Try the political quiz

209 Replies


Do you think it's fair for individuals with more talent or who work harder to earn more, or should everyone earn the same?

 @9HCM99RPeople’sfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, those with more talent and/or who work harder should always earn more than the average person. Otherwise, where is the incentive to go above and beyond?

 @9HBTZ54Conservativefrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Whoever works harder and puts more effort in, while showing effective results, should be payed more.

 @9HBSH3Lfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

If they work harder and have more talent they should get paid more if they were getting paid the same it would be like giving a random beer league player the same amount as a nhl player

 @9HBL7K3from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y


Would you prefer to live in a community where wealth differences are visible or where they're hidden?

 @9KMDGPJ answered…12mos12MO

There will always be rich and poor people and none would feel comfortable living amongst the other. The rich have earned their right to live at a higher standard and the poor could work toward a better future with help with education, retraining and a guaranteed income.

 @9KMCKBK from British Columbia  answered…12mos12MO

I would prefer that they are hidden or just not super noticeable, I don’t think it would effect me as much and I think that it is the peoples individual business to know their wealth.


How would society's perception of 'valuable skills' change if all professions had equal incomes?

 @9L4VS6Sfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Yes, if they all are getting equal pay and respect, then society will start treating all the professions equally with same honour and dignity.


If you could only pass one piece of financial advice to a younger sibling, what would it be?

 @9KLW5CWfrom Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

Do your best and protest the corporations that get away with egregious amounts of pollution and then scold us for using straws.


Would you favor equal pay for all athletes regardless of the sport or their performance?

 @9J4RQXPConservativefrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

I think that sounds fair, I don't really know much about the subject though.


What kind of world would we live in if all jobs were valued equally?

 @9HXBM3Qfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Not all jobs should be "valued equally" in a moral sense but in a financial sense. The value of a job should never dictate whether or not someone can live healthily and comfortably, let alone live at all


If you had to choose, would giving up some of your own wealth to help others be an easy decision for you?

 @9HDLDGDfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y


Imagine if everyone started with the same income at age 18; what do you think society would look like?

 @9HK5XBXfrom British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

If everyone started with the same income at 18, everyone would have a more equal shot at financial stability. Except, there also exist other factors such as environmental, lifestyle, and behavioural aspects that determine whether that income is enough for individuals.


Can you think of a scenario where economic inequality might have a positive side?


How might volunteer work impact economic disparities in your community?


In your opinion, how could equal access to technology change society?


How can we balance pursuing personal dreams and supporting a society focused on economic equality?


How do financial concerns affect your choices regarding further education or career paths?


If given the chance, would you volunteer for a cause that supports economic justice?


Can you identify small, everyday actions that contribute to greater economic disparities?


What role should financial literacy play in striving for economic equality?


If everyone received a basic income, how do you think that would affect community engagement and participation?


In a truly economically egalitarian society, how do you imagine people would define success?


How would you feel if access to luxury goods was based on luck rather than wealth?


If you could distribute wealth in your community, which group would you prioritize and why?


What is one dream of yours that would be directly affected by a shift towards economic egalitarianism?


Which area in your life – education, health, or leisure – would benefit the most from greater economic equality?


Do you believe that your generation values economic equality more than previous ones?


How might your life change if everyone in your community had the same financial starting point?


What role should individual responsibility play in an economically egalitarian society?


How would you propose we balance the desire for individual success with the need to support those who are less fortunate?


How would you describe a fair distribution of wealth in your own words?


If you could create a tax system from scratch, what's the first rule you'd implement, and why?


In a world with perfect economic equality, what would be some potential challenges?


How might your life be different if your opportunities were not influenced by your economic background?


How do you think the availability of universal basic income would impact your community or society at large?


Discuss a time when you noticed the effects of economic disparity in your community – what was your reaction?


Would the prospect of everyone being equally wealthy excite or worry you, and why?


If every basic need was granted by society, how would you choose to spend your time and resources?


How do you think the concept of 'hard work' would evolve if everyone had an equal economic start?


In what ways does economic inequality influence your views on democracy and political participation?


How important is financial success to you, comparing with other forms of achievement?


How does the thought of erasing student debt universally resonate with you?


Would you donate a day's earnings to reduce economic disparity, and if not, what stops you?


How might your daily social interactions change if income were not a factor?


How do you think removing financial barriers could impact innovation and creativity?


What's one example of economic disparity that you've personally witnessed, and how did it impact you?


How differently do you think you would plan your future if you knew wealth was guaranteed?


How might your hobbies or interests change if they didn't have financial barriers or rewards?


What's one action you would take today if your financial future was secured by society?


How can a young person contribute to reducing the wealth gap in their everyday actions?


How might your goals for higher education shift in a society that guarantees financial security?


Would you be willing to sacrifice some personal freedom for guaranteed economic equality?


If everyone's job paid the same, which profession would you choose and why?


How might the concept of charity change in a world where wealth is evenly distributed?


If success wasn't tied to income, what other metrics would we use to define it?


Do you believe economic equality would make it easier or harder to pursue innovation and why?


What personal sacrifices do you think are reasonable to ask of individuals in the pursuit of economic equality?


Should a person's health and access to healthcare be dependent on their economic status?


Do you think wealth inequality affects people's health and wellbeing, and if so, how?


What trade-offs are you personally willing to accept to live in a society with narrow wealth gaps?


How might your aspirations change in a society where money does not dictate one's potential?


What sacrifices, if any, would you make for your community to advance towards economic equalization?


How would friendships and relationships change if everyone had the same financial status?


If you had to argue for economic inequality, what points would you raise?


How does the idea of economic equality fit with the notion of the 'American Dream'?


What are your thoughts on the balance between encouraging hard work and ensuring financial equity?


If higher education was free for everyone, how do you think that would change the way society values different professions?


Is it realistic to have economic equality in a capitalist society, and why or why not?


What role do you think education plays in achieving economic equality?


What do you believe motivates people more: the opportunity to become very wealthy or the security of having enough?


What would the classroom look like if school resources were allocated in the same way wealth is distributed in society?


What efforts can individuals take to contribute to a more economically egalitarian society?


How does the media portrayal of wealth and success shape our views on economic equality?


If you had the power, how would you tackle the issue of homelessness from an economic egalitarian perspective?


How does your daily life reflect principles of economic equality?


What kind of support do you think is most effective in helping individuals achieve financial stability?