You believe in promoting the interests, culture, and unity of your country to achieve a strong, prosperous, and self-sufficient nation.
Nationalism is a political ideology that emphasizes the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland. It is a sentiment based on common cultural characteristics that bind a population and often produce a policy of national independence or separatism. Nationalism holds that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference, and is linked to the concept of self-determination.
The roots of nationalism are believed to have emerged in the late 18th century with the development of modern…
Read more@ISIDEWITH1yr1Y
Do you think it's important for a country to prioritize its own citizens' wellbeing over global cooperation, and why?
@9JVVX2BConservative 1yr1Y
I think it's important for a country to prioritize its own citizens' protection and well being over global cooperation because each country's people has its own needs to protect against things like war, hunger, poverty and things of this nature.
Having our own senior citizens struggle on a fixed budget while sending Tens of millions to other countries seems unfair.
@9JVVX2BConservative 1yr1Y
I think its important that a country prioritizes its own citizen's wellbeing over a global cooperation because it needs its own specific needs met such as food, clothes, basic necessities to survive, peace.
@9JVVX2BConservative 1yr1Y
It is important that a country look after its own citizens over a global cooperation because the citizens are the ones that require food, clothing, proper shelter, emergency items with no lights flares could be used for boating emergencies
We constantly hear politicians make a display about how we can't afford to fund economic programs. In what world can you justify denying supporting taxpayers, while simultaneously using their money to fund foreign aid? Completely insane!
Well, considering the current global issue, the invasion and genocide of the Palestinian peoples by the Israeli settlers, countries should be focusing more on supporting the side thats being slaughtered INCLUDING their own citizens, instead of funding the genocide and not doing anything to go against it. and also racism
There needs to be a balance. Nationalism is a dangerously slippery slope, but we should definitely try as hard as we can to do right by our own citizens without dipping into nationalist territory.
Take care of your own nation's people first. Once the wellbeing of Canadians is achieved, then we can look to aid others. Prioritize Canadians.
How has the celebration of a national event or holiday changed for you over the years, and what does that say about your connection to your country?
I'm not sure other than I beilive places that celebrate Christmas ect should be allowed. same goes for honika and other things. everyone should be allowed to celebrate what they beilive.
Can you describe a moment when you felt particularly proud of a cultural aspect or tradition unique to your country?
@9JS52XF 1yr1Y
I respect and love the culture of the Indigenous peoples of Canada. I enjoy learning about the things they believe as it is highly engrossing. The culture the foreigners bring to Canada is something incredible as they bring parts of their home to a place lacking in any important culture.
Would you ever consider renouncing your national identity for any reason, and why or why not?
Nope, maybe if my life depended on it. Because being Canadian is a big part of my personal identity, and I don’t want to lose that.
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