Try the political quiz

236 Replies


What role do you think religion should play in education, and why?

 @9KDMSH3from Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

It should be taught in all schools as a cultural awareness topic. Teach ABOUT all forms of religion but do not push religion or religious practices onto students.

 @9KLYMQNfrom Ontario  agreed…10mos10MO

I don't think it should be a huge discussion topic, but as someone who doesn't really follow religion, I feel like people should learn a bit about it at some point.

 @9KDLKJJfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Education should incorporate good Christian values. It instills morals at a young age and teaches what is right and wrong. Canada was founded on Christianity and children should know that.

 @9KLW5CWfrom Alberta  disagreed…10mos10MO

Canada was founded on blood and tricky ethical grounds. It is not our right to establish one religion over any others, only communal ethics.

 @9ZHBQHXfrom Manitoba  disagreed…2mos2MO

It was the Catholic Church who created residential schools -- VERY moral amirite? /s


no role of religion should play any part in education unless it is mandatory by parents in „private schools“ or chosen courses in the Highschool programs.

 @9KQWRNRfrom Ontario  commented…10mos10MO

 @9KCF6ZPfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I don't think religion should play any role in education. Children are there to learn and if religion was a thing at schools it may be pushed on them in a bad way. They can talk about it at home with family members, but I think school should just be for learning.

 @9KGJ25HLibertarianfrom Ontario  disagreed…11mos11MO

Religion is apart of our culture and history, it’s good to learn about and understand how it played a role in many different societies. It’s important to learn the pros and cons it has brought to people. I went to a catholic school my whole life. I’m not catholic, they would make you participate but never felt like I had to join or anything. It was a better education system than the public one that’s for sure.


In what ways do you believe that a younger generation can reinterpret religious traditions to address contemporary issues?

 @9JKTX64from Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

I believe that religion should grow and adapt to conform to the times they are in and still stay true to the original values and beliefs.


Have you witnessed a scenario where religious dialogue opened up perspectives or resolved conflicts?

 @9JKTYZJfrom Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

Yes, in many circumstance I believe that this will only help the circumstances. They believe that they should pray for your enemies, why would we not want to hear from them


What does it mean to you to have a personal relationship with a faith community, and how does it shape your identity?

 @9JKTF72from Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

To have connections with the church making sure what one’s says are representative of the bibles and their beliefs.


How do you think Evangelicalism should address its own internal diversity in beliefs and political views?

 @9HDNW7DNew Democraticfrom Delaware  answered…1yr1Y

Politics should not be in the Evangelism arena the same as religion should not be incuded in the Political arena.


If you had to explain the core message of your faith to someone with no previous knowledge, how would you approach it?

 @9JNSYVKPeople’sfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

i would approach as showing how loving and caring jesus is and how he is the way to a good life.


How has witnessing acts of kindness or service within your community influenced your perception of faith's role in society?


How do you think a belief in salvation through faith rather than works influences the way people view others' actions?


What impact do you believe environmental stewardship should have on one's religious practice?


How do you think religious communities should address issues of poverty and inequality?


Have you ever experienced or observed a change in someone's core beliefs, and what do you think prompted it?


Have you ever felt a personal sense of mission, and how did you choose to act upon it?


What strengths do you think a diverse religious community can bring to social issues?


How can someone reconcile personal religious convictions with respect for others' beliefs?


In what way has religion been a source of comfort or challenge in your life?


How does one's personal interpretation of scripture influence their world view and actions?


How does one navigate the complexities of religious identity in a pluralistic society?


Have you experienced or observed instances where religious beliefs have led to positive social change?


How do you think society benefits from or is challenged by the coexistence of different faiths?


When has a moment of personal challenge pushed you to seek strength in your beliefs or question them?


How has a community service or volunteer event you've participated in reflected your personal or religious values?


Can you describe a time when your faith gave you hope in a seemingly hopeless situation?


How do you reconcile the tension between personal spiritual convictions and the desire for a unified, tolerant society?


How do you balance respect for traditional beliefs with the need for progress and change in a fast-evolving society?


Is it possible to fully embrace modern science and technology while adhering strictly to Evangelical beliefs?


In what ways do you think the tradition of Evangelicalism contributes to or conflicts with contemporary social values?


How might actively engaging in discussions about faith influence your personal beliefs and values?


Have you ever felt a tension between scientific understanding and religious beliefs, and how did you reconcile it?


How have your interactions with individuals from different faiths influenced your understanding of your own faith?


How can a person's unique life experiences shape their approach to sharing and practicing their faith?


How have you personally felt the impact of faith-based initiatives in your community or witnessed its influence?


When have you been most aware of the role your beliefs play in the decisions you make and the actions you take?


What's a personal story of a time when your faith provided guidance in making a difficult ethical choice?


What does being part of a faith community offer to you that other social groups do not?


How do you balance being true to your beliefs while engaging with popular media and cultural trends?


How do you perceive the changing role of faith in addressing current environmental concerns?


What personal qualities or values do you attribute to your spiritual education or upbringing?


How does the concept of 'forgiveness' play out in your personal life, and do faith teachings influence it?


What does 'living by faith' mean to you in a practical sense, and how is it reflected in everyday life?


How might a commitment to religious teachings impact your views on environmental responsibility?


How has your faith impacted your perspective on social issues such as poverty, healthcare, and education?


In what way does your faith shape your perspectives on leadership and authority, either in religious or secular contexts?


What is the role of youth in shaping the future of religious movements such as Evangelicalism?


How has your interaction with different social issues been shaped by your spiritual or moral values?


In what ways have you seen communities transformed by acts of faith, and what do you take from those observations?


How do you handle conversations with peers that challenge your core beliefs, and what do you take away from these discussions?


Can you think of an instance where ethical guidance from a faith tradition helped you make a tough decision?


How do shared religious values contribute to building strong communities, and can you give an example?


How does your family background influence your views on religion, and has it caused any internal conflicts?


How does participating in religious traditions during holidays and celebrations affect your sense of community and belonging?


How have you seen faith motivate individuals or groups to initiate change in social or environmental causes?