If it's not happening to you or someone you love, then you have no say. It doesn't affect you at all! Your life will go on as normal, so leave these people alone.
It does affect us if hundreds of thousands of white people living in Canada are being casterated at the sae time as immigrants are being pumped into our provinces and Tyrannical Trudeau is discriminating in the favor of minorities and immigrants. It is part of a process to create a One-Party State.
Gender is an entirely made up concept and to pass any law or bill on the basis that there exists 2 binary categories you must fall into with any amount of authority is irresponsible and does not, by any metric, follow the science. Transgender youth are at a far increased risk of suicide than heterosexual youth for the very reason that they are not accepted among anyone in the community, much less accepted by anyone in a position of power. These issues should at the very least by handled by people who actually understand the science behind it, people who know and study gender for a living, not cisgender men who grew up without even the idea of questioning what gender is.
Let people be who they want to be. In a literal sense it isn’t anyone’s business but that individual’s.
Why ban it when it doesn't affect you and it helps so many other people? Many people end up more happy because of Gender Transitioning
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