The Liberals' inaugural budget contains a $29.4-billion deficit for 2016 which is 10.2% of government spending. Proponents of spending argue that it is a great time for the government is going to borrow money, since interest rates are at 50 year lows. Opponents argue that the spending could get out of control and the debt could easily reach $100 billion a year by 2020.
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Yes cut spending on certain things like salaries of government officials and increase taxes on large corporations
No, they should reduce spending over seas supporting other countries as well as make the wages of government officials reflective of the outcomes they produce. Have a base salary, then bonuses based on how well the economy is running. Earn your wage!
I believe they should make cuts to public spending deemed unnecessary by the people and work more on ensuring the national debt is reduced safely without harming the country's economy and its people.
@B3KFQF66 days6D
It depends on what public spending is being cut. For example, healthcare should not be cut; however, the pensions of government officials could be cut.
Tax the rich higher and do not permit hiding income or diverting income. And stop spending so much if you do not spend you budget roll it over to the next year. Do not force the budgets be spent so they can get the same budget the next year
defund the police so more organizations that are in place to help the community can have a further reach
Reduce the number of government officials and increase taxes for corporations and tax the wealthy more and end tax evasions.
Cut the public spending can have devastating consequences. I would prefer that we review all our expenditures and eliminate the ones that are unnecessary and moving forward when we do spend money ensure that we are paying a fair price for the job instead of constantly overpaying and then going over budget With delays
No. Reduce military spending, increase tax on the wealthy and increase taxes on corporations instead
No, increases taxes on the super rich AND multinational corps, end tax evasion loopholes AND increase funding of the CRA
Increasing tax evasion and increasing taxes on the ultra wealthy and corporations that are making huge profits are very important measures that should be taken.
In general, no. But it depends what the cuts are towards... If it's something unecessary, then sure.
Increase taxes and eliminate tax loopholes on extreme wealth, both for private individuals and corporations.
Focus on infrastructure and no LGBTQ communities
This question is too complicated for a simple yes/no answer.
Government officials should make less money. Politics should be for the greater good of society not because you're greedy and want lots of money. We should also reduce military spending.
Yes we should cut government spending to lower inflation and leave more money in people's pockets
No, invest in income-generating ventures to increase government funds and reduce the deficit
No, reduce ending tax evasion. Increases taxes on the wealthy and multinational corporations.
yes. the government should stop spending Canadian's tax dollars on unnecessary things like snap elections
@8VQGW5MNew Democratic3yrs3Y
No, focus on tax evasion, taxing the top of the wealthy and ending the multinational corporation loopholes.
@8V3MGG9New Democratic4yrs4Y
No, increase taxes on large multilational corporations and the wealthy, as well as reduce military spending and end tax evasion.
No, increase taxes on ultra rich and large corporations instead.
yes but not drastically otherwise we will lose a lot of social programs which are still important to our country
@B2VP3KDNew Democratic1mo1MO
No, reduce tax evasion, higher taxes on the wealthy, reduce benefits and salaries on government officials.
The gov needs to find and cut loopholes, corporate welfare, make sure the resource extraction of our resources is fed back into our coffers not the companies doing the extraction. Oil gas minerals lumber, water, it all belongs to us as the common good and that money needs to be fed back into our country.
stop blowing money on pointless military stuff thats never used, make public government announcments to the country of price decreas and increase so all are aware of their spendings
No, focus on tax evasion while increasing taxes on wealthy who are proven to evade. Also focus on spending and what's being wasted
The government should have their nations interest first rather than investing in international relations. Ex. Canada sent over 5 billion dollars to the Philippines rather than focusing on the housing crisis (in my opinion).
Does it matter when all of tax payers dollars are earmarked for newcomers or beneficiaries of corporate stocks?
Yes, but by drastically reducing the size of government, benefits and salaries of government officials, as well as Social programs.
I think we should slightly decrease the amount of funding we are providing to groups such as the CBC and defund programs and departments which don’t serve and don’t do anything
No, Reduce military spending, increase taxes on wealthy (making over twice the living wage), increase taxes on multinational corporations
Just budget more. Instead of spending on the militia, police and other similar services, spent on schooling, healthcare, and tourism. There should be very minimum spending in the immigration sector.
Politicians should have their salaries and benefits dramatically cut. Down to no more than $80k a year until our economy is providing for all citizens.
Drastically lower wages and benefits of government officials and increase taxes on corporations but don't cut Public spending
We need to very carefully look at what we’re spending money on, especially in terms of what amounts to entertainment. Cultural parades are great, but taxes shouldn’t be funding them.
Yes, increase taxes on foreign entities, reduce military spending and police spending, abolish useless government agencies and form several agencies into 1 to save money, restructure our administration system and cut the benefits and salaries of government officials.
I think that the spending has reached a point that it is out of control here in Canada. However, I don't like the idea of necessarily drastically cutting public spending thereby damaging the quality of life for those who need government funded programs and resources. I think there is more of a middle ground based on the question being asked. The national debt is way too high but I wouldn't want to cut costs to necessary programs and things the government spend $ on.
Some argue that targeted cuts to public spending could help reduce the national debt without significantly harming essential services, while others believe that maintaining or increasing public spending is necessary to support economic growth and social welfare.
No, increase tax on wealthy, focus on tax evasion, reduce government officials and reduce their salaries, increase tax on multinational corporations
@9W28H5TNew Democratic5mos5MO
Reduce salary and benefits for high ranking government officials. Increase taxes on large corporations
This question needs to be defined better. The government needs to stop wasting taxpayer dollars on handouts etc.
yes, you need to cut public spending to a level where we are not continually running a deficit. If the government doesn't control spending, the debt will become unmanageable. the only people that win are the banks because the government has to pay interest payment before anything else.
They should make cuts to public spending deemed unnecessary by the people and work more on ensuring the national debt is reduced safely without harming the country's economy and its people.
The government should conduct and analysis, and where ever there is funding that isn't being used they should lower funding by that percentile or amount, and when there's a need for more funding, they'll re-increase funding until it isn't needed again.
They should reduce spending on refugees. Not all refugees are poor, and their financial situation should be regularly assessed. Subsidies should be provided based on their level of wealth.
Reduce pork barrel, increase finance to military lower taxes to businesses. And a fair tax to all . Reduce federal and provincial departments. Reduce and provincial employees wages to what the public wages are in that category. Reduce federal and provincial pensions. What a reasonable person would get in the private sector.
No, but they should look at reducing the number of useless jobs or at least putting Those people to work in more efficient jobs.
No, we should reserve foreign aid spending to budget surplus once all other expenses have been accounted for.
No, but focus on ending inefficiencies due to bureaucracy and prioritize domestic policy instead of foreign aid/initiatives
Yes. A serious assessment of necessary programs vs. those intended to address the minor slight of the day is truly needed.
@9RBVNJ8New Democratic8mos8MO
No. There are better ways to reduce the debt. Higher taxes for high income individuals, corporate taxes, curbing tax evasion.
End tax evasion. Reduce number of government officials. Lower foreign aid for uncooperative and hostile countries not aligned with our views. Lower federal spending on responsibilities that are primarily provincial. Strong arm provinces to fund their responsibilities seriously and efficiently. Cut all funding for special interest groups. KILL THE FEDERAL GUN BUY BACK PROGRAM.
No, focus on ending tax evasion instead and drastically reducing the benefits and salaries of government officials
Try to end or reduce tax evasion, business exploitation, and make sure large corporations or political parties don’t try to exploit and take advantage of any loopholes.
No, but increase the ultra-rich tax, reduce the unneeded government employees, reduce the pay for government officials, and stop things like giving unnecessary money away.
Yes, decrease the funds we give to special needs workers and peoples. They are less capable than people who are not special needs, making there be no need for the funding we give them.
this morning i woke up today in this morning and the morning that i woke up, i woke up and remember that every morning that i wake up, i woke up that morning
Reduce the benefits and salaries of government officials, and reduce the number of government officials instead
@9LM3CLJNew Democratic11mos11MO
No, end tax evasion and excess spending through the military and other government industries instead
Yes, drastic cuts or complete elimination to all areas of government that are not involved with national and border defense. Eliminate the RCMP and allow provinces to construct provincial police and local police with elected sheriffs or police chiefs.
Yes, but focus on cutting from superfluous initiatives and protect essential services (i.e. healthcare).
Yes, increase taxes for a short time and reduce government expenditure, wear ever possible and reduce ministers salaries.
No, but focus more on specific issues within communities that will actually benefit the greater population.
Yes, by reducing spending on military spending, increasing taxes on people and corporations and focusing on tax evasion
All waste should be cut. A portion of annual budget should be spent on projects and investments that bring return on investment to reduce the burden of tax payers, pay off our debt without sacrificing important services and programs.
Make tax dollars used more effectively because a lot of money is wasted in lawsuits due to negligence
yes, and reduce benefits and salaries of government officials as well as eliminate all unnecessary spending on government and selected corporations
The first focus should be to minimize inefficiencies, root out programs not focused critical issues, and manage administrative cost better. Cuts in programs tend to increase issues and cost more in the long run. Taxes may need increasing to provide the most important programs, but efficiency is key
Yes, but start with government spending on MPs, and other Government Services first. Make MPs make the same as Average Canadian Income.
should be cuts based on priority, cuts should be made for building "art sculptures" etc.. but used wrong could negatively effect the economy
Reduce government salaries and government spending on unnecessary things, reduce number of government officials and agencies
Yes. Eliminate all federal welfare programs of all kinds. Eliminate every ministry that interferes with Provincial juridiction, eliminate every provincial ministry that interferes with municipal jurisdiction, etc. .
HIGHER UP Government employees like the PM WHO Nearly makes $4000 and a house to live in. This is absolutely insane. We need less government and federal government should keep out of provincial matters.
Yes, I believe they should make cuts to public spending deemed unnecessary by the people and work more on ensuring the national debt is reduced safely without harming the country's economy and it's people.
No, instead increase taxes on items / behaviours that do not align with federal policies and national social values.
Rather than cutting public spending why not allocate the funding in a way that benefits the population, such as reducing the military spending to 2% of the GDP and allocate to education and healthcare. Also raise taxes on the wealthy and the corporations.
Reform the system to create and motivate an increase in the economy through donations from the rich to offset increasing costs to support a long-term debt reduction strategy.
Yes but by drastically removing salaries and benefits of the ceos and corporate sector of public services. The ones in the office, whove never actually worked the field.
Run government like a business instead of having very highly paid people doing very little (and often with little competence). I used to work for BC government. what I saw was offensive to me as a taxpayer.
Yes, and the only reason people would say no is because the reality is no one is willing to vote for someone who wants to make our lives hell for a few generations just so that we can see and brighter future and this is what would happen but people just want what’s best for them now.
Yes, they should make drastic cuts by increasing efficiency by both cutting government official’s hours and finding ways to create more work for them instead of sitting around as much.
No, reduce military spending, police budgets, increase taxes on the rich & large multinational corporations instead
Yes, but only cut wasteful spending not essential services
No, I think they should come up in another way.
No, increase taxes on not only the large multinationals corporations, but the wealthy as well.
idc nobody cares about national "debt" it aint real cuh
No, they can take cuts in their pay checks.
many factors should be considered some areas needs more and some need less. yes cuts should be made, but corporations should also face larger taxs
No, focus on ending tax evasion, increase taxes on all corporations and wealthy.
No, But focus on ending tax evasion AND focus more on taxing the rich.
spend on improving our own country
Yes but only to nonessential services
Yes but only on nonessential services
Cut programs that make no difference to Canadians, and ensure benefits have severe restrictions for all government officials. Also, end tax evasion and eliminate loopholes.
No, increase taxes on the super rich. and Large scale corporations by removing tax loopholes.
No, instead the state should: reduce military spending, increase taxes on multinational/large corporations, increase taxes on the wealthy, and focus on ending tax evasion.
No, instead Canada should: increase taxes on large multinational corporations, reduce military spending, focus on ending tax evasion, and increase taxes on the wealthy.
No. Introduce corporation laws around the need to provide a minimum living wage to all employees while capping CEO annual salaries to a ? proportion of their employee base annual wages/salaries with the legislative goal of decreasing the gap between the extreme rich and poor and recreating the middle class. Tax base would increase = $ to reduce the national debt.
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