as them have just as right to mary the person that they want to as somone that is maring somone of the same sex. if you think that loving somone and being true to your send is grose and god wouldnt want that then you are the person that god would detest. walking up to somone ans saying that they are grose for being true to themselfs is the same as if somone came up to you and said that you should die because of what you are wereing. it is inhuman and just rude to hate somone just for how they look or how they feel about how thy love.

 @9GJMPRSfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

Not everyone believes in the bible, and why would "god" create gay people if he hates them? People can not help who they fall in love with, so if it happens to be the same sex, it is not harming anyone.

 @9GHM639from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

you have a right to religion, but we have the right of freedom of expression. Church and State are separate and should remain separate.

 @RobinJoshGreenfrom Ontario  commented…1yr1Y

Life, in its infinite diversity, manifests in various forms and shapes. Just like a garden bursting with different flowers, humanity is a beautiful tapestry of unique individuals, each with their own distinct identities, preferences, and ways of expressing love.

Marriage, at its core, is a promise of love, commitment, and mutual respect between two people.

As for the transformation of appearance you mentioned, it's crucial to remember that everyone has the right to express themselves authentically. What might seem inhumane or detestable to one could be a life-affirming expression of selfhood to another.

In the grand scheme of the universe, we are but fleeting sparks of consciousness, inhabiting a tiny planet in the vast cosmic ocean.

 @9GH6T3HPeople’sfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

I am aware that your opinions on same-sex marriage are based on personal and religious views. It's critical to acknowledge the wide range of viewpoints on this subject and the importance of courteous discussion in promoting understanding. This reply gives credit to your point of view while offering a counterargument:

I appreciate your freedom of speech, and it's obvious that your viewpoint is shaped by your own values and religious views. It's true that opinions on same-sex marriage can differ greatly among people, frequently due to concerns about religion and culture.

 @9GJMK5Xfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Who people love should not affect anyone it doesn't involve. People should be able to marry who they want no matter gender or sexuality because it is no one elses business. It does not hurt anyone if a man marries another man because that is his choice and no one elses.

 @9GH2YNHfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Not everyone believes in a set religion, so it is very wrong to use it as grounds to discriminate against a group of people. Gay marriage also does not directly affect these people either.

 @9GHBGDHConservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Religion does not and should not dictate law. Individual faith is an individual matter, not a matter of public policy.

 @9GH2HKDNew Democraticfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

Anyone can marry anyone (of age) no matter what gender it's not against the law and is not hurting anyone and is not affecting your belief's.
I support Gay marriage!


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