Genetically modified foods (or GM foods) are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. Canada is the third largest producer of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the world. It is one of the largest producers of GM canola oil and other GM crops include maize, soybean, and beet. In Canada, GMOs used either as food or animal feed must be approved before entering the market. The approval process is based on numerous regulations that are enforced by Health Canada for foods, the Canadian Food…
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No, ban all GMOs, and Genetic Engineering nationwide. No exceptions, GMOs cause cancer and other maladies.
GMOs do not cause cancer. Please educate yourself, preferably not on Facebook as you likely received this info
No, ban GMOs. They cause cancer.
You are literally a moron. They do not cause cancer. Please educate yourself
Yes, but require labelling of the foods that are genetically modified, and producers should not be able to patent seeds.
Yes, provided that said genetically engineered crops do not pose an ecological threat to the surrounding ecosystem
Yes, but it should benefit the nation and serve to meet the needs not being met in many lower-income areas.
Yes. it is up to the public to educate themselves on what GMO is, and what foods they are in, then chose if they want to consume them.
No, more laws should be implemented to protect farmers from being entrapped in small print contracts prohibiting exit from GMO seed suppliers
Yes, but I also think it is important to protect non-gmo crops and food so they do not become extinct due to genetic engineering.
require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified and HEAVALY AND I MEAN HEAVALY REGULATED
Yes, but only if there is public record of what has been changed and how it affects humans and the environment.
Ideally yes, but create a board to approve or disapprove projects based on how they might impact different species, and the local environment and natural resources.
@9P8NRFMNew Democratic 9mos9MO
The use of genetically modified seeds/foods are not always a bad thing, many foods have been modified to support growth in different climates and develop resistance against various diseases, viruses, or infections.
This however may not be the case for all types of biologically engineered foods.
yes, in third world countries where there is food shortage and the labeling is changed to genetically modified
I don't support it but (1) all GMO and irradiated foods should be labeled as such and (2) patented seeds only retain protection on the farm that uses them. If the wind blows pollen from a GMO crop to an adjacent site and causes that crop to become hybridized, that crop belongs to the farmer of the contaminated field. In addition, any seed from that crop belongs to the farmer. However, the farmer whose crop is cross pollinated now needs to sell his product as being a GMO product. That farmer may also be entitled to sue the other farmer for damages.
Yes, but producers should not be able to patent seeds, and care should be taken that genetically modified crops do not choke out native flora and become invasive species.
Somewhat. Sometimes it is needed. But also genetically modified food has to be labeled that it is genetically modified. And no producer should be allowed to parent any seed for any reason.
No, this practise should be banned
No, and also we should ban G.M.O.'s
It allows for faster growth and therefore cheaper and more abundant foods. Seeds shouldn't be allowed to be patented and GMO foods should be labelled so buyers are informed.
Yes, but require the labeling of foods that are gm and producers should not be able to patent seeds, prioritize organic non GMOs foods
I prefer everything to grow naturally. Rather sad to see products saying organic on them. They should be naturally that.
We should wait until we have more research
Hard one to answer. My take is that there can be great benefit to modified crops to feed the human population but that companies have been given far too much legal leeway and that they have been responsible for great harm in biodiversity.
No there should be strict regulations in place to make sure it is not altering humans or affecting their health
Yes, because a lot of things are genetically modified anyway.
No, GMOs are dangerous, they should be banned.
No, we should try to eliminate engineered crops and foods. We should put more importance on growing food that is natural and good for us with nothing added or changed.
Not well informed enough. Needs more research tbh
Yes, but no patents and require labels.
no, it is a terrible idea and is so unhealthy.
No, ban all Genetic Engineering programmes.
Yes, but develop a program that ensures GE crops and food meet high standards
No, ban genetically engineered crops and foods.
We already have that it doesnt matter
No, Genetically modified organisms cause cancer.
Yes. All crops have been engineered.
Yes, but should be done in a regulated and followed safe and effective guidelines.
Yes, but regulations and advisories should be placed on foods and crops that are modified.
Yes but not for animals.
Should require labelling
Yes, but producers should not be able to patent seeds and Yes, but require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified
It depends on the reason for the modification.
Yes but now patenting and require labeling.
Actually, almost every food that we consume daily has already been genetically engineered to some extent (selective breeding). Also, genetically modifying foods can greatly increase sustainability.
Producers should not be allowed to patent seeds and foods should be labeled
Most of the food we consume has been genetically modified at some point.
In some circumstances maybe
Yes, and make labelling for products that use them illegal.
Yes, but only if the food has been tested for safety of consumption and require labelling of genetically modified foods
No. We are what we eat. I have health issues now because of eating Monsanto crops.
Yes, this is such an important economic and environmental gift!
@8TFVW57New Democratic4yrs4Y
Not until there is further research on the long-time effects on the ecology and human health.
No, ban GMOs they cause Cancer
No, not as long as their development and research can have any profit motive
i support the use of them but would try and stay away from them my self
No, ban GMO food in Canada
Yes, and research should also be publically funded.
Yes, but the producers should be banned from patent seeds, and label products as genetically modified
No, this is dangerous, GMO and GME food causes cancer.
Yes but there should be strict guidelines set and enforced on the types of modifications allowed.
Yes, but only after the crops are labeled as GMO and are tried in the community over a long period of time for monitoring side effect.
no, but I don't want to outlaw others from using them so long as they do not contaminate others private property
yes, I don't like it but this is the only way to feed our country
No, ban genetically engineered crops and foods and encourage people to eat all-organic.
Yes, but producers should not be able to patent seeds, product should be labled and should not cause harm to the existing biosphere.
Only for scientific purposes
Yes, there won't be fresh food and crops forever, humans need to start making it on their own.
No, GMOs are cancer and we should use only all-organic crops and foods, without any artificial engineering.
we should still maintain the original plant and they need to be labelled as genetically modified
Yes, require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified, AND disallow patenting of seeds as plant pollination and progenation can result in
@8HXLL9XNew Democratic4yrs4Y
With restriction on round-up ready and other environmental concerns, and without the patents on seeds
No, ban genetically modified foods and crops, they cause cancer.
Yes but with three requirements: labeling; banning the patenting of seeds; and preservation of strains.
No, genetic engineering should be banned. Monsanto is evil and I go further and say do not allow Canadians to buy GMO products and ban them from the country. GMOs are cancer.
yes, we genetically engineered watermelons so there is more red parts
Yes, but producers should not be able to patent seeds and do require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified
Yes but loss of biodiversity needs to be considered
As long as the crop/food has no impact on our health or will help our health; it should also be labelled
No, ban genetic engineering
Yes, as long as there is appropriate regulation and health research into it as well.
@9BJ887SNew Democratic2yrs2Y
Yes, so long as they can provide proof that there is no chemical contamination or other pollution coming to fruition as a result.
Yes and no ethics are need to do it properly
No, we should criminalize this practise
if they made it healthy and merged them like intelligent people
@97MZ9RPNew Democratic2yrs2Y
Yes, but not for disease and pest resistance
Yes, but disallow the removal of seeds from crops.
No, ban genetic engineering of crops and foods.
Yes, but make all GMO advancements public domain after 2 years. Producers will make their profits regardless.
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